Chapter forty-five: I am with you, I will never leave you
Yeon could not stop crying, as if his heart was burning with pain
Yeon: Mom, I'm going to be a king. I'm going to be a king. That's what I should have been, but not like this.
Juliet opened the door and ran to see Yeon crying
Juliet was feeling his pain
Juliet: Yeon, I'm with you, I'll never leave you
Yeon felt warm in her lap
Yeon: It's been a long time since I last felt this
Yeon kept crying in Juliet's arms until he fell asleep without realizing
Juliette put Yeon on the bed
Juliet: I will make you happy Yeon I will do everything I can for you to be happy You are everything to me If you know how much I love you But your heart was taken by a woman before me But it's okay I will still love you
Two hours later, Yeon woke up and saw Juliet sitting next to him
Juliet: Oh, you woke up
Yeon: Yes. Sorry, I couldn't control myself
Juliet: It's okay, get up. I prepared food for you
Yeon: I'm very hungry
Yeon dined with Juliet but all the time he thinks of Emma
Yeon: You and I are getting married
Juliet: I know that
Yeon: I don't love you
Juliet: I know that
Yeon: But I don't hate you either
Juliet: I know that
Yeon: But I will do my best for you to be a good husband to you
Juliet: Good. I also want you to be the best king in the world
Yeon: I will
A week later, the preparations for the wedding began
Juliet was very happy but yeon didn't care, he was spending time at work as usual
And every time he looked at his watch, he remembered Emma
His love for Emma can never be forgotten
Yeon: Emma how are you now I'm getting married in two days I'm so sorry but this is a chance that will never be compensated but my heart will still be yours are you still love me? I hope you forgot me this is better for you I want to see you so much, I bet you're still very beautiful Maybe you're more beautiful From before
Two days later, the whole kingdom celebrates the princess's wedding
It was a very big party with a lot of people
Juliet was happy that Yeon had become her man and would be a father to her children. She was so happy about this
While Yeon was thinking how he would rule this country
What will happen, will Yeon meet Emma someday...