Chapter forty-four: That day was very beautiful.
After five years
Emma gave birth to a boy and named him Hyun, and she loved her son very much, but Kai did not stop treating her badly because her heart still belonged to Yeon.
As for Yeon, he is still working in the palace, and his eyes are still filled with sadness
Juliet: Yeon, wake up, wake up
Yeon: I want to sleep, leave me
Juliet: It's evening now, how much do you want to sleep?
Yeon got up and said, "What do you want from me? It's my day off and I want to sleep."
Juliet: But I want to spend some time together
Yeon: I don't want a leave me sleep
Juliet came out of Yeon's room
Juliet: He wants to spend his free time sleeping so that he doesn't feel pain, I want to know what happened to him so that all this sadness inside him
Yeon: Oh, how am I going to go back to sleep, that's annoying, what time is it?
Yeon pulled out the watch (which Emma had given him).
Yeon: It's 4 what are you doing now Emma I hope you're fine
Emma: Hyun stop don't run
Hyun: Mama, I love to run
Emma: I'm tired of running after you
Hyun: Ok mom I won't run
Emma: Well done Hyun, so tell me how are your grades
Hyun: It's good, I got a perfect score in Mathematics
Emma: You're really smart baby, Yeon was smart too, I think i just want something to remember, how is he now, I hope he's okay
Yeon got up from the bed and changed his clothes and sat down to read
Knock Knock Knock
Yeon: Who's knocking on the door now?
Yeon got up to open the door
Guard: Mister Han, the King wants you
Yeon: Ok, I'm coming
Yeon went to the king's office
King: How are you?
Yeon: I'm fine, my lord
King: Good, then tell me how to work with you
Yeon: It's good
King: You are always a little talkative, so tell me, is there a girl you like?
yeon: No, my lord
King: Why you are so handsome, smart, and strong, and all the girls want to marry you?
Yeon: But I didn't find the girl I like
King: You seem to have different tastes from other men
Yeon: Maybe
King: Yeon, you know how much I trust and care about you, and you mean a lot to me
Yeon: Yes, I know
King: Yeon, do you know that Juliet is of marriageable age?
Yeon: Yes
King: It is difficult to find a good man for her, it is difficult to find a man who is safe for my daughter
Yeon: Right
King: But I found this man
yeon: great
King: It's you Yeon, I want you to marry Juliet and rule the country
Yeon: Me?? But my lord
King: Do you agree?
Yeon: Of course, my lord, I am honored to do this
King: Good, congratulations
Yeon: Thank you, my lord, I ask your permission to go
King: You can go
Yeon left the king's office and went to his room
He lay on the bed, grief killing him, his tears began to fall without him noticing
Yeon: Emma I'm sorry I'm sorry please forgive me how I wish to see you I need you with me
Yeon grabbed the watch and looked at it
Yeon: That day was so beautiful I wish I could go back in time
Juliet was behind the door, hearing what he said.