Damn SungJin

"Are you not planning to go home?" Boem Seok looked at the drunken SungJin pouring another glass to drink.

Jae Bum snatched the glass from him, "Stop it already"

Jae Bum and Beom Seok were confused why this icy president suddenly wants to become a drunkard.

They know that SungJin can handle his alcohol level but this..

"Hey, Do you want your stomach to bleed?" Beok Seok pulled SungJin away from the private room.

He put SungJin in the back seat of the car and sat next to him as fed SungJin a hangover pill to soothe his stomach from hurting.

Jae Bum started the car as he said, "Just what made him to drink this much? I have never seen him like this"

SungJin was clearly upset.

"Why Sarang behaving so closely to Ye Jun than me?

Why can't she understand how much I love her?"

Beom Seok cursed aloud and Jae Bum almost lose his control on steering.

"Did he just spoke his inner thoughts aloud?" Beom Seok whispered in low voice.