Sarang is not your fiancée

"Mom, don't you think it's too much. You're wasting my time" seven years old SungHo glared at his mother.

"You're always buried yourselves in the books. Is it wrong for you to shop with your mother?" A middle aged woman pouted like a kid.

"Mom, stop pouting or else I'll inform Dad that you spent your own money instead of Dad's money" SungHo took out the mobile from his pocket and waved in front of his Mom.

Mrs.Sung lips twitched by hearing her son's words. She turned to look at her other twenty year old son SungMin, "Mom, Don't look at me like that. It's your problem that you're not spending Dad's money"

"Why didn't I gave birth to a daughter? Only daughters can understand mother's heart" Mrs.Sung faked cried wiping her invisible tears.

SungHo nodded his head, "You're only forty two. You can still consider as young. Why don't you give birth to another child? Who knows maybe it will be daughter"