Chapter 13: Becoming Famous In The Anbu

Just like that for a whole year, he trained in Anbu, specifically asked Sarutobi to not place him on Kakashi's team which is the Roots that is controlled by Shimura Danzo.

he knows that it will not be long before Kakashi would discover Danzo's true color and confessed all Danzo's plans to Sarutobi of assassinating him

During those training, he learned a lot of things, it truly opened a new perspective on him.

it required children to be at least 13 years old before they can join Anbu, but like Uchiha Itachi that will join soon, he was exempted because of his extraordinary talent. to be honest a hint of proud emotion couldn't help but the surface on him because he was even younger two years than Uchiha Itachi and he was already Anbu even before him.

He truly admires Itachi's character in the Anime.

Anbu almost always appears on important missions within and around their village, but are mostly tasked with assassinations or disruptions in foreign countries.

High-risk infiltration into enemy territory, dealing with exceptionally strong ninja, tracking, surveillance, interrogating enemy ninja to obtain information, and missions requiring specially trained ninja are among the jobs they carry out to safeguard the village from unusual threats. One can appear transformed and corrupted of kindness. as a result of the group's deeds.

Anbu are supposed to destroy their bodies if they are too badly damaged on a mission so that they cannot be captured, due to the often delicate nature of their missions and the special powers they sometimes possess.

Kaen would certainly not follow this bullshit rule, Anbu was just a stepping stone for him to hone all the necessary skills to the limit.

Joining Anbu brought a lot of convenience to his plans. Now he can obtain the Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu without a problem. While his Wooden Clone will wear his Anbu Clothes and sneakily steal some Uchiha blood, while he was assisting the team during the incident.

This year, Orochimaru became missing, due to Minato becoming Hokage, but it was too late before it was discovered. and he didn't care about it at all.

Uchiha Itachi graduated from the Academy, and Gekko Hayate graduated from the Academy; a team composed of Gekko Hayate, Morino Ibiki, and Tokara takes the Chunin exams.

During that time, he did several difficult missions that mostly involved stealing sensitive information in the other villages, assassinations of important figures, and killing famous ninjas in the underground.

Because of his one hundred percent success rate and a mask that has a creepy smile on it, his code name had resounded on all the Anbu teams, making him famous. calling him "Dark Joker".

The Konoha Higher-ups were satisfied with his work because his efficiency and effectiveness were truly unmatched. he was decisive when it comes to killing, and ingenious when making a plan.

All the team members who witness his prowess are all thoroughly convinced and praise him as the "True Shinobi", meaning the true trait of what a shinobi should be was displayed by him. an emotionless killing machine that was ready to use any method to complete his task.

He became a role model, Even the Higher-ups became silent and approved his performance, except for Danzo who was doing all what it takes to transfer him to the Root saying that his true worth can only be displayed if he joined him.

Sarutobi was considering to promote him to a Squad Leader considering all his merits in the past months.




-Sarutobi's Office-

Sarutobi was puffing smoke, with his usual posture.

"I think you have already an idea on why I called you here" He stared at Kaen with a serious face.

"Mind explaining about the rumors of you using wood techniques during a mission? not to mention Eighth Gates."

Kaen just sighed and became silent for a minute, Sarutobi just waited for him time to organized his thoughts.

After joining Anbu, Kaen finally decided to reveal his strength, because currently, no one was capable of harming him anymore.

With his already strong physical strength combine with Eighth Gates, he can fully take the whole Ninja World.

It had to be mentioned that Might Guy who fully unleashed the Eighth Gates can thrash Madara to the ground.

Madara who was able to confront Shinobi Alliance only by himself, not to mention Kaen who was far above Might Guy's strength.

As for his wood strength, he already has a bullshit excuse on his arsenal.

He stared at Sarutobi for a second before pretending and let out a sorrowful sigh.

"I didn't want to reveal it but it seems I had no other choice" Kaen's face was full of helplessness.

