
"I thought I was going to die" Byeol groaned and banged her head on the table.

"You were sleeping like a log through out the class. For god sake, concentrate on your studies" GaEun hit her with her book.

"Ouch, stop hitting me. Besides, have you ever seen a beautiful log like me?" Byeol cupped her own cheeks.

"Beautiful? You? Stop it or I will puke on you" GaEun gagged.

Sarang shook her head by seeing their silly arguments. She was used to it.

It's been a week since that they're started to studying in NLU. But there's no sign of Mina. Sarang began to wonder how can she meet the seniors. As far she knows Mina also in the same department as her, Computer science. 

In her previous life, JinAe and Mina both applied for the same department. Because JinAe was very much interested in technology and Mina just followed her.

Now how can she meet Mina? unless some miracle to happen.

After the class got over they went to food court in the campus to have their lunch. On their way to get the food a girl bumped into Byeol. That made the food on the tray which was carried by the girl to splashed on Byeol and as well as on the girl.

"You fool, can't you see where you are going? Are you blind? Because of you my new dress got spoiled" She raised her hand to slap Byeol but before she could do that Sarang caught her hand in the mid way.

"I think you are the one who is blind. Can't you see in front before you are walking?" Sarang throw her hand away which made the girl furious.

Sarang was familiar this girl. She was one of the wolf in the sheep in the name of friend. As well as one of the Mina's lackey, 'HyunAh'.

In her previous life Sarang was stupid enough to humiliate by HyunAh in the department feast. She got fooled by HyunAh and end up accepting the mistake which was not committed by her. That mader JinAe to lose face in front of her Uncle.

Sarang was waiting for the right time to meet HyunAh, but didn't expect it to be happen so soon.

"You dare to say me blind? Looking at you guys, it seems you're first years. Are you calling your seniors blind?" HyunAh started to shout. 

"I think not only blind also deaf" GaEun commented.

HyunAh scoffed, "Don't you give any respect to your seniors? It's you who bumped into me and spoiled my dress" she pointed Byeol.

"Respect? If you behave like a senior we will show you our respect. but if you behave like a brat don't expect anything from us" Sarang smirked.

Respect? Dream on. Count your days HyunAh, I will make your life hell.

Seeing the ruckus in the middle of the food court, students started to gather to see what's going on.

If this happened in their school, Byeol and GaEun would have taught her a lesson to HyunAh but now they are in the NLU. They don't want to cause any troubles. If they did, definitely it will reach their parents ears and they can't stay with Sarang.

"HyunAh, what happened to your dress?"

Sarang blood froze when she heard Mina's voice. She played so many scenarios in her mind how she will behave in front of Mina. Her body tremble with rage but she controlled herself not to give away.

'It's not the time yet. I will give you the taste of the death slowly'

"Mina, look at these first years. They don't show any respect to seniors. It's them who bumped into me. It caused the food to fell on my dress" HyunAh showed her dress filled with rice and curry, "When I confronted them they were calling me blind and deaf"

"You dared to say that to your senior?" another lackey AeRa asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I indeed said that" Sarang stood in front of Mina.

Meanwhile unknowingly to them few important persons were watching them from afar.

"Kids these days don't give any respect to their seniors" the college principal turned his head towards the biggest shareholder of the NLU, "I am sorry you have to see this. I will ask some teachers to punish them"

Principal was embarrassed to show this to the biggest shareholder of the NLU. Principal invited him to show the new arrangements around the University to get few more funds. but he didn't expect to show the cat fight.

"Don't interrupt" The biggest shareholder seemed to be interested in the cat fight which surprised the others as well. His assistant scratched his head wondering when did his icy president gotten interest in the cat fight?

"Don't you think you are being an arrogant here. you guys made a mistake so you have to apologise. If you did, we will leave the matter as it is" Mina smiled politely at Sarang. 

Sarang clearly know this type of Mina. In front of others acting like righteous person, deep inside cunning and manipulative. 

"You mean the person who made the mistake has to apologise?" Sarang raised her eyebrow.

"Yes, Once you apologise everything will go smooth. Problem will be solved" Mina showed her angelic smile. That made the other students to think Mina was right.

Byeol sighed. She doesn't want to create a trouble with the seniors.

