Department Feast (1)

"Woah, when did you become so beautiful? How come I didn't notice that" Byeol looked up and down at Sarang.

Sarang looked so beautiful in her pretty pink tulle long dress lace with off shoulder. She looked like a newborn flower in a mist of snow. She looks so innocent and pure.

"I can't let you go like this. What if the boys attract towards you like a bee?" GaEun tried to remove Sarang dress.

"Stop overreacting guys. You both are more beautiful than me" Sarang crossed her hands.

Byeol and GaEun looked at each other. 

"She even have the nerve to make fun of us" GaEun puffed her cheeks.

"My baby girl is grown up into a beautiful lady" Byeol faked cried.

"Let's go. Jae Suk has already called you for nth time. I am scared he might barged into the female dorm" Sarang pushed them towards the door.

When the three of them came down they saw Chan Woo and Jae Suk were standing looking dashing in their tuxedo.

"Sorry for keeping you wait" Sarang apologised to them.

Chan Woo was stunned to see Sarang, he forgot to respond to her. Jae Suk on the other hand looked blushed by seeing Byeol.

"Why I am so annoyed" GaEun crossed her hands "Stop gawking at them let's leave". 

"GaEun's overprotective radar was on" Byeol giggled. 

They got into the car which was brought by Jae Suk. ChanWoo blamed himself for being lazy to get a license for him. If he got his license when his father nagged to get, he could have driven his own car.

"I told you to get the license but you ignored me. Now stop sulking" Jae Suk teased him. 

"Shut your mouth" Chan Woo stared at the window.

They arrived at 'The Grand Hotel' which was the most famous place for the banquet in the city.  All the influential family organise their parties in 'The Grand Hotel'. Most of the important events in NLU takes place in 'Grand Hotel'

It's the same place where Sarang fallen into the trap in her previous life. 

"This must be your first time here right. Let me accompany you" Jae Suk held Byeol's hand, which she accepted shyly.

"Señorita, This must be your first time here right. Let me accompany you" GaEun dramatically pulled Sarang to her.

"Please, I am shy" Sarang burst into laughter because she couldn't take it anymore.

"Before I smack you both, let's get inside" Byeol gritted her teeth with smile.

"Let's go, before she loses her cool" GaEun went inside with Sarang  holding their hands and Jae Suk went with Byeol.

Chan Woo sighed at his empty hands, "I can accompany myself" he followed them inside.

GaEun glared at the boys who tried to approach Sarang.

"With GaEun being here I think Sarang will never get a Boyfriend" Chan Woo chuckled. Sarang nodded her head with smile.

Her happy moment was interrupted by a intruder.

"Hello First years, we welcome you all with the warm hearts. In these past few days we had a small misunderstanding with each other. I hope in future we get alon well like a family. Let's enjoy the feast" Mina finished her speech and went to HyunAh.

"Do you think our plan will work?" Mina asked HyunAh. 

"Don't worry. I will make sure they suffer double" HyunAh smirked at Sarang and her friends.

"Small misunderstanding? Not even apologising for the mistake and putting a show for others" Byeol can't believe what she heard.

"Just ignore her. Don't spoil your mood because of her" Jae Suk patted her head.

"My poor ears. When did my friend become a gentleman" Chan Woo asked in disbelief. 

"Ignore him" Jae Suk pushed Chan Woo's hand away from his face. 

"They are so lovey dovey that I want to puke" GaEun gagged. "I can feel you" Chan Woo gaged along with her.

Sarang was laughing at them when her eyes caught the Eun Jung who silently sitting at the corner, "Eun Jung what are you doing here alone?"

"I just feel party is not my thing" Eun Jung lowered her eyes looking nervous. "Come on, It's organized by our department. We have to eat a lot when there's a free food" Sarang smiled.

"Now a days you're so obsessed with food. I am afraid someone might lure you into their trap by giving free food" GaEun sat next to her. 

