Chapter 13- Cornered like a rat

"Not interested in me? She is too arrogant, yet again if she knew I was a prince she would not refuse me. Well maybe she has high standards because she is to become Empress of one of the biggest empires of the world. That arrogant little girl." Said Alexander to himself after Sophia's carriage left.

Alexander went to the basement of a tavern, there he drunk a little and played some card games while waiting for Mathilda. Several hours later Mathilda arrived, out of breath she told Alexander that she successfully put Hayden to sleep thanks to the sleeping powder medicine Alexander had given her, now all that was left to do was start a fire at the inn and make it look like the inn caught the fire accidentally. Reggie was on standby for the job and when the hour clock hit midnight, the inn in which Hayden rested as well as the remaining Black Dungeon members rested caught a huge fire, it was impossible to put it out as it spread vicariously.

The smell of burnt wood and cloth woke up the town's people and everyone aided in filling buckets of water from the rivers and lakes to put out the fire however as big as the fire was, it took several hours to put it out and the old storage building that was behind the inn as well as the winery next to the inn was burnt down too.

"Ah I need to run *pant pant* I need to tell Mathilda while everyone is caught up in this commotion, aahh…." the mole was talking to herself while running but was suddenly encountered by two masked swordsman, one slashed her leg however her limbs was still there so she got up and kept running despite the bleeding and pain. "Not so fast little chick" one of the masked men said. Their martial skills and speed were extraordinary that the mole was quickly out of breath and stressed out, she kept pushing forward and ran towards a dead end, that is when panic and the reality of what is happening hit her.

"Cornered like a rat! Lady Judith, are we not?" said both masked swordsmen while taking down their white fox masks. It was Crown prince Rhydian; Sebastian and lady Cecilia; Sophia's lady in waiting. Shocked, Judith could not utter a word, she fell to her knees as her feet went completely numb in fear and exhaustion. "You caught me too...What do you want from me?" she asked. "Not so cocky now eh? Write a suicide note, covering all the actions of betrayal you committed as well as those of Mathilda and where the evidence documents are, then end your own life or I will gladly do it for you." said Cecilia. Tears rolled down Judith's cheeks and she let Sebastian and Cecilia take her to Sophia. Meanwhile the town folks were still trying to put out the fire.

"Your highness, I am sorry, please spare me, I promise I won't do it again, I'm sorry, please bestow your mercy upon this lowly subject of yours." Judith begged on her knees and in tears to Sophia who sat in the chair like it was a throne. "So you know the gravity of your actions? You and Mathilda both committed treason and corrupted Reggie as well as prince Alexander and Hayden of this Leisenburg, did you corrupt William too?" Said Sophia. "NO! You can do anything to me but please don't lay a hand on William's hair, he is innocent, so is Lucas, they don't plan on usurping the throne, they want to live the lives of simpletons rather than royals or nobles, please, spare William..." begged Judith. "Very well, then write what we asked you to write in details, make it look like a suicide note and end your life yourself. You chose to be Mathilda's dog, you committed treason which is a grave sin, do you wish to die and be reborn anew with a new identity, or do you wish to put an end to your life yourself or we do it for you and make it look like a genuine suicide? Choose wisely." Said Sophia all calm. Judith's heartbeat could be heard as one of the propositions was tempting but she hesitated while sweating heavily and staring at the floor to then finally say "I wish to end my life as Judith de Leiden and be reborn anew as someone who vows her loyalty to you your highness, future Empress of Leiden." Sophia smirked as if she knew and expected this answer but was just waiting for Judith to say it.

"Wise choice. Cecilia, prepare to give her a makeover, make things look like she jumped off into the Hana river, leave her suicide note in her room, prepare a fake body as well, with your magic abilities passed down from generations, you can even fake the DNA and fingerprints, do it. I hereby announce Judith de Leiden dead, You will live as a male and go by the name James Bond as of now, you are my spy. You are to attend to Moriarty patriot. The three Moriarty brothers and their little gang, they also work under my orders and work for the order and peace of the world. They are my spies, our James Bond just died in an accident, since you resemble her you will take her place, cut your red hair and dye it blond." Said Sophia.

After about an hour, the fire was put out and the makeover of Judith de Leiden to James Bond was over, Cecilia and Sebastian helped her flee the kingdom on a rowing boat, Sophia had sent lady Cecilia off with her. Meanwhile Sebastian caught Reggie and interrogated her but she bit her tongue and died on the spot so her body was left there in the cold under the bridge over Hana river.

The next day Scotland yard arrived and investigated the cases, Judith's and Reggie's cases were closed quickly as it was concluded as suicide, Through Judith's suicide note they concluded the fire as Arson and the truth was out, it was in every papers however there were no trace of Alexander and Mathilda as they were on the run. Wanted posters of their faces were being distributed everywhere. They are treacherous traitors of both Leiden and Leisenburg.

"Run and hide all you want, while you can... Let us see how far you can go an how much we can play you around like pawns in this chess game until we catch you and you end up under the guillotine." Said Sophia to herself while staring out the window of her room and sipping tea calmly.