Then to SungJin

Sarang looked at her watch it's almost past nine.

'Why this President Sung not keeping his words? Doesn't he know the people here are waiting for his arrival'

Then her gaze fell on the two men who were politely drinking without making any fuss for SungJin's late.

Sarang turned to look at Ms.Li's assistant, "Why the president didn't arrived yet?"

The assistant looked at her phone before answering Sarang, "I got the message from Ms.Li, he must be wrapping up the things over there. He will be here in fifteen minutes"

Sarang felt that something was amiss. She quickly sent a message to Jae Bum and asking him to tell SungJin to come here quickly. The alcohol smell around here makes her to puke.

Even though she was going to be nighteen in two months she didn't tasted the alcohol, yet.

Few minutes later, The assistant offered a drink to Sarang but she declined saying that she doesn't drink alcohol.

The assistant said, "it's just a fruit drink, not alcohol"