Human Shield

The next day when Sarang went to her class, the students gave her a curious look. She felt uneasy because of their look.

"Why are they looking at me like this?" Sarang squeezed in her seat.

"Maybe it's because of what happened in the food court" Byeol tapped her cheeks.

"I don't feel anything wrong with their gaze. I have a feeling it's a look of admiration" GaEun said to them.

"Look of admiration?" Sarang chuckled at her words.


Sarang almost fell from her seat when she heard someone shouting at her.

Sarang saw a guy ran towards her and stood in front of her panting, "You were so cool yesterday. I just can't believed that there would be someone who can stood against that arrogant Mina. I really want to be your friend"

He said everything in one breath. It's was kind of difficult for her understand what he said but one thing is clear that this guy hate Mina.

That guy looked confused when there was no reaction from Sarang.

"Hello" he waved his hands in front of her.

"Who are you?" He almost splurted the blood when he heard her.

"Y-you don't know who I am?" He asked her.

"Do I have to know you?" Sarang asked him in a matter of second. But somewhat he kind of looked familiar to her.

"Sarang, you have hurt my feelings. How could you not know me when we were studying in the same class for the past one week" he clutched his chest like he was in pain.

Now she realized why he looked familiar she might have met him in the class.

"Why do I feel like he is another version of Byeol" Sarang whispered to GaEun.

"Hey I can hear you" Byeol slapped Sarang's hand.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Chan Woo, your classmate. Let's be friends"

Sarang looked at him for a couple of seconds and then replied, "Why should I?"

Chan Woo really didn't expect that from her. He did his schooling in UK. His father was almost spat blood when he got to know that his son barely passed in high school, so he immediately asked Chan Woo to return back to the city to study in NLU.

Chan Woo felt that his upcoming days will be bored until he saw the cat fight in the food court yesterday. He was really amazed by Sarang's counterattack.

Chan Woo know how arrogant Mina was by the way she behaved. He really hate those type of fake girls who thinks highly of them just because they are beautiful and rich.

But he knows that Sarang was different from them the way she behaved. She is beautiful, smart and knows how to deal with the difficult situation. About her background? He doesn't care about that.

All he wants to be her friend. So he came quickly to the class to ask her to be his friend. Not even in dreams he would have thought Sarang will reject his request.

"Chan Woo, can you stop embarrassing yourself" his friend Jae Suk smacked his head. "I will apologise for his stupidity" with that he dragged Chan Woo away from them.

"Woah, he is so handsome" Byeol squealed.

"You mean Chan Woo?" GaEun asked her.

"No not him. The other guy. He is so cool" Byeol looked towards Jae Suk, "I know for sure that he is my destiny"

"Destiny my foot. You say the same words to all the guys you've met in the past. If you add him in the list, he will be your eighteenth destiny same as your age" GaEun poked her shoulder.

"I'm sure for this time. That he is the one" Byeol eyes started to sparkle.

"Let's see that" GaEun hoped Byeol to find her true love. When GaEun gaze landed on Sarang her heart ached.

After that day Sarang didn't mention a word about Kang Hwan. It's like he totally disappeared from her life. All she wanted for two of her best friends to be happy. She will not allow anyone to make them sad.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Are you not feeling well?" Sarang touched GaEun's forehead when she saw how pale she looked.

"I'm fine. It's just I feel grateful that we are together" GaEun replied to her.

"What happened to our Eunie, why are you so senti today?" Byeol hugged GaEun.

"I'm not. Now get away from me" GaEun pushed her away.

In the mid way of the class Sarang was called to the Principal office. Byeol and GaEun wants to follow her, but Sarang told them to focus on the class that she'll be back.

Chan Woo raised his eyebrow when Sarang left the class.

"Do you have any idea?" Jae Suk asked him. "I kind of" Chan Woo gripped the pen in his hands.

Sarang knocked the door.

"Come in"

When she entered she saw Mina and HyunAh were also in the room.

"You're Sarang right?" The Principal asked her. Sarang nodded her head.

"Do you know why I called you here?" The Principal asked her again. Sarang saw the smirking faces of Mina and HyunAh.

"Is it because of yesterday's incident?" Sarang replied him with a question.

