Sarang, My fiancée

"Sarang, Is that you?"

The three of them stopped at hearing Sarang's name and turned to looked at the person.

"Isn't he Kang Hwan?" Byeol whispered to them.

"Yes, what is he doing here?" GaEun whispered back.

The handsome guy walked towards the girls. Next to him was two guys who were same handsome as him and two girls who were looking like a rich brat.

Seeing Sarang in front of his eyes, Kang Hwan heart pricked. By seeing upon her gaze he felt that he have lost something forever which might not be in his reach no matter how much he tried.

Sarang doesn't even want to look at his face when she thought of 'real Sarang'. Poor girl she lost her life for this scumbag. With that thought she started to walk away.

When Kang Hwan saw Sarang was walking away, he rushed towards her and stopped in front of Sarang. Seeing her so close, his heart skipped a beat. He  never know that Sarang could be so beautiful.

Is it because he haven't seen her for a year?