I'm curious about her

"Sarang, age Eighteen. Her father Mr.Seok Min, is one of the richest man in the country. Sarang's mother passed away when she was three years old. Currently living with her Father and her elder brother name Seok Chan.

Two months ago she was admitted in the hopital because of some chemical experiment which she did it on herself. Two weeks later her engagement canceled off with the second son of Kang family. A month ago she joined in NLU with her two friends Byeol and GaEun. Computer scinece is her major" Beom Seok read the report to SungJin which he collected.

"Chemical experiment? she's a computer student right?" SungJin asked him.

"According to the report she barely passed in any subject in her class. Even though she was very much interested in chemistry. I don't know what made her to change her major" Beom Seok shrugged.

SungJin nodded his head.

"May I know why are you suddenly interested in her?" Beom Seok carefully read the expression on his face.

"You don't have to know" SungJin replied coldly.

"Hey come on. I didn't ask you as your assistant. I'm asking you as your best friend. Everyone around you knows that you didn't dated any girl in your life. Even your family thought you are a gay. Don't you think it's weird that suddenly you got interested in some college girl" Beom Seok tried to fish out more information from him.

"Do you want me to make a call to your father to ask him to take you back?" SungJin threatened him.

"No. Don't" Beom Seok shook his head vigorously.

Beom Seok father was a businessman. He has three sons. From his young age Beom Seok saw how his father fought with his brothers and sisters to save his company. It made him determine to not to follow his father's footsteps. Beom Seok left his home without his father's permission to start a new life. But because of his father he couldn't get any job.

Finally he decided to work as a assistant for SungJin, because Beom Seok know that his father will not have any courage to stop SungJin. No one can handle this icy President.

"If you do that you'll lose a loyal friend and an assistant" Beom Seok showed his puppy eyes.

Even though it made SungJin a urge to punch his face, but he has to agree with Beom Seok. He is a loyal friend.

"Did you get any other information?" SungJin walked past Beom Seok and sat on the couch.

"No. That's all" Beom Seok replied as he secretly sighed that he'll not be kicked out here.

"Fine. Ask Jae Bum men to watch over her" SungJin said to him which stunned Beom Seok.

"Young Master, did you forget that Jae Bum's family pledged to serve you not others?" Beom Seok was still shocked that SungJin have this kind of thoughts.

Jae Bum's ancestors was a trained martial arts legends. They were serving SungJin's family for more than hundred generations. It's like a Shadow warriors who protecting their King in ancient times. How on earth SungJin got this thought to ask Jae Bum to protect the others who are not related to SungJin or his family members. Unless..

"Don't tell me you're fallen in love with her" Beom Seok looked shocked.

SungJin glared at Beom Seok, "I think other than watching dramas you don't have any other things to do. Stop your imagination"

"If not then why do you want Jae Bum to watch over her. It doesn't make any sense" Beom Seok dramatically crossed his hands.

"It's just I'm curious about her" SungJin said in a matter of fact.

"Curious? You? The great heartless - cold face - feeling less - robot - SungJin got curious about others? On eighteen year old college girl?"

"Is this how you talk behind my back?" Beom Seok felt a cold shiver on his spine after hearing SungJin's word.

"N-no. Not at all. I'll just give a call to Jae Bum" Beom Seok dialed Jae Bum's number as he ran away from President's office.

SungJin took the report in his hands. He read it once again. He smiled when he read the reason for hospitalization.

"So is this how you hide the real reason?"

"Please wait here. I'll get the documents from Mr.Choi" Beom Seok asked SungJin to stay inside the cafe.

SungJin ordered hot americano and sat nearby window. He took out his phone out and read his unopened emails.

"I-I am really sorry. I k-know you were s-standing there. That's why I asked those questions to Kang Hwan. and the k-kiss"

He looked up when he heard someone nearby him crying. He saw three girls were standing and another girl was kneeling down as she apologized. It was a quiet sight in front of him.

"I i-initiated the k-kiss. He didn't k-kiss me back, instead he p-pushed me a-away but before seeing that y-you ran away"

'School kids fighting over a guy' SungJin shook his head. He just ignored them and tried to concentrate on his emails.

That girl choked on tears, "I am s-sorry. I didn't know that you will try to c-commit s-suicide. I couldn't able to s-sleep these days. I am often getting n-nightmares. I know this is my f-fault. I shouldn't have b-bullied you with others. Because of me, you.. I am so s-sorry"

'Suicide?' SungJin looked at a girl who was looking calm among them. Anyone can say she's too weak. A strong wind can easily blow her away. Her cheeks showed a tint of crimson red. She has a natural cherry color lips.