"During the First Shinobi World War, In the Senju Clan, two families secretly defected and decided to become travelers."

"The two families traveled the whole world, but halfway through it, a conflict happened... and they separated and go on their own ways" Kaen pretended to make a difficult face as if reminiscing a story his grandfather told him.

"Our family decided to forbid on using the wood techniques from that moment to avoid being associated with the Senju Clan... And as you see due to avoiding fights and living peacefully the family declined, that's why in the end we are wiped out, *sigh* truly unfortunate" tears were threatening to fall in his eyes.

'Did I manage to fool him?' while secretly looking at Sarutobi at the corner of his eyes.

Sarutobi who heard the whole story was dumbstruck, after responding for a while, he managed to regain his bearings.

'So there's still Senju remaining' Sarutobi was happy on hearing this news.

Since he has taken the position of Hokage he also has the responsibility to take care of Senju lineage, which in end he failed due to a moment of greediness and trusting the Elders who are also blinded by greed.

After a long time, soon he realizes what mistake he did, he was ashamed to face his Ancestor in the afterlife, if there is one that is.

"How about the other family?" Sarutobi's face was full of anticipation.

"Well, during my missions last year, I tried to find their trail, and they are now peacefully living in another country, they managed to become someone with a status there, so their safety is already guaranteed," Kaen spoke casually.

"That's good"

"Don't divulge any information about the remaining Senju lineage to anyone," Sarutobi said with a face full of seriousness.

'This time I will not commit the same mistake anymore, If Tsunade heard this I think she will probably come back to the village" Sarutobi thought in good mood.

"You are dismissed, I will announce to the village that you are a Senju, you have any problem about it?" Sarutobi said with a smile.

After hearing what he said, Kaen only shrugged in response and left swiftly.

After seeing Kaen leave swiftly, his eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

'Impolite as always, when I first met him he was so innocent and polite to elders, Alas...' Sarutobi sighed slightly.

'There's finally a fitting candidate to be the 5th Hokage' Sarutobi finally grinned.

He was truly happy to retire, and enjoy his remaining days, As a Senju, even the Elders and Danzo had no choice just to stay silent.

What can they do, Senju is the true founding clan of Konoha, If they tried anything to stop it, they will face the wrath of the whole village, and they know it more than anyone.




Kaen was jumping on one roof after another, he was thinking about his conversation about Sarutobi and reanalyzed all his responses and if he did something wrong.

After a minute of pondering while running, he finally realized an important point that he failed to take into account.

'F*cked, so that's why his face looks like a person who has won the lottery when looking at me!... he's not considering me as a candidate to be Hokage right?' Kaen has a bad premonition.

'Shit! shit! shit! I'm fucking dumb! to think I will commit a low-level mistake like this, The quote that if there is eternal in this world, that was, anything will not always go according to plan.' Kaen thought with a wary smile.

'Well, I can just ditch them, and make an excuse that I will train somewhere' Kaen let out an evil smile.

During this year he already learned a lot of Jutsu, ranging from A to C, he collected various techniques when he was spying information to other villages.

It was worth mentioning that, A-level Jutsus are only available to the Kages, Kaen was mostly using his physical might, eight gates, and bloodline power combination when battling.

And he was already unstoppable, Ninjutsu's purpose to him was only to improve his versatility and cope up with any situation that will come to his ways, but as long as it is a matter his deadly combination of Eighth Gates can take care of, he will not use any other jutsus.

He has already mastered the "Gate of Death" and can stay permanently on it due to his monstrous regeneration and special body. And it's not like he can use other techniques when using the Final Gate. he had to deactivate it first before doing so, which was a hassle and cause unbearable itchiness to his body.

There are still five years remaining before the Uchiha Clan massacre takes place, he has a lot of time on his hands.

He plans to save Shisui and beat Danzo to death until his mother will be unable to recognize him anymore.