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Chapter 48: A Way to Fight

Feng Biao pulled himself onto the sheer edge to be greeted with the two Green Oni waltzing toward his direction.


He had hoped that perhaps they would still be climbing. If that were the case then he could take advantage of their compromised state. No such luck occurred, but Feng Biao hadn't been banking on it.


Feng Biao wasted no time driving the gigantic golden spear that materialized in his hands towards one of the Green Oni.

As a result of climbing they had left their weapons behind. So the Green Oni was forced to block Feng Biao's attack with its physical body.

Despite the infamously poor durability of the Oni body, the spear Feng Biao wielded was not in much better shape. The Green Oni managed to grip the brittle spear. Despite it piercing its grip it wasn't very sharp.

If the Green Oni was asked to compare it maybe to the sharpness of a fingernail?

Feng Biao grimaced. This was the first time he had used the Vajra in life or death combat like this. He had hoped its piercing ability would be more impressive.

Yet just as he thought that both he and the Green Oni noticed something. The Vajra was slowly starting to carve its way into the Green Oni's palm. Reacting to the newfound danger the Green Oni lifted its other arm preparing to strike down on Feng Biao.

Instinct told Feng Biao to push himself forward and drive the spear deep into the Green Oni, but knowledge held him back.

'Chen Lan already showed these things can tank hits.'

Maybe it would kill it, maybe it wouldn't. If it didn't Feng Biao would be a pancake.

So instead Feng Biao took advantage of both the Vajra's sharp nature and its double-pronged edge. Slashing it in an arc down out of the Oni's grasp he flipped the spear and in a swift motion readjusted his grip before driving the Vajra directly into the incoming Oni's fist.

The contact was heavy and Feng Biao was forced to pay more Divinity than he expected just to keep the Vajra from shattering. But as a result, the Oni's entire arm was mangled beyond repair.

Before he could breathe Feng Biao suddenly felt immense pressure from behind him. The other Green Oni had waited, let the other take Feng Biao's strike, and snuck up on Feng Biao gripping his body in its hands.

Immediately Feng Biao felt his body being put under pressure it could not withstand and applied all his Divinity towards futilely shielding it.

As a result the Vajra he held exploded in his hands, unable to keep itself together.

Feng Biao had wondered if he could be harmed by the lightning it released. The answer was no, despite holding the lightning in his hands Feng Biao felt no discomfort.

The same could not be said for the Green Oni behind him, nor the one in front. Both were zapped by the resulting discharge and the resulting shock was enough to make them both fall to the ground.

Let loose onto the ground Feng Biao began to writhe. If something hadn't been pierced internally it had gotten dangerously close. Just a second of that grip was enough to shift Feng Biao's internal anatomy.

Yet he did not have long to indulge in his suffering. The Green Oni that had squeezed him rose back up. The shock had done damage, but it wasn't enough to incapacitate it like the other.

Seeing this Feng Biao forced himself to his feet. Both were injured, but neither had suffered grievous wounds.

Feng Biao had precious little Divinity left. His only method of defense was pure combat. It was in this martial stare-down Feng Biao remembered advice from Hunter during their training.

"Sometimes you're gonna end up in situations where either you or the other guy has to make the first move. Me personally? I like rushing them before they form a plan."


"Cause some people are scary-smart dude. Gotta play to your strengths. Mine is being reckless, but that really doesn't need to be yours."

Now Feng Biao realized what Hunter had been trying to convey. In their sparring, Feng Biao in an attempt to learn combat had imitated Hunter at points. Attacking without any plan.

But was that really where Feng Biao did best?

Looking at the Green Oni Feng Biao realized something.

'They really only use their arms.'

He had never seen the creatures kick. Indeed their body shape with that giant gut did not seem conducive to delivering any sort of high-flying kicks.

'So what if I anticipate a punch?'

Suddenly Feng Biao felt an odd sense of danger. Stepping back he felt safety return. He could clearly feel based on his senses that if the Oni swang it would miss him at this range.

As if flowing Feng Biao returned to the danger zone and spat at the Green Oni. Inciting it throw a powerful haymaker. Yet Feng Biao had expected something like this and swiftly dodged.

Agitated the Green Oni bull-rushed Feng Biao, who saw an opening.

'flailing so wildly at me like that you're asking for this.'

Responding with a Divinity-infused kick to the Green Oni's right leg Feng Biao sent the brute tumbling down.

Trying to take advantage of its weakened state Feng Biao rushed to deliver a soccer ball kick to its head. But it reacted quickly covering itself as it rose.

So Feng Biao switched targets and went back towards its leg succeeding in bending it at an odd angle. He then dashed back a bit to reassess the situation.

The Green Oni now stared menacingly at Feng Biao while it perched itself on one knee. While it might have appeared as easy pickings Feng Biao felt it was actually more dangerous than ever.

'If I get close this thing is just gonna throw itself at me, and it's not gonna do it until the very last second.'

In a contest of grappling despite its injury, the Green Oni would come out on top.

However, Feng Biao had no interest in continuing this.

"I dunno if you can understand me, but thanks. I feel like I grew the most this whole exam fighting you."

He then grabbed some rocks on the ground and chucked them at it. Forcing the Green Oni to abandon its stance and drag itself towards Feng Biao. However, Feng Biao simply stayed a ways away and launched rock after rock at the creature. Eventually, it was put down.