I did it

Chapter six: i did it

Yeon was sitting in his office thinking how he would reveal that Minister

Yeon: All the evidence is against him. Nobody else has ever done it. The trial is tomorrow. I have to show Emma's innocence.

Yeon left his office

Yeon saw the Minister of the Interior (that girl's father)

Yeon: Hello sir

Minister of the Interior: General Yeon, welcome

Yeon: I really regret what happened to your daughter

Interior Minister: Thank you for your interest

Yeon: You're welcome, sir

Yeon: May I ask you some questions

Minister of the Interior: All right

Then Yeon spoke with the minister

After an hour has passed

Yeon walked out of the Minister's room

Yeon: Thank you, sir

Minister of the Interior: You are welcome

The next day

The trial began in the ban of the king

Kai: As I told you, lord, there is nothing

Yeon: But what I have is saying the opposite of this

Kai: What

King: Speak

Yeon: I found this knife in the girl's room, dumped in the rubbish, with the girl's blood on it, which means that this knife is the murder weapon.

The King: And have you discovered the murderer?

Yeon: No, my lord, but let me tell you what I found out

King: Speak

Yeon: Miss Emma was a relative of that girl, and Emma said that this girl once told her that her father had enmity with him, the Minister of Tax, and there were problems between them. Yesterday, by chance, I met the Minister of the Interior and I spoke with him and i discovered that the day before the death of the girl, it happened between The Minister of Taxes and the Minister of the Interior are a strong quarrel. The Minister of Taxes said that he will make the Minister of Interior regret. Oh, and I once saw this knife with the Minister of Taxes. i think what i want to say is clear now

The King: I understood what you mean, well done

The king acquitted Emma and sentenced the tax minister to life imprisonment

Yeon walked out of the hall

Yeon: I did it

What would Kai do to get revenge on Yeon ?? And where will Emma and Yeon's relationship end ??