They think it was easy to covet their young master?

"You can't do this to us" Mr.Park glared at Sarang. This damn wretch wanted to snatch his daughter's position.

Dream on.

Sarang scrunched her nose. What is has to do with her? She was just a passerby watching the drama.

Mr.Sung was enough of their drama, "Who do you think you are to shout at my wife?"

Mr.Park started to tremble when he heard him, "Mr.Sung, everyone knows that my daughter is SungJin's fiancée. Now if you say you want this girl who knows where'd she comes from might damage your reputation"

Mr.Sung got angry when he insulted Sarang, "When did I ever cared about my reputation? All I care about my family happiness. Now take your wife and daughter and scarm"

"Uncle, please don't do this to me. I really love your son" Hye Yeon started to beg them. Even Sarang feel sad for her.

SungJin raised his eyebrows when he caught the look of Sarang's face. He was already arrived when Sarang reached the house.