We are trying to save you from this pervert

Mina throw the things away when she heard that her name was taken away from the 'Open College Talent'. When she asked Mrs.Lin she said that past two years Mina was participating in that competition. Now it's time for the first year student who deserve to participate in the competition. 

Mina almost fainted when she heard instead of her Sarang name was written as a candidate.

"Mina, you don't have to worry. I have already checked Sarang's academic records. I am sure she will not perform well" HyunAh assured her. After hearing that Mina calmed herself and they both went to have dinner. 

When they entered the restaurant HmyunAh saw Sarang with a guy. She showed that to Mina who was taken back by that man's handsomeness. By the way he dressed, it showed that he's some kind of richman. Their nearby seat was occupied so HyunAh and Mina sat in a place which was far away from Sarang.

Sarang was sharing to him how Byeol and Jae Suk starting to like each other but too shy to admit. She was giggling a lot that irritated HyunAh a lot.

"How can she smile when she made me miserable? Because of her I got suspended from my class" HyunAh slap the table hard.

"Do you know who is that guy? He is kind of looking familiar" Mina asked her without taking her eyes off from him. "You forgot him? You met him on your birthday last year. You even said that he is your type" HyunAh said to him.

"You mean Seok Chan?" Mina gasped in surprise, "How did he know Sarang? What's the relationship between them?" 

"I am not sure. I couldn't able to find Sarang, Byeol, GaEun's family details. Maybe they are too poor so only it didn't recorded" HyunAh informed her.

"Then how can a poor girl like Sarang know Seok Chan? Don't tell me she's planning to use these kind of methods to be in a part of our circle" Mina's face changed in disgust.

"Who knows?" HyunAh shrugged. When Sarang and Seok Chan stood to leave Mina walked towards them, "Sarang, what a coincidence"

Sarang raised her eyebrow 'when did this witch started to act friendly'. 

"Sarang who is she?" Seok Chan asked her. Before Sarang could answer Mina said, "I'm Lee Mina. Sarang's senior". Sarang rolled her eyes, 'Senior my foot'

By seeing Sarang's expression Seok Chan understood the girl in front of him was not a friend of his sister. "Nice to meet you. I am her-" but Sarang cut him off. "Sorry, we are in hurry. We are going to leave" with that Sarang dragged him out.

Mina face became red in anger. How dare she do this to her? Who the hell is she?

"Did you saw how arrogant she was? Do you think he is her boyfriend?" HyunAh asked her. "There's no way he will choose a loser like her" Mina went to sit in her place. "What are you planning to do?" HyunAh asked her.

"I have to meet him alone. I have to tell him to not to fall for her stupid tricks" Mina said to her. 

"I think you can meet him alone" HyunAh smile. "How?" Mina ears perked. "Day after tomorrow my father will be attending a party. I think all the business man in the country will be attending the party. I am sure Seok Chan will be attend as well. Why don't you come? I'm sure your father also got invited, you can tag along with him" HyunAh said to her.

"I will ask my father to take me with him. This will be good opportunity for us" Mina smiled. This time she will not let Sarang to have a happy ending.

"Why did you drag me away?" Seok Chan asked Sarang when driving her back to the dorm. "Brother, why did I ask you to hide our identity when we joined NLU? We want to live a low life. If you inform her that you are my brother then don't you think that everyone will know about us. I just don't want to be in a limelight" Sarang said.

"But your look says that you hate her" Seok Chan tilted his head. Sarang eyes darkened, "Every cell in my body hates her"

Seok Chan was taken back. This was the first time he saw this kind of emotion in her face. What does his baby sister gone through in NLU.

Sarang got down from the car "So promise me that you will never reveal to anyone that I am your sister that until I say. got it?" Sarang warned him. 

Seok Chan raised his eyebrow, "When did you started to threaten your big brother?" He messed her hair.

"Stop it" Sarang started to move away him, but still Seok Chan continued with her hair. 

Chan Woo and Jae Suk were passing through the dorm in a car when they saw Sarang was fighting with a stranger. They quickly stopped the car and ran towards them. 

Sarang saw them, "Why are they running here?". Seok Chan turned to look but before he could get a good view he was pushed away by Chan Woo. He stood in front of Sarang protectively. 

"If you get close to her, he will you punch you" Chan Woo pointed at Jae Suk who stood like he can punch Seok Chan anytime. Sarang startled by their sudden outburst. 

"Did you get a boyfriend behind my back?" Seok Chan glared at Chan Woo and Jae Suk. Because he was not sure who's her boyfriend.

"No, I am not. What are you guys doing?" Sarang moved away from them. "We are protecting you from pervert. Don't worry he can fight well" Chan Woo hide her behind him. Jae Suk was still standing in front of them in his fighting mode. 

"Who are you saying pervert?" Seok Chan crossed his hands.

"Of course it's you" Chan Woo pointed at Seok Chan. "If you try to hurt my friends, you have to go through me first" Jae Suk warned him. 

"Stop spouting nonsense" Sarang kicked both of their knee.

"Ouch. Sarang we are trying to save you from this pervert" Chan Woo rubbed his knee. Jae Suk almost yelped in pain but he didn't show it. 

"Shut your mouth before I choke you" Sarang went to Seok Chan, "Sorry. They don't know that your are my brother"

ChanWoo and JaeSuk freezed when they heard what she said.