Ryu, It's enough

Jae Bum looked confused when he saw the message in his phone. He turned to SungJin who was about to get down from the car, "Boss, did you ask Sarang to meet with the clients?"

SungJin stopped and looked at Jae Bum, "She is an intern besides she is my girl. Why do I have to ask her to meet the clients?"

"Always showing of his love in front of the single dogs" Beom Seok annoyed at his friend.

Jae Bum showed the message to SungJin whose face darkened immediately. He took his phone and dialed her number.

Beom Seok peeked at the message, "Why is she with the clients? Who asked her to go with them?"

The call went through but she didn't pick up the call. Again he tried to call Sarang but her phone was switched off.

"Trace her phone's last location. I want to know it immediately" SungJin regretted his decision for not allowing the shadow guards to follow her sacred she might find about them.

Within a few seconds Beom Seok found her location, "Sarang is in 'Paradise Island'"