Chapter 12- The mole hunt begins

"Big news, big news, this is huge!" shouted several telegram boys while frolicking around on their bicycles while handing over newspapers to every passerby and delivering them at the door of every household. "Jack the ripper is back!" shouted the telegram boys.

Peter went outside to see what the commotion was about early in the morning and saw a hurdle of people up and about, gossiping, yes this is what they do best in the kingdom; gossiping. Peter who was still in his night robe frowned and upon seeing the newspaper at the door, he quickly picked it up and went back inside to read it at the breakfast table. The breakfast was quite grand as it was Sophia who woke up early to prepare the food while humming a cheerful song joyfully. The French toasts with cream, honey, strawberries and blue berries, oolong milk tea, Earl grey tea, Black tea, chocolate pancakes, scrambled eggs, poached eggs, avocadoes and roasted bread lay gleefully on the table, along with matching tea sets, cutlery and plates. The smell was extraordinary and would make one feel hungrier and hungrier as it made Peter's stomach growl as soon as he entered the dining hall.

"What are you humming so happily for milady?" asked Peter as he sat down to eat. "Oh, it's nothing little chestnut, enjoy your food." answered Sophia. "Well, I advise you to not mind her, she's been happy lately at the thought that everything are going according to the plan so far." Whispered Sebastian to Peter. "OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS BIG NEWS!" shouted Peter who suddenly dropped his fork in the middle of the meal while reading the newspaper. Sophia, with a sly smile on her face said "It took its sweet time and it's finally here. Go on." "Wait, where's Mathilda?" asked Judith. "Well she went out early this morning, she said she didn't need breakfast and she was going to class." Said Sebastian. "But it's Saturday." said Judith all confused, then shut her mouth the minute she remembered the group assignment. "We'll attend the group meeting later, breakfast is more important and the meeting will be held at the downtown fountain café, she went to 'gather the materials', now let Peter speak, do not interrupt him for he was going to say something interesting, was he not?" Said Sophia.

"Ahem, the news here says that there has been a twelfth victim of Jack the Ripper, The body of James Vermillion was found at a dark alley, castrated and mutilated beyond recognition if not for the forensic team analyzing his DNA and finding his citizen identity card on him. The words "Jack the Ripper" was written in blood all over the wall of the alley and after analysis from the team, it says it was the victim's blood." Sebastian and Sophia smiled on hearing this and said in unison "Well, it is going according to the plan however, we planned it to be written in chicken or cow's blood, you know, after a butcher slaughters chickens and cows for food, they could have stolen the blood, but who would have thought they'd be this cruel." There was a minute of silence in respect to the victim before Sophia spoke again; "James Vermillion, ex mercenary, spy of The Black Dungeons, killed his own wife and children to prove his loyalty to prince Hayden who manages The Black Dungeons in the shadows, judging by the state of the corpses our Jack The Ripper left behind, this was a ninja spy's work, non other than Reggie. The final mass murder was planned for today, the day prince Hayden perishes together with the whole gang of The Black Dungeons. After this we will make use of the chaos to capture Reggie and interrogate her." Everyone at the table nodded and remained silent for the rest of the meal. And after everyone was dismissed and got back to their chambers to get dressed for the day, Sophia looked quite puzzled in her sofa, thinking...thinking deep about something, and then she suddenly rose as Sebastian came in her chambers. "What brings you here?" She asked all startled and Sebastian who got closer pulled her in a hug and pat her head. "My dear, what is troubling you?" He asked. Sophia stood on her toes and whispered something in his ear and upon hearing what she said, his expression grew serious. Sebastian bowed to Sophia and said with a radiant smile on his face "Very well, if that is what you wish, consider the job done, your majesty." He then kissed Sophia before leaving the room.