"Sarang, let's drop it. I'll apologise" Byeol held Sarang's hand.

"Not only you. I want all the three of you to kneel down in front of us and apologise. Only then all the juniors will know how to respect their seniors." HyunAh smirked.

By seeing the scene, all the other juniors thought that their days in the university will not be peaceful with this type of seniors.

"Okay, then you" Sarang pointed at HyunAh, "Apologise to the three of us"

Students gasped when they heard Sarang. They thought the she gone crazy. If not then why did she ask this arrogant senior to apologise.

"Wait, what? Didn't you heard what I said?" Mina began to lose her temper.

"I heard clearly that you said the one who made mistake has to apologise. So we didn't make any mistakes. As you can see we were standing in the line to get our food. She's the one who was cutting the line. Can't you see that after getting the food students have to leave in the opposite way not this way"

Sarang lips showed a mocking smile, "You are the so called senior right? Don't you know the rules? Or is this your first day in NLU?"

Mina realised that they were standing in the food line. Her cheeks became red in embarrassment.

Students started to giggle after hearing Sarang's explanation.

Sarang stood in front of Mina crossing her hands, "And you calling yourself a senior without giving the other person a chance to explain and accusing the others, acting like self righteous person. I don't think this is your first time accusing the others. You behaviors shows that you often do this"

Mina was taken back. She didn't expect Sarang to see through her. Also didn't expect to lose face in front of the students.

Who is she? The College beauty who everyone admires. She thought by making the first years to apologise to the seniors will give a good impression like 'Mina bought a justice to the seniors'. Later if any seniors bully first years she will act like their saviour. But she didn't expect all her plan was spoiled by this brat.

"It's my mistake. I should have heard your side explanation as well. Let's drop this matter. We will leave now"Mina turned to leave with HyunAh and AeRa but Sarang stopped them.

"Where do you think you are leaving? Didn't you say that the person who made mistake has to apologise" Sarang pointed at HyunAh, "You asked us to kneel down right? Let's hear your so called apology for falsely accusing us. Make it fast we're hungry"

HyunAh face turned pale by seeing the murderous glare from Sarang.

Mina didn't expect it to turn this way. "Don't take it too far. Don't forgot that you have to study here with us. If you keep on doing this, don't think you will have a peaceful days in NLU" Mina gritted her teeth.

"Oh so you're threatening us?" Sarang raised her voice like shocked person. "I thought NLU is a prestigious university. I didn't think that they have a students like you who bully other students" Sarang acted like she was disappointed.

Other students started to give a disgusting look at Mina.

'Mina, you liked getting attention from others right? How are you feeling now? Do you like the attention others giving you, my dear cousin?' Sarang smiled inwardly.

Mina gave a forced smile, "I think you have mistook my words. I meant that we should have a peaceful friendly life in NLU. We will apologise for our mistake" Mina nudged HyunAh's arm.

"Y-Yes. I am sor-" - HyunAh

"Sor-" - Mina

"Stop. We are not interested in your insincere apology. Please don't make the 'Sorry' to lose it's value" Sarang turned to leave the food court with her friends. Byeol and GaEun were too shocked to digest the things happened few seconds ago. 

It's just they can't believe that 'is this the same girl who got bullied in the school'

'Is this the same girl who got scared to speak in front of anyone'

They both just followed her like a puppy out of the food court. 

Mina and HyunAh face looked like someone poured a bucket of cold water on them. Mina never felt so humiliated in her life. 

"So this is how the seniors treat their first years"

Principal hair stood when he heard the icy voice. 

"No. N-not at all. Let me warn those seniors" Hope it will ease the biggest shareholder's mind. Principal cursed Mina for behaving like brat at this timing. 

Without saying any other word the biggest shareholder of the NLU left the campus with his assistant.

The assistant was driving them back to the head office. He was almost bumped into another car when he saw his President smile on the rear view mirror.

It's not like this is the first he saw his President's smile. It's just that this time it was not forced smile or fake one. This is the first time in his life he saw this kind of gentle smile on his best friend's face.

"Interesting" those are the words escaped from SungJin's lips by thinking the scene in the food court. He doesn't know that this will make his world upside down.