Handsome Devil

"She will be arriving in a minute" Jae Bum informed SungJin.

When SungJin heard that 'Department feast' was going to held in 'Grand Hotel' he know it's organised for the first years.

Which means Sarang also will be there. He just thought of seeing her, so went to the 'Grand Hotel'. SungJin already has his own presidential suit, so he went there followed by Beom Seok and Jae Bum.

Obviously knowing his friend intention, Beom Seok prepared a monitor to watch Sarang moves through the CCTV.

The moment Sarang entered the 'Grand Hotel' SungJin's eyes glued onto the monitor which was specifically focused on her.

SungJin's eyebrow frowned, "Why is she wearing that dress? It's showing off her skin a lot"

"Why the boys are gawking at her?"

"I want to poke their eyes"

Jae Bum couldn't believe what he heard. Beom Seok on the other hand gasped.

"What the hell? Is he jealous?" Jae Bum whispered to Beom Seok, who nodded his head without blinking his eyes.

It was too shocking. The Ice king is jealous? When in the world he started to worry about others? Isn't he a ruthless person who never batted an eye when a girl threatened him to kill herself if he didn't accept her?

When did he become so childish? Jealous of her? the most important thing is Sarang doesn't even know that he exist.

These are the thoughts ran through Beom Seok mind.

"Is that girl right? The one who fought with Sarang on the food court" Beom Seok asked as he looking at the monitor. SungJin nodded his head when he saw HyunAh volunteered to take Sarang to the balcony.

"That's not the way to the balcony. Why are they entering into the elevator? She pressed fifth floor button" Jae Bum saw both HyunAh and Sarang got into the elevator.

"Why I feel like Sarang looking kind of sick?" Beom Seok looked at SungJin.

"I'll go out to look for her. Inform me every move of her" SungJin said as he left the room hurriedly.

On the other side HyunAh guided Sarang to the fifth floor.

"Is this the way? It seems we are walking for a too long" Sarang wobbled in her every single step.

"You're sick. So I planned you to take to the room to take rest" HyunAh held Sarang as she was excited for the next event which will change Sarang's life.

Once they stood in front of the room, Sarang completely lost her consciousness and HyunAh got hold of her and entered into the room.

"Oh god. Sarang fainted. Is she drugged?" Beom Seok shouted in shock which was heard by SungJin through his earpiece.

"Which room?" SungJin started to run once he reached the fifth floor.

"Room number five two zero" Jae Bum informed SungJin.

Inside the room, HyunAh put Sarang on the bed. She heard a water running sound from the bathroom.

"Sarang, say goodbye to your peaceful life" HyunAh smirked at unconscious Sarang and turned to leave. Suddenly her vision got blurred and fell next to Sarang.

Sarang opened her eyes and quickly got up from the bed. Then the door burst open and SungJin ran to her.

He sighed in relief when he saw her standing in front of him unharmed.

Sarang was taken back by the sudden appearance of a stranger. Crooked neck tie, crumbled shirt, sweat tickling in his forehead. Still he looked handsome.

Sarang mentally slapped herself for ogling him. He might be collided with HyunAh to trap her.

Sarang stood like she's going to punch him, "I-If you took another step I'll punch you"

SungJin couldn't able to help but laugh at her cuteness, "Do you think your weak punch will hurt me?"

Sarang clenched her fist. She knows very well she can't take him alone, she bit her lips.

SungJin realized that she was wavering, suddenly he pulled her to him. That made her to fell hard on his chest. She panicked and started to punch him.

HyunAh fainted from the drug which Sarang secretly added when she took the glass from Byeol. HyunAh caught the bait and fell on Sarang's trap.

Sarang just wanted to see in what extreme HyunAh will go this time. When they arrived in front of the door, it was cleared to Sarang what HyunAh was planning.

Sarang thought once HyunAh faints she will run away. But she never thought that she will get caught by this handsome devil. Right now she was scared to death.

SungJin grabbed her hand, "You worried me to death"

Sarang stopped hitting him and looked at him. SungJin was shocked when he saw tears in her eyes. He held her in his hand and used his other hand to wiped her tears, "I'm sorry to scare you. I really came here to help you"

When he finished saying the bathroom door opened and revealed a middle aged man who was singing happily at the thought of young girl waiting for him on the bed.

But he was shocked to see SungJin and Sarang was hugging each other.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing in my room? Get a room for yourself" He shouted at them.

Sarang held onto SungJin tightly. At the thought of that middle aged man was here to hurt Sarang made SungJin to kill him, right now.

"Don't worry. I'm here" he assured her and moved away from her. SungJin went to the middle aged man and knocked him down.

"Let's leave" SungJin grabbed shocked Sarang's hand to leave but she stopped him. He turned to look at her questioning.

"If she arranged this to humiliate me during the 'Department feast', she might have planned for big" Sarang thought for a minute. "Can you lay him next to her?" She asked him pointed at the middle aged man.

SungJin understood what's she wanted to do. He carried that middle aged man to the bed and put him next to HyunAh.

SungJin started to remove that man's dress but he stopped his hands when it reached down. He turned to Sarang who looked confused, "Close your eyes. You're not allowed to see other man's naked body"

Jae Bum and Beom Seok rolled their eyes on the other room. "Then is he saying that Sarang is only allowed to see his body?" Beom Seok shook his head in annoyance.

Sarang quickly turned away feeling embarrassed, "I'm not looking at him. I'm just curious what you were doing"

SungJin removed that man's dress chuckling and covered him in the blanket so Sarang won't see him.

"Okay, I'm done. Now you can remove her dress" SungJin said to her.

Sarang turned to him, "You want me to remove her dress?"

SungJin nodded his head. Sarang looked at HyunAh, "No, as a girl I can't do this to another girl". Sarang just covered HyunAh under the blanket.

'She's still the same as two months ago' SungJin felt a warmth filled his heart.