Department Feast (3)

Byeol and GaEun ran to hug her. Chan Woo felt like he can finally breath after seeing her alive and flesh. Jae Suk sighed in relief.

"Girls, you're crushing me" Sarang struggled to breath.

"Where did you went Sarang?" Mrs.Lin asked her.

"I got a headache so I went to get some fresh air with HyunAh. After few minutes I went back to the hall but I was said by the staff who were cleaning the hall that the party was over and I can find some of my friends in the fifth floor based on the conversation they heard. So I came here" Sarang replied to Mrs.Lin.

"No, she's lying" HyunAh throw the pillow at Sarang which was blocked by Jae Suk.

Sarang genuinely looked shocked when she saw HyunAh naked under the blankets. Soon Sarang regained her posture, "HyunAh, what are you doing here? You left me alone in the balcony saying you're going to meet your friend" Sarang looked at the man who's sleeping soundly in this commotion, "Is he your friend?"

"Don't act like you're innocent. It's you who set me up. Mam, she's the one who did this to me" HyunAh cried looking at Mrs.Lin.

"I don't understand what you are saying. Why should I set you up? Before that can you dress yourself properly" Sarang raised her eyebrows.

Mina and AeRa helped her to gather the dress which was on the floor and sent HyunAh to the bathroom to change herself.

HyunAh hurriedly dressed herself and came out. She ran towards Sarang to choke her but Chan Woo pushed her away.

"Stop accusing her falsely, HyunAh. It's you who took her to the balcony everyone in the hall can be witness" GaEun held Sarang's hand protectively.

"Did you voluntarily took her to the balcony?" Mrs.Lin asked her.

"Yes, I did t-that. it's because she got headache but she looks fine. But why did I faint?" HyunAh looked confused. Suddenly she realized something, "Did you drugged my drink? Mam, I lost consciousness after I drank the drink which she gave it to me"

"Drugged? Did you forgot the drink I gave was originally given by you to Byeol. I was merely wanted to forgive you for what you did so I took the drink from her hand and gave it you to toast" Sarang replied.

"Yeah, I saw that" one of the student said.

"No, how could it be possible" HyunAh started to panic. Her eyes landed on Eun Jung, "Hey didn't you spike her drink? Why did she look normal and why did I faint?"

Everyone gasped as they looked at EunJung. Mina was shocked, 'You moron. Why did I collided with you'

"I don't know what you're saying" Eun Jung tried to move away from her.

"Don't like you don't know anything. I personally gave the powder to drug her drink" HyunAh shouted, "It was you who joined hands with Sarang and set a trap"

Sarang went straight to HyunAh and gave her a hard slap, "You planned this everything. Stop blaming others"

The slap was so hard that made HyunAh to fell on the floor.

"Sarang wait" Mrs.Lin went to stop her, "Eun Jung tell me what happened. Don't be scared"

Eun Jung looked at Sarang who nodded her head.

"Today morning HyunAh came to my room and gave me this packet" Eun Jung took out the small packet from her purse which was clearly untouched  and showed it to Mrs.Lin, "She asked me to mix this in a drink and ordered me to give it to Sarang in the 'Department feast'. I was scared I didn't accept it. But she threatened me that she will make other's to drug Sarang and put the blame on me.

I asked her what if she (HyunAh) get caught. HyunAh replied she set up someone two years ago in the 'Department feast' till now she didn't get caught"

"How did you know that? I didn't said that you. Who told you? AeRa?" HyunAh looked at AeRa who shook her head.

Sarang smiled at HyunAh's stupidity that she forget to focus on the main thing that everyone around here knows what she did to JinAe.

Mrs.Lin remembered that incident clearly, "Did you set up JinAe too?"

"N-No. I didn't. She's lying" HyunAh was so shocked that her mind didn't work properly.

"Wait, you mean the thing she said about her friend is a lie? How can she did this to her own friend? Even acted like she was the victim" one of the student said.

Mrs.Lin didn't expect that she got fooled by HyunAh and punished JinAe. She felt bad for that kid.

The police entered the room and hand cuffed HyunAh which shocked everyone in the room.

"I informed the police. Our hotel will not tolerate these type of crime" The hotel manager informed Mrs.Lin.

"Mam, help me. It's Sarang. She set me up. Mina, ask them to not arrest me" HyunAh cried.

Mina ran to her and hugged. She whispered to HyunAh, "Be quiet. Let me talk with my dad. I'll get you out as soon as possible"

After hearing Mina's word HyunAh silently went with the police. The police arrested the guy who faked his sleeping as well.

Mrs.Lin looked so upset, "Students everyone go back to your home"

She left with the other teachers and Eun Jung. The students who came to look for the drama went as well.

Sarang thanked the Manager for his help. He smiled and went.

Byeol, GaEun, Chan Woo, Jae Suk and Sarang were the only people present in the room.

They looked at Sarang, how calm she was in this situation excluding the slap.

"So you knew that HyunAh planned to drug you" Chan Woo asked her.

"Yes. Eun Jung met me in the dorm this evening and told me about HyunAh's plan" Sarang told him.

"Sarang, why didn't you inform us? Why we are the last persons to know what's happening with you?" Byeol hit Sarang's back.

"Girl, you're hurting me" Sarang grabbed Byeol's hand to stop her. But she got another hit from GaEun.

"Chan Woo help me" Sarang cried for help. "Just be happy that I didn't joined them" Chan Woo looked like he would burst anytime.

'What this girl even thinking? What if somethings gone bad' Chan Woo chest heaved in anger.

"Listen guys, if I told you HyunAh's plan what you would have done?" Sarang ask them.

"I would have slapped her" - GaEun.

"I would have stopped her" - Chan Woo.

"I would have murdered her" - Byeol.

" I would have helped Byeol to bury the body" - Jae Suk.

Everyone looked at Jae Suk like 'Man stop showing off'

"This is the reason I didn't informed you. If you confronted her without any evidence then do you think HyunAh will acknowledge it. No, right?" Sarang asked them.

"You're right. How can she come up with this plan? Thank god you're okay" GaEun hugged her.

"You scared me to death. I thought something bad happened to you" Byeol cried as she hugged her as well.

"I'm fine. Don't cry" Sarang patted Byeol's head.

"Let's us join the hug" Chan Woo pulled Jae Suk and joined the hug.

"But seriously how did you manage to handle her alone" GaEun released the hug.

Everyone waited for Sarang's answer.

Sarang smiled, "I just got a little help"

"From whom?" ChanWoo asked her.

"I don't know. Now stop all the talk. Let's go back to the dorm. I'm so tired" Sarang pushed them towards the door.

When they were riding the elevator down, Sarang looked at the CCTV camera and mouthed 'Thank you'

In another room the monitor focused on Sarang. A small smile appeared on SungJin's face when he saw her thanking him.