Why was she falsely accused

"Department feast? What's that?" GaEun looked confused when she received the message. It's more like a invitation for the feast. It's from the third year students to inform the first years to attend the 'Department feast' on this weekend.

"It's to welcome a first year students. It's a tradition of NLU that the third years has to take care of their juniors. They'll organize a feast in 'The Grand hotel'" Chan Woo replied to her.

"Do you think that the third years will take care of us? Ha" Byeol remembered how HyunAh behaved with them.

"It'll be a disaster for sure" Sarang giggled.

'Mina, Don't think you can play the same tricks you played last time'

"Mina, I think the drink is weird" JinAe whispered to Mina as soon as she tasted the drink which was given by HyunAh.

"It's just a fruit drink. Don't think too much. Now give this to everyone to enjoy" HyunAh handed the drinks to JinAe and pushed her forward. JinAe gave the drinks to the students as she was said. She was exhausted by serving food and drinks to the students.

JinAe didn't realised that she was fallen into the trap of HyunAh.

On Monday JinAe went to the class as usual. But she was called off by the head of the computer department.

When she entered into the room she saw few teachers were inside as well.

"JinAe, what's this? Why I'm hearing that you gave alcohol to the students in 'Department feast'. Did you forgot the rules of 'Department feast'. No alcohol is allowed. But you broke the rules. You're just a first year with a good academic record but your character is not what I have expected" The Head, Mrs.Lin shouted at JinAe.

"Mam, what are you saying? What alcohol?" JinAe looked confused.

"Don't think you can lie in front of our face. We got the evidence from the dorm warden that most of the first years were drunk when they entered the dorm on last Saturday after the 'Department feast'. So we called the students and enquired them. Most of them said that they became drunk after drinking the drink which given by you" one of the teacher said.

"Mam, no wait- it was HyunAh. She was the one who told me to serve the drinks to the students" JinAe was flustered. She didn't make any mistake but why was she falsely accused.

"HyunAh? Do you know where's she now? In the hospital. She became sick right after the 'Department feast', so she admitted in the hospital. I think it happened because of you. It must be the drink which given by you. You might have used the drugs to harm them" another teacher pointed at JinAe as she shouted.

"What if something happens to the students? Do you know it can cost a life because of your improper behavior. We need to take a disciplinary action. You're suspended for fifteen days" Mrs.Lin said to her after hearing that teacher.

JinAe started to tremble. Fifteen days of suspension. But in a week she has to attend the department competition. She was preparing for that so long to enter into the competition.

"Mam, I have a c-competition in a week" JinAe said to her.

"It's not your place to worry about that. Just happy that I didn't call the police. Pack your things and leave" Mrs.Lin made her to leave the room.

"This is why the children without a parents are not good to begin with. They'll become a bad influence to the other students"

JinAe stopped in her tracks when she heard one of the teacher said about her.

This is not the first time that JinAe heard these kinds of words from others. She was used to it. But no matter how much time she heard those words it's still hurts her a lot.

JinAe decided to clear her name. So she went to the hospital to meet HyunAh. Only she can prove JinAe's innocence.

When JinAe was about to open the hospital room door she heard HyunAh was talking with Mina. JinAe can see them through the door.

"I don't know, Mina" HyunAh was crying.

"How can you say you don't know? Because of you JinAe was mistaken by others" Mina shouted.

"Trust me. The seniors said to me it was just a fruit drink. So only I given it to JinAe to serve. How can I know that the seniors would lie to me?" HyunAh was crying aloud this time

"Seniors? How dare they do to us?" Mina angrily turned to leave but was stopped by HyunAh. "No, If you confront them I don't know what they'll do. Those seniors have a contact with gangsters. They might even harm us" HyunAh begged Mina to not to leave.

"I can't let my cousin to suffer. Most importantly she's my family. I won't let others to harm her. At least we have to clear her name" Mina pushed HyunAh away from her.

"If my parents come to know I did that. They will disown me. My parents only care for their reputation not about me. I don't want to become low in their eyes. Help me" HyunAh choked on tears.

"I'm sorry, I can't. JinAe is important to me than anyone" Mina said to her firmly which touched JinAe.

"It's okay Mina. You don't have to clear my name"

Mina and HyunAh looked shocked by seeing JinAe at the door.

"What do you mean by that? Are you worrying that no one believes you? Let me talk to dad" Mina took out her phone but JinAe grabbed it from her.

"I'm serious, Mina. It's not her fault so why should we blame her. It's the seniors to be blamed.  They're the one who did this. But because of the connections they have we can't confront them. So let it be. I'm fine" JinAe assured her.

JinAe heart was saddened by thinking of losing the favour of parents. How hard it must be for HyunAh to long for her parents care. She doesn't wants HyunAh to face that.

"JinAe, in a week you have to attend the competition. What are you going to do?" Mina eyes filled with tears.

JinAe gone silent for couple of minutes thinking about the solution for that. she lifted her head, "Mina, you can go instead of me"

Mina was taken back, "M-Me?"

"Yes. I'll help you. I know you will win it for sure. I'll be happy if you join the competition instead of others" JinAe assured her.

HyunAh apologized to JinAe which she was gladly accepted. JinAe taught Mina how to answer in the competition. With the help of JinAe, She won the competition.

Because of that Mina became a center of attention in her department.

Now thinking about the past, Sarang felt sick. How stupid she was to fell in the trap of Mina and HyunAh.

If it's not for them who told in front of her face before stabbing her, she wouldn't have believed that.

It's all Mina's plan to make JinAe to lose her reputation has a top student who was adored by the teachers.

But this time let's see what's they have in their sleeves.