"Hey, how I can avoid it when there's a lot of food. Let's have some dessert" Sarang pulled GaEun and Eun Jung with her and walked towards the dessert table. 

"Hello girls"

Mina and HyunAh greeted them. Sarang just nodded her head. GaEun completely ignored them. 

HyunAh bitten her lips that she was ignored by them. 'Let's see how long you guys can held your head high' HyunAh smiled inwardly.

"I sincerely apologise for what I did on the other day" HyunAh apologised to them in front of everyone. 

"I apologised too. It my mistake that I didn't listened to your explanation" Mina apologised as well. 

"Sarang you should accept their apology. After all they're your seniors" A senior guy told her.

"It's not that I don't want to your apologise. It's just they're apologising to the wrong person" Sarang said which confused the others.

"Did you forget that you raised your hand to slap Byeol the other day? You should apologise to her" GaEun replied to them.

Mina was angered to death when she heard, 'You want me apologise again? Who do you think you people are?'

'They have the nerve to ask me to apologise again. Be calm, HyunAh. Don't give away. It's just only for tonight, control yourself' HyunAh showed a fake smile, "Sure I will apologise to her as well"

 HyunAh went to Byeol with a new glass of drink in her hand.

"I'm sorry for I did to you" HyunAh handed the drink to Byeol.

"I accept your apology not your drink" Byeol gracefully declined her with a smile.

"I'll be happy if you accept my drink as well" HyunAh tilted her head cutely.

"It's not like I don't want to drink it's just I can't drink alcohol" Byeol wants her to leave alone.

"It's not alcohol. It's fruit drink. I think most of the first years don't know the rules" HyunAh sighed and handed the glass to Byeol as she continued, "In 'Department feast' the alcohol is not allowed. It's against the rules. We were following this for years except two years ago one of my classmate broke that as she sneaked alchohol into the feast. When the Department head found out about that they got really angry and suspended her for fifteen days"

"Oh my god really. How can she do that?" Sarang went to HyunAh, "If she's your classmate then is she your friend?"

"Yes, one of my and Mina's best friend. Mina was really heartbroken when she came to know what she did" HyunAh wiped her tears.

"Stop crying for her, HyunAh. Only we thought her as our friend but she didn't. Did you forgot that you got admitted in the hospital because of alcohol poison. Just forget about her" Mina hugged her friend.

All the students who were listening felt bad for Mina and HyunAh except Sarang.

'How can they lie without batting their eyes. Don't they feel sorry for what they did?'

Sarang went towards Byeol and took the glass from her, "You're really a good person. I think I have misunderstood you before. Here let me give you a drink for reconciliation"

Byeol and GaEun looked at Sarang weirdly. They know how she hates them but she's behaving differently no.

'You got into my trap' HyunAh smiled inwardly as she got the drink from Sarang, "I'm happy everything got clear between us. Let's toast. Ah! You don't have drink in your hands?"

HyunAh looked around her eyes locked with Eun Jung, "Can you bring her a glass of fruit drink?"

Eun Jung nodded her head nervously. She picked a glass and walked towards Sarang.

HyunAh got the glass from Eun Jung and gave it to Sarang. She accepted with a smile and drank in a gulp.

HyunAh smirked as she finished her glass.

Couple of minutes later, Sarang grabbed her head, "My head is paining"

"What happened to you suddenly?" GaEun looked worried so she came to her.

"I'm fine just a headache" Sarang face showed a discomfort.

"I think it's getting worse. Let's leave" Byeol said to her.

Mina and HyunAh were panicked. If she leave their plan will be spoiled.

"Don't worry about me. It's our 'Department feast'. You can enjoy it as a first year for only once in a lifetime. I'll be fine once I get a fresh air" Sarang assured her friends.

Mina and HyunAh sighed in relief when they heard her.

"Come let me take you to the balcony. The view is good, you will be relaxed" HyunAh held Sarang's hand like a caring sister.