Thank you

Chapter Seven: Thank you

Emma woke up excited

Emma: What a beautiful morning, whatever is wrong with me, just think

With that general, I think I should thank him for what he did for me. I'll go to him , but it's five in the morning. Oh, is he awake?? I'll go see if he's awake

Emma went to Yeon's room

Knock Knock

Emma knocked on the door, but no one answered

Emma: I'll go see if he's there

Emma entered the room

Emma: Oh it's a nice and tidy room as he has a lot of books it seems he's not in the room

Emma: What is this door?

Emma came close to open the door, but the door opened before she opened, it

Emma was shocked to see Yeon

Yeon: Emma? What are you doing here

Emma blushed, closed her eyes, and turned around

Yeon was bare-chested (because he had just come out of the bathroom)

Yeon: Ahا

Yeon closed the door, got dressed, and walked out

Yeon: What brings you here?

Emma: I came to say thank you for what you've done

Yeon: No need to thank this. It's not free. You owe me

Emma: Well, let me return my religion

Yeon: Really? How is that

Emma: I'll take you to a city and do whatever you want for me

Yeon: Ok I will go with you I have a day off

Emma: Great, let's go

Emma and Yeon went out to town

Yeon: So what are we going to do?

Emma: I don't know

Emma and Yeon sat by the river

Emma: You have a scar

Yeon: Ha?

Emma: In your chest there is a wound

Yoon: ha ​​yeah what's wrong with that?

Emma: Where did you get it?

Yoon: It's none of your business

Emma: ok

Emma: By the way, you have really beautiful eyes

Yeon: Really?

Emma: Yes, it is very green and wide, it is beautiful, where did you get it?

Yeon: What's the use of eyes?

Emma: What do you mean

Yeon: This is what my dad gave me only beautiful eyes and they are of no use in my life

Emma: It was hard for you, huh?

Yoon: Forget about it, how old are you ?

Emma: I'm 18

Yeon: You're still child

Emma: And how old are you?

Yeon: I'm 20

Emma: Wow, in that age and you are a general!!

Yeon: I'm very strong

Emma: It looks like it

Yeon: Let's go

Emma: ok

they went for a walk in the market

Emma: Look it's archery

Yeon: And so what

Emma: let's play

Emma: I will hit the target, I'm sure

Yeon: come on

Emma was fired, but she didn't hit the target

Emma: I lost and didn't win the bear that's sad I want the bear

Yeon: My turn

on fired the arrow and it came straight at the target

Emma clapped: That's cool

Yeon: Sir I want that bear

Yeon took the bear and gave it to Emma

Emma: to Me?

Yeon: Yes

Emma: But yours keep it

Yeon: I want you to take it

Emma took the bear and hugged the bear

Emma: Thank you

Yeon: You're welcome?

How will things go between them?? What is the reason for Yeon's scar ?? ..