Hot Chocolate

SungJin asked Beom Seok to prepare another room for her to relax next to this room and also ask them to prepare hot chocolate for her.

"I'll take you to another room. You can relax there" SungJin said to her. Sarang looked at him suspiciously.

"If you trust me, follow me" with that he left the room. Sarang hesitated for a second and decided to follow him. He smiled when he knows that she was following him, which means she trust him.

They went to the next door. He asked her to sit comfortably on the couch. As soon as she sat, the hotel staff gave her the hot chocolate with heart shape cookies. The staff handed SungJin a cup of hot chocolate as well. He saw only Sarang has heart shaped cookies in the plate not him.

SungJin looked at Beom Seok who avoided his eyes. Next to him, Jae Bum tried to keep his poker face but failed.

Sarang wondered whether she can drink it or not. What if he drugged her drink?

SungJin noticed her, "Can we exchange our drink? So that you can drink it without any doubt"

Sarang shook her head.

"Drinking something sweet and hot will make you calm" SungJin said to her.

Sarang took a sip of hot chocolate. The sweetness calmed her. The hotness made her trembling heart warm.

SungJin whispered to the female staff to remove all the dress of HyunAh, leave her naked. The staff nodded her head and went to the next room to do what she was told.

'I'll never forget what you did today. How dare you try to harm her? You will know the consequences of your doings' SungJin face darkened the thought of Sarang getting hurt.

"Why did you helped me?" Sarang finally gathered a courage to ask him.

SungJin stared at her. Strangely she didn't feel uncomfortable at his gaze. Instead she felt warmth like a hot chocolate.

"This is my hotel. I saw something weird the way you lost your consciousness so I went to check upon you" SungJin replied to her.

'Why did you lie? If you tell her the reason you might get a chance to be with her. Stupid' Beom Seok cursed SungJin in his mind.

Sarang gaze clearly showed that she didn't believe his lie.

"My staff informed me that they saw a student fell unconscious. As far I know we didn't provide any alcohol in the 'Department feast'. I got suspicious and followed you guys" SungJin said to her.

What he said was somewhat acceptable. "Then you are?" Sarang asked him.

"Owner of this hotel" SungJin said as he looked at the laptop. It showed Mrs.Lin and others came out of the elevator. He signaled Jae Bum to send the hotel manager to guide Mrs.Lin and others to HyunAh's room.

Jae Bum secretly gave spy pen camera to the manager. So they can see what's happening inside the room.

The manager went to Mrs.Lin as he guided them to HyunAh's room.

"I think I have to go there now to see more drama" Sarang stood to leave. But SunJin grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards to him, "Do you want me go with you?"

Sarang shook her head, "No, I should deal it with myself". She freed herself from him and left the room.

When Sarang saw HyunAh's naked body under the blanket she was shocked. 'When did she removed her clothes?' She looked straight at the manager spy pen camera and tilted her head.

SungJin smiled even though she can't see him. He took out his phone and called the police. He informed the things happened through phone.

"I never know girls can be scary until I saw her" Beom Seok can't believe that one person can go this extreme to hurt others.

'Ah! whom I'm kidding when this person can go any extreme' Beom Seok looked at SungJin who is glaring at HyunAh for trying to hurt Sarang.

"Make sure her family meet the end" SungJin clenched his fist. Beom Seok nodded his head.

On the other side the police left with HyunAh. Couple of minutes later, Mrs.Lin left with others. Even the manager left the room so SungJin didn't know what Sarang and her friends were doing.

SungJin patiently started at the empty hallway. Few minutes later Sarang came with her friends and entered into the elevator.

Sarang looked up and stared straight at the CCTV. She know SungJin must be looking at her. She mouthed 'Thank You'.

A unknown feeling spread through SungJin's body, a small smile spread in his face.

Beom Seok and Jae Bum felt goosebumps seeing him smiling.