Chapter 12: Learning Eighth Gates

Just like in the Original Work. Sarutobi refused Might Guy's request to join Anbu. The reason was he lacks the required darkness and he was too good-natured.

However, Might Guy was confused on what darkness is all about, which Sarutobi just ignored and kept saying he will see it when the right time comes.

But he on the other hand was accepted, Might Guy was indignant but happy at the same for his friend.

Even though he didn't manage to join, at the very least, Kakashi will not be lonely anymore and this will certainly keep his depression at bay.

He has been with Kaen from a year now, and he knows that Kaen was a great guy that has certain skill on socialization, although he was confused on how Kaen behave.

Because sometimes he has tendencies to act like an old man and his thoughts are too matured and it certainly didn't match his appearance at all.




-In the usual spot where Kaen practices-

Kaen has been practicing the Eight Gates for about a week now, Might Guy gave him tips and tricks on how to open the gate quickly based on his year's experience.

And it did help because he managed to open up to the 4th gate in just a week.

The Eight Gates were created to control the movement of chakras throughout a person's body. Normally, people can only employ 20% of their body's maximum capability, which is the brain's way of preventing them from hurting their bodies through overexertion. Individuals can learn to remove these limitations through training, which is referred to as "opening" the gates.

Individuals have access to more and more of their body's chakra with each opened gate, boosting their physical power and speed. Ninja with the ability to open the Eight Gates has existed since at least Madara Uchiha's time. But it was not mentioned in history only a few selected people have knowledge about it.

After twenty years of intensive training, Might Duy was able to open all Eight Gates.

Might Guy was taught by his father how to unlock all Eight Gates.

In the Anime, Learning to open any of the Eight Gates appears to be extremely tough, as Kakashi is taken aback when told that Lee, who was only thirteen at the time, can open five of them; Kakashi adds that such an accomplishment is impossible to achieve solely by hard work.

Part of Kakashi's surprise stems from his belief that Guy should not have taught Lee to open the gates in the first place: while opening the gates temporarily gives the user more power than they typically have, this additional strength causes the person considerable harm.

The user will be weary at the very least, making them vulnerable to assault if this happens during combat. Muscles can rip and bones can break in more extreme cases, which can be healed through medical ninjutsu.

Users will perish as a result of opening the eighth and final gate since their bodies are unable to withstand the massive amounts of chakra flowing through them.

Using the Eight Gates is regarded as a two-edged sword, empowering users while jeopardizing their own health and safety; as a result of these concerns, the Eight Gates have been compared to kinjutsu.

As a result, Duy devised self-rule dictating when it was allowed to open any of the Eight Gates, which he passed down to Guy and then to Lee, to only open the Eight Gates when protecting something that is precious enough to give one's life.

A family member, a loved one, or a teammate is frequently this "valuable something." Rock Lee has also been known to use the Eight Gates to protect his nindo or life-guiding dream.

The first level, The Gate of Opening, which is located in the left hemisphere of the brain, removes the user's mental restraints. The Front Lotus, a technique that tires the user, can be performed by opening this gate.

The second level, The Gate of Healing, which is located in the right hemisphere of the brain, boosts physical power. This also re-energizes the body, allowing it to recover from tiredness more quickly.

The third level, Gate of Life, which is placed on the spinal cord, is opened, it turns the user's skin crimson. The user's pupils will shrink, their hair will stand on end, and their veins will bulge all over their body. The user can do the Reverse Lotus by opening this gate.

On the fourth level, On the spinal cord, there is a gate called the Gate of Pain. As he prepares to execute the Reverse Lotus, Rock Lee opens this gate, ostensibly to boost his speed; but, as he performs the Reverse Lotus, his muscles begin to shred. On this particular occasion, opening the gate causes Lee's nose to bleed.

The fifth level, The Gate of Limit, is in the abdomen. Rock Lee opens this gate as he prepares to deliver the final blow of the Reverse Lotus, ostensibly to boost his strength; after completing the Reverse Lotus, Lee's limbs suffer compound fractures.

The sixth level, The Gate of View, which is located in the stomach, enhances all of the user's abilities. The power emitted by the user is powerful enough to displace nearby bodies of water. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock, a move in which the user's punches are so fast that friction with the air causes flames to form. Opening this gate has been shown to create an aura around the user on occasion. in the anime, the aura is green.

The seventh level, The Gate of Wonder, which is located beneath the stomach, causes the user's body to secrete blue sweat. The sweat evaporates quickly, leaving an aura around the user that can be mistaken for chakra. When this gate is opened, the user is able to perform the Daytime Tiger, a single punch that creates a pocket of compressed air. After opening this gate, Guy's muscle fibers rupture, causing him intense pain if anyone touches him.

and lastly, the eighth gate, The Gate of Death is located in the heart of the body. Users open this gate by poking a hole in their chest with their thumb and directing the chakra there. The user's heart pumps at maximum speed while open, granting them power a hundred times greater than they are normally capable of, far exceeding that of the Five Kage.

A flaming red aura is emitted from the user's pores and hair as "Steam of Blood." By opening this gate, the user is able to perform the Evening Elephant and Night Guy. The eighth gate causes the body to constantly heat up until it is cooked from the inside out, reducing the user to ash.

Kaen smirked at the thought, with his bloodline that provides him monstrous regeneration and special body, using the last gate was a piece of cake, at most he will be itchy after use.

With his technique, he will be immune to illusions and mental attacks, because of the chaotic chakra in his body, it was the nemesis of illusion masters.

Unfortunately, it comes with a price, he was unable to use Ninjutsu while the technique was activated for the same reason of how chaotic his charka is.

But the good thing is, he can still use his bloodline powers even when his Eight Gates are activated because bloodline powers are part of his body, they automatically convert chakra no matter how chaotic it is. unlike Ninjutsu techniques that are required to be utilized manually.