I missed you I missed you so much

Chapter forty-six: I missed you I missed you so much

It's been three years since Yeon and Juliet got married. Yeon had twin children, a girl and a boy. The girl's name is Emma and the boy's name is Jin Yeo. The kingdom flourished under Rule Yeon ، His relationship with juliet was very ordinary he was spending his whole time at work Sometimes with his children, the years passed quickly but it was too slow for Yeon, the kingdom of Seojon (his father) became very weak when the crown prince ruled it and they asked for help from the kingdom of Yeon

Minister: Your Majesty, today you have to visit the Kingdom

Yeon: Yes, I didn't forget that, and how could I forget?

Yeon got up from his desk and said, "let'sgo , I'm ready."

The carriage for its destination

Yeon was afraid to meet her

Two days later, Yeon arrived to the kingdom

The King (Crown Price yeon Brother ): Welcome, Your Majesty

yeon: good

Yeon entered the palace and this brought him back to the memories, feeling nostalgic for all this

Then after the meeting is over

Yeon: So how are you? It's been a long time

Kai: I'm fine, my lord

King: What do you mean?

Yeon: You don't know me? I'm Han Yeon

Kai: What??? How did you become a king?

Yeon: It doesn't matter how i became a king. , but I have not forgotten what you did to me, but I will accept this agreement because i am a generous person. now your permission

Kai: That bastard

Yeon left the meeting room

And he hurriedly went to that tree in which he had his best memories

He went there quickly and saw her standing there

Yeon stopped, staring at her from afar

Yeon: It's Emma. She's really still beautiful

Yeon said in a loud voice: Emma.

Emma turned around and saw the love of her life in front of her. She knew him. As soon as she saw him, Emma felt her heart would explode.

Emma ran up to him and started crying and hugged him

Emma: I miss you, I miss you so much

Yeon: I miss seeing you too

yeon and Emma sat talking and telling each other everything

Emma: I'm so happy that you became king, that suits you very much

Yeon: Yes, it suits me

Emma: Why didn't you bring your kids with you, I want to see them

Yeon: Aren't you upset because I got married?

Emma: On the contrary, I'm glad you did this. I would have been mad at you if you hadn't married

Yeon: I love you

Emma: I have never lost my love for you

And here our story ends. It is a happy ending, but in a different way, where love is loser.

the end