
They went to the garden instead of going back to the class.

"Now care to explain what were you doing in the Principal office instead of being in class" Sarang crossed her hands.

After Sarang left the class, Byeol and GaEun somewhat felt uneasy.

GaEun suddenly stood from her seat, "Mam, Byeol is sick. It seems she's troubling in breathing"

"I'm sick" Byeol pointed her own index finger at her looking confusing. "Yes, you are. Now do what you are good at doing" GaEun said in a low voice.

"Ah.. *cough* yes *cough* I couldn't able *cough* to breath" Byeol fell on the floor.

"Mam, let us take her to the infirmary" Chan Woo pulled Jae Suk along with him to help Byeol and GaEun.

The professor allowed them to leave because he thought student life is at risk.

Once they left the classroom they looked at each and nodded their head before running towards the Principal office and overheard their conversation. So they decided to get involved.

"I can't believe you faked illness" Sarang shook her head. Her eyes met with Chan Woo and Jae Suk.

"Thanks for your help. I owe you one" Sarang thanked them sincerely.

"How about becoming my friend?" Chan Woo asked her.

Sarang kept silent. It's not like she don't want him to be her friend. It's just she's too scared to make friends. what if she gets hurt again by making new friends.

Chan Woo noticed her hesitation. "You don't have to rush. You can take your time to reconsider. I can wait. I'm good at waiting"

Sarang finally breathed in relief. She doesn't want to hurt him, maybe one day she might open her heart to accept new friends other than Byeol and GaEun. 

Sarang went to the Basketball court  with others to carry out their punishment. 

"Don't you think those girls are weird? Why are they wearing mask and sunglass here?" Byeol stopped sweeping floor.

Mina and HyunAh was wearing the mask and sunglass to avoid the dust. 

"I can't believe I am doing chores because of these first years" Mina gritted her teeth. "Don't worry they will learn their lesson sooner or later" HyunAh wiped her sweat. 

After couple of hours passed few students entered the basketball court with juice and snacks in their hands.

"Wow, Mina. Your fans are here. They must have known how much you are suffered. See they even bringing you snacks knowing you must be hungry" HyunAh said in a loud voice to let the first years to hear.

"Such a show off" GaEun showed her fist at HyunAh gesturing to punch her.

"I am hungry" Byeol rubbed her stomach.

"Don't worry. I will order some food for us to eat" Jae Suk smiled at Byeol.

Sarang and GaEun looked at each other and giggled. 

Mina went to the students to receive the snacks, "Thanks for your kindness. You don't have do that" She politely smiled at them like a shy girl receiving her first love letter.

"This is not for you" The students replied to her as they hide the snacks from her afraiding she might snatch it from them.

Mina eyes widened, "Then whose it for?"

"To our goddess" the students passed her and went towards Sarang. "This is for you" they handed her the snacks which they have bought.

"For me?" Sarang was surprised at first to receive the snacks. "I think you didn't remember us" the students pouted. "For god sake Sarang, remember your classmates" Chan Woo held her shoulders and shook her.

"Oh, I am sorry" Sarang sheepishly smiled at them. She was too immersed to focus on Mina, so she forgot to give any attentions to her classmates.

"Girl, even at the first glance I recognized them" GaEun shook her head in disappointment.

Sarang ignored her, "Thanks for the snacks. I will eat it well"

"Oh my god look at that. My goddess smiled at me" A guy fainted on the shoulder of his friend. "Not only at you, idiot" Chan Woo kicked at that guy.

The students were amazed by Sarang how she dealt with a seniors in the food court and also how humbly she accept her punishment without throwing any tantrums. This made her classmates to admire her. 

When they heard she will be cleaning the basketball court they decided to cheer her up with some snacks and juice. Sarang gladly appreciated their kindness.

A girl shyly handed a tissue at Sarang, "You can use it to wipe your sweat" 

"Thanks a lot. I really needed one badly" Sarang got the tissue from her. The girl smiled happily the reason was at this moment she can afford to buy only tissue which is cheap. The only thing she can afford due to her situation.

"Did you look at the tissue it's a cheap brand same as her dress" HyunAh showed a disgusting face. 

This made the girl eyes watery, she looked down at her dress awkwardly. 

"This girl, let me sew her lips" Byeol tried to punch HyunAh but Sarang stopped her.

"HyunAh, I think you are used to flaunt your father's money. So you don't know how much a single gesture from others can make you happy. What if you buy any branded items does it match with this tissue which I needed badly at this moment.  Right now, this tissue is more important to me because I needed it at this moment and she able to guess it and bought it for me. The receiver is happy, why the passerby is inserting their nose" 

The girl Eun Jung was overwhelmed when she heard that. At first she thought Sarang might think same as HyunAh but now she know that she was wrong. Sarang is indeed a Goddess. 

"Why are you giving a lectures over a cheep tissue" HyunAh walked out with Mina.

Sarang gave a questionable look at Mina who surprisingly quiet at this moment.

"T-Thanks" Eun Jung stutterd a bit. Sarang noticed her eyes are red. 

"Just don't mind those clowns. What matters is your pure heart and the meaning behind it. Nothing else is matter" Sarang whipped Eun Jung eyes with the tissues.

"You are indeed my goddess. Marry me please" Byeol knelt down on her knees while holding out the juice in her hands.

Sarang burst out in laughter, "I am sorry to reject you. If I accept your proposal someone might be jealous" Sarang looked at Jae Suk. 

Jae Suk cheeks instantly become red as he know the reason behind Sarang's word.

Chan Woo was deeply impressed by Sarang. He was known for sure that his decision to become her friend were not bad.

"Then what about me, my goddess" The guy who fainted, Ji Hoon asked her. Chan Woo got irritated, "Why are you still here. Scarm" He kicked him again.

"Goddess, see you later" he shouted while running away with his friends. "This guy" Chan Woo cursed him under his breath.

"Don't worry. It's my duty to protect my friends from these kinds of lunatics" Chan Woo showed his fist. 

Sarang smiled at him and looked at Eun Jung who was still standing there, "What is your name?"

"Eun Jung" 

"Thanks for the tissue. I will use it well" Sarang smiled at her.

Eun Jung lips curved into smile and she nodded her head before she ran away.

"Woah, my little baby is grown up. It's time to marry her off" GaEun wiped her fake tears.

"Yeah, you are right" Byeol joined her in faking tears.

"Drop your dramas. Let's wind up" Sarang pushed them away.

One week passed and finally their punishment got over. 

Sarang became close to her classmates. She also helped them in their studies which surprised Byeol and GaEun because they know very well the capacity of Sarang's IQ.

Chan Woo and Jae Suk also joined Sarang's friends circle. Sarang stopped avoiding him and accepted him as her friend. She just decide to take risk in accepting new friends.

Meanwhile while Mina and HyunAh was discussing how to deal with first years. and the final decision they came up with is 'Department feast'.

"Let's see how can they escape this time" Mina smirked.