What amazed SungJin was that girl didn't show any sign of resentment.

SungJin kept the phone inside his pocket. He leaned back on his seat. He continued to watched the drama as he took a sip of hot americano.

That girl squat down and hugged the girl who was apologizing, "It's okay. What I did was not your fault. It's just that the boy I loved for the past ten years did not accept my feelings and ignored me. So I decided to take my life." She released the hug and wiped her tears, "it's really not your fault so don't blame yourself"

SungJin was taken back by her response. How can she be calm? Is the shock too much for her? Or is she enlightened by someone.

SungJin observed them closely. Based on their conversation he came to know her name 'Sarang' and she hid the reason behind her suicide from the people around her.

"Promise us that you won't decide to end your life again" one of her friend asked Sarang.

Sarang nodded her head, "I promise to live my life to the fullest"

SungJin somewhat felt relieved after hearing Sarang's promise to her friends.

He was still thinking about her when he boarded the plane.

"Beom Seok I'm going to ask you a question. Give me a proper answer" out of nowhere SungJin made Beom Seok flustered.

"I'll try my best" Beom Seok said in determination.

"Whay if a girl you love for ten years and she is engaged to you kissing another guy in front of you. That made you to commit suicide. But you were saved. What if the guy felt guilty and ask for your forgiveness. What you'll do? Will you forgive him?"

"Ha! In his dreams. I'll give him a hard beating. How dare he tried to covet my girl? I'll make sure he will admit in the hospital for at least one month" Beom Seok cracked his knuckles.

"You'll get angry at the other person right?" SungJin asked him again.

"Of course. I will make him to taste his death. Wait, hey what's wrong with your question? You know I'm single. Are you cursing me?" Beom Seok felt he was wronged.

SungJin ignored him as he recalled how Sarang behaved with the other girl. He was really curious how she can be so calm? What about the ten years she spent for the guy she loved?

"Instead of getting angry what if the victim decided to forgive the other person and ask her to live a guilt free life?" SungJin asked Beom Seok again.

"Are we still on that topic?" Beom Seok felt irritated. He was a single dog. Whenever he tries to get a girlfriend SungJin will burden him with lots of work. That made him to miss a lot of dates. SungJin is the reason why he is still single and now he is asking these type of questions.

"Answer to my question" SungJin icy cold voice made Beom Seok wonder what happened to his friend. Why is he asking stupid questions.

"Wait, you mean 'her'. So the victim is a girl. I don't know about how they feels because I'm not a girl and I'm not a victim" Beom Seok shook his head.

"I'm sorry to listened to your conversation. I just heard happened to  hear. Do you mind if I say the reason?" A female passenger who sat next to SungJin asked him.

SungJin looked at her and nodded her head.

"It may be because she lost all the feelings she had towards the guy. She completely closed her heart. The one who made her to take her life is not the other person. It's her own fiancee. Her own love she had for the guy. She may forgive the other person but not the guy whom she spent on for ten years. Because of him she tasted a distrust so she'll never open her heart for anyone" the lady said to them.

Her words keep on bugging SungJin's mind the day he arrived back to the city.

After a month unexpectedly he saw her again in NLU when he went there to discuss about the funds to provide for Computer Science department. SungJin graduated from NLU, also he owned a majority of shares in NLU.

The way Sarang handed the problem surprised him. He asked Beom Seok to investigate on Sarang.

"I didn't expect you to use some lame excuses. Chemical experiment?" SungJin chuckled.

The door burst opened and the shocked Beom Seok ran to SungJin, "It's her right? That one you spoke about two months ago"

When he informed JaeBum to watch over the girl named 'Sarang' the other line went silent. Of course Jae Bum thought his young master gone crazy. Why is he asking to protect the girl?

Beom Seok only gave him a sigh as a response. Because he didn't know the reason which frustrated him. He declined the call when Jae Bum said he will do as his young master says.

Beom Seok massaged his head. SungJin started to behave weirdly after coming from the business trip two months ago. He even asked stupid questions to this single dog.

Beom Seok stopped in tracks. Two months ago Sarang break off the engagement. Before that she was admitted in the hospital. His eyes widened in shock. The only person who can answer is SungJin.

SungJin nodded his head.

"Now I can understand why you were very much interested in that cat fight" Beom Seok sat next to him.

Instead replying to him, SungJin looked at the photo of Sarang in his hand.

'Who are you? Are you really the same weak girl whom I met two months ago?'

The way Sarang behaved in the food court made him to curious about her. He wants to know more about her.

That's only the excuse he came up for now, for investigating Sarang's background.

SungJin wants to deny the itching sensation from his heart when he saw the picture of Sarang smiling brightly like a sunshine.