Is he playing with her?

"She is my future daughter-in-law"

Sarang looked at Mrs.Sung with a question look. 'What's she playing you now?'

Suddenly Sarang felt someone looking at her with a strong hatred gaze.

Mrs.Sung made Sarang to sit next to her and asked the Butler Kim to prepare the dinner for her.

"Daughter-in-law?" That girl gritted her teeth when she asked her.

"Yes, her name is Sarang" Mrs.Sung dotingly held Sarang's hand, "Isn't she pretty?"

Her question made the three guests to fume in anger.

"Mrs.Sung, what do you mean by that? Didn't we already arranged a marriage between our Hye Yeon and SungJin? Now where'd this future daughter-in-law came from?" Mrs.Park stood as she shouted.

"For past ten years my daughter was grooming herself to become your daughter-in-law now you are saying this girl is your daughter-in-law?" Mr.Park pointed his fingers at Mrs.Sung.

Sarang felt someone stabbed her heart again, she felt difficult in breathing.