"Ah, His pheromones even when he smiles is too much. How can one be so cute and radiant?" Exclaimed Sophia as she sat back down in her sofa. *knock knock* It was the Sophia's lady in waiting who came to aid her with her bath and getting dressed. "I told you there was no need to do that Cecilia, I told you to come a month before me and act as a newly hired maid of this household, have I not? I survived a month without you, so I can perfectly take a bath and get dressed on my own, no need to exert yourself." Said Sophia while her lady in waiting; Cecilia, daughter of Earl Crimsonhive was scrubbing Sophia's fair, soft skin with a natural Mung bean soap. "Your majesty, I missed being in your company, the head maid here gave me quite a hard time as I am in disguise, not even lady Judith or lady Mathilda recognised me. My family's face disguise magic is the best in the empire, I will not falter, but please allow me to attend to you from time to time." said Cecilia humbly. "Raise your head my dear Cecilia, we grew up together as you were my lady in waiting since way back, we spent nearly all our lives together so I treat you as my blood sister, I trust you more than I trust my cousins who accompanied me here, no need to be so humble in front of me. Let's get to the point. You read the telegram I secretly slipped under your room's door last night?" Said Sophia all serious. "Yes of course my lady, and that is why I rushed over to attend to you and thus we could have a chat about it, please explain, if you need me for anything, say the word and I will execute the task given, for I am grateful to you who taught me martial arts and swordsmanship in secret, if I can put the skills you have taught me in practice, it will be an honor and my pleasure, just say the word my lady." Answered Cecilia. Sophia chuckled and pat Cecilia's head gently. "Now that you know the true colours of Mathilda and our plans, you might be at risk of danger just like Judith, Sebastian, Peter and me, however something else is that I suspect we have a mole among us and the suspect, well I put Sebastian on their tail but our movements will seem suspicious that way and might alarm our suspect, so please work alongside Sebastian on this matter and after confirming the suspicions and gathering the evidences, kill them and make it seem like an accident. How did I know we had a mole? That person's facial expressions when Sebastian's true identity and Mathilda's true face were mentioned sold them away, but I see they haven't yet had a chance to talk to Mathilda and sell us away yet therefore, this person is dangerous to us and must at any cost be removed with the charge of treachery, it will not be a crime to kill them as anyone who betrays the crown princess, is betraying the empire." Cecilia nodded "Yes, my lady." she said while washing Sophia's body with rose water. "Oh by the way Cecilia, I will dress like a commoner, so I can get dressed on my own, you are dismissed, good luck with your mission." Said Sophia who then put on a robe and got out of the bath room. Cecilia who had a sudden nosebleed after she left said to herself "I'm sorry my lady, I did not tell you my health is getting poor lately, that is what the physician said back at home when I was always having a nosebleed after we bathed together or after I helped you bath and get dressed, but lately when I was not attending to you, I did not have any nosebleeds, so I am second guessing what that quack of a divine physician said.... Could it be because my lady is so mesmerizingly beautiful? And that I read too much romance Moe Moe novels? Aiyaa, I need to stop fantasizing about a romance between my lady and some gorgeous hunk, but lately I have been shipping my lady with Sebastian and turns out he is the current crown prince Rhydian of the Western Empire, this is much better than any novels fufufufufufuu… oh ahem, I better get back to work or the head maid will not let me hear the end of it."

Sophia and Judith rode in a private carriage to the fountain café. It was a cute outdoor café where the round tables were scattered around a big fountain full of koi fishes. Street musicians were playing their harmonica and flutes, children were running around and splashing about in the fountain and their parents had to force them out, a beautiful and graceful lady was playing the harp on a small round podium made of rocks, delicious smells coming from the kitchen inside, it was indeed very lively. "So girls, what will you order? It's on me." said prince Alexander who came with the menus, sitting next to Sophia and taking glances at her. "Santa Maria! all the food on the menu looks so good, I do not know what to choose!" exclaimed Judith. "Well since it is us brother's treat, order whatever you want to." Said Alexander with a cute smile on his face. "In that case, let us order three servings of everything on the menu, including sweet milk black tea." Said Sophia who rather loves to eat just as much as she loves cooking. Alexander chuckled and called a butler to pass their orders. 'Well I must admit he is quite the hunk, so that must be why Mathilda chose him over Hayden who is a far better warrior... but still haha my dear prince Rhydian is far better than this useless piece of stinky diarrhea garbage...fufufufu...' thought Sophia while staring at Alexander who was ordering the food. After the eating and the assignments discussions, it got quite late and it was time to put the final phase of the plan to kill prince Hayden. Anxious Mathilda got up and openly flirted with Hayden thus they left ahead of everyone. "I thought he raped her... So she accepted him? Well again, my brother is quite handsome, is he not? But Sophia, I apologize on his behalf." said Alexander who put his arm round Sophia's shoulders but she shoved his arm away quickly and got up. "It is quite late, let the lovers be, Judith, let us go back home." said Sophia, "Am I talking to the air?..." said Sophia after seeing Judith was being all merry and chummy with William. "Haha, looks like there are two couples now... So why don't we...." before Alexander could finish his sentence Sophia was already walking towards her private coach and turned back to say "Go find other girls, I am not interested in you."