
"What if I came by a second late?" Seok Chan flicked her head.

"Brother, stop shouting" Sarang pouted as she rubbed her forehead. Still she was happy to see him here.

"Just be happy that I didn't hit you" Seok Chan raised his hand to hit her. Sarang closed her eyes to get hit instead she was embraced by him.

"How many times do I have to tell you to be careful. What if you get hurt again?" He pats her head gently. At this moment Sarang broke into tears. A moment ago she was confused and scared but now she felt safe.

"Sarang, you scared us to death" GaEun tried to catch her breath.

"Brother, Thank God you came on time" Byeol said in between her breath.

"Sorry, I'm sorry"

I'm sorry for taking the place as your sister and as your friend. I'm really sorry that I couldn't able to tell you that your friend is not here, your sister is not here. I'm so sorry.

The three of them shocked at her outburst.

"It's okay, don't be scared. Your brother is here with you. Don't be scared" Seok Chan tried to calm her. He gave a Byeol and GaEun questioning look.

They avoided his gaze and looked anywhere except his eyes.

Seok Chan came to the city to sign a business deal. He thought to give a surprise to Sarang but instead he got surprised because of her.

Seok Chan took them to the nearby restaurant to have a dinner. When Sarang went to the restaurant he asked Byeol and GaEun about her. Their lips were sealed tight, they assured him by saying maybe she's homesick.

When he dropped them at the dorm he said that he will be staying here for next three days. Byeol and GaEun left Sarang to talk to Seok Chan.

"Are you sure everything is okay with you?" He asked her. He was really taken back when Sarang cried at his shoulder.

She was his baby sister. Sarang was seven years younger than him. Seok Chan raised her like his daughter. She didn't shed tears when she broken off her engagement. But why did she cried now? Did something bad happened to her? Is anyone bullying her?

"Brother, I was too emotional to see you here. I missed you and Dad a lot" She gave him a smile that she's okay.

Seok Chan hugged her, "Just remember one thing I'll be always with you. Whatever happens remember this brother will be your side"

Sarang controlled herself to not to cry. She just nodded her head.

"Tomorrow I will get off by seven in the evening. Let's have dinner together" Seok Chan said to her.

"Okay. Goodnight brother" She bid goodbye to him and left to her dorm.

Next day after the class Mrs.Lin called Sarang to her office. She apologized to her for doubting her.

"I didn't expect HyunAh will do this to you. I suspended her for fifteen days. I regret for trusting her and hurted one of my student in the past" Mrs.Lin sighed as she continued, "I heard from your teachers the assignment you submitted was pretty good. Here we have a 'Open college talent' competition in ten days. Already I registered your name to participate. Just take it as my apology"

In her previous life Sarang failed to enter 'Open college talent' because of Mina's manipulation but this time it fell on her lap by itself. Of Course she will accept it. Sarang got the registration form in her hand and signed it. "Thanks for giving me this chance. I will win it for sure" Sarang smiled at Mrs.Lin.

Sarang went back to her class. She informed her friends that she's going to enter into 'Open college talent' competition in ten days. Byeol and GaEun were shocked when they heard that.

"Are you sure about that?" Byeol asked her. "I know you were improving a lot in these couple of months in your studies. But don't you think the competition it's kind of too much for you to handle?" GaEun eyes filled with doubts and worries.

"Sarang, I heard about your scores in your high school finals. Are you sure about passing the first round?" Chan Woo chuckled. Sarang rubbed her nose, "You will know it when I win it" pumped her fist at them.

"Thumbs up to your confidence level" Jae Suk started to laugh at her soon others joined him. "Laugh till your stomach get cramps" Sarang sulked at them.

"Okay sorry. we know you will definitely pass the first round" GaEun controlled herself to not to laugh. "You guys are so mean. I am going to the library" Sarang took her books and walked away.

"Seriously do you think she will pass the first round?" Chan Woo asked GaEun. "Now a days her IQ is improving. Maybe who knows Sarang is full of surprises. We will never know when she will give us a heart attack. Anyhow we should prepare our self well" GaEun replied to him.


"Sarang joined the 'Open college talent' competition" Jae Bum informed SungJin. 

SungJin spit the water at Beom Soek's face, "What did you say?"

"What you heard is right. Her name is on the list" Jae Bum showed him the list.

"Is she out of her mind?" SungJin looked at her academic records. Not even once she got a decent mark in her exams not even in her mock exams. Only the top student in the computer science department can join the 'Open College Talent'. She is not even in the average level.

'Mister, before showing your obvious worry about your girl, don't you think you should apologise to me for spitting on my handsome face?' Beom Seok wiped his face with tissue.

"Call the respective head and ask them to cancel her registration" SungJin informed Beom Seok.

"Unfortunately it's not possible. The portal was already closed. We can't do that" Beom Seok told him. "Why can't we do that? We are the one who conducting the competition and you are saying that we can't cancel her registration?" SungJin questioned him.

"Let me remind you, there's an annoying president who made those rules 'once the portal was closed there will be no cancel in registration'. It was clearly written in the rules column" Beom Seok showed him the rules.

"Really? I did that?" SungJin tried to remember. It happened two years ago because NLU tried to change the student just before the competition. So he made that rules so no one should not cancel it once they entered the competition.

"Finally you are admitting that you are an annoying person" Beom Seok chuckled. 

"Shut your mouth before I throw you out" SungJin glared at him.

"What are you planning to do? As far I heard she is doing good in her studies. Even the teachers were impressed by the assignment she submitted" Jae Bum showed the email to him.

SungJin gone through her assignment, "Are you sure it was done by her alone? Not by others?"

"I am sure it was done by her" Jae Bum said to him. After seeing her quick wit during the 'Department feast' SungJin thought Sarang's was smart in other aspectives not in academics. But now seeing her assignment he has to admit that he is impressed.

"Let see if she can able to pass the first round" SungJin sighed.

'This little girl sure giving him a lot of surprises'