"You guessed right. You're the first year student. You should be concentrating on you studies. Instead of doing that, you are fighting with your seniors. Do you guys know how much your behaviour brought bad name to our NLU. I was really humiliated in front of the board of directors" The Principal was fuming in anger.

Sarang know she messed up a big time. Who would have thought that the Principal and the board of directors will witness the argument. But what she can't understand was why these two clowns are smirking at her when he was scolding all the three of them.

"I have to punish you all. You three will be cleaning the basketball court and the garden for one month" The Principal said to them.

Sarang sighed in relief that Byeol and GaEun not caught up in this punishment.

"Mr.Chan you clearly know that she was the one who initiated the fight. She's the one who insulted us. Now because of her we are in the trouble" HyunAh wiped her invisible tears.

Sarang was applauded her for the acting. 'I'm sorry Byeol, I think HyunAh snatched your best actress award'

"HyunAh, don't cry. Mr.Chan you clearly know about us. We are the outstanding students of NLU. We almost got first prize in all the competitions. Do you think we will be low ourselves to fight with the first years? It's just this girl started to bully HyunAh so I politely asked her to apologise. Instead of apologising for her mistake she started to insult us. Anyone in the food court can be our witness" Mina lied without batting her eyes. Then she continued, "I even spoke with my father about the yesterday incident. He felt very hurt knowing that youngsters these days not respecting their seniors"

'Do you really have to bring your rich dad here? Who knows how you twisted your story like  you're doing it now' Sarang rolled her eyes at the thought.

"Sarang, don't you have anything to say?" The Principal asked her.

"I know whatever I say will not be justified because we did make mistake in front of our board of directors and we did embarrassed you. I gladly accept the punishment you give" Sarang bowed her head.

The Principal somewhat pleased with Sarang's attitude.

Suddenly the room door burst open.

"You should not punish her. She did not make any mistake" Chan Woo shouted.

Sarang was shocked to see Byeol, GaEun, Chan Woo and Jae Suk.

"Yes. It's all happened because of me. She bumped into me and started to create the problem" Byeol stood in front of Sarang.

"After that I provoked the senior. She started to create a problem for us" GaEun stood in front of Byeol.

"I can be your eye witness. What my friends said was all real" Chan Woo stood in front of GaEun.

Including the Principal everyone looked at Jae Suk wondering what will he say next.

Jae Suk scratched his head. He don't know what to say. He just simply stood in front of Chan Woo.

Sarang peeked at the Principal because the four of them were standing in front of her like a china wall.

Mr.Chan rubbed his forehead in frustration. He looked up, "Are you guys are what? a human shield? Are you protecting her from a gun fire or what? Now everyone stand in a line"

Soon everyone stood in a line. "There is no change in punishment. The only thing that changed is all of you have to be punished. You have to clean the basketball court and the garden along with them for one month"

Chan Woo got furious that nothing was changed after their confrontation.

The Principal continued, "But seeing your sincerity I'll just reduced it to one week"

Byeol almost ran to hug Jae Suk before she could so that she got pulled away by GaEun.

Mr.Chan looked satisfied by seeing the youngsters face. "You guys can leave. Just make sure don't create anymore problems"

Mina and HyunAh was angry that their plan got failed. They want to teach the lesson to Sarang for humiliating them. But didn't expect it to be back fired.

"Thank you Mr.Chan" they thanked him and ran out of the room giggling on the hall way.

"Mina, HyunAh you guys stay here" Mr.Chan stopped them from leaving.

"Thanks for reducing the punishment Mr.Chan. I'll put some good words to my father" Mina smiled at him thinking that he reduced the punishment after mentioning her father.

"I think you have misunderstood something. I didn't reduced the punishment because of you. I did it because of their sincerity. I know whatever they said was the truth. I was present when you guys started the fight. The board of directors was really disappointed in the seniors not with the first years. So don't be in the delusion that I did it for the sake of your father just because he is one of the board of the director. Don't spoil your father's reputation with your lies. That's all you can leave"

Mina face drained all the colour. All these years the name she built in front of the university Principal got grumbled in a minute.

HyunAh saw that Mina was too shocked to move so she supported her out of the Principal's office.

"It's all because of these first years. Who do they think they are?" HyunAh started to curse as soon as they left the Principal room.

"The days are long. I'll make sure to crush them" Mins clenched her fist.