Calamity Talent

Dean looked at the giant words in aw. God's Playgrounds was truly worthy of being called era defining.

While technology has constantly been improving especially after the third world war, all previous generation games could only be described as trash from just this small part alone.

No game could induce a certain reaction onto the players, no matter how realistic the games were they could never make the players feel like they were a part of the world.

No matter how immersive it seemed, there was always a small part of the mind saying to them it wasn't real.

But Dean could clearly sense the difference between God's Playgrounds and other games.

Just standing and looking at the words made him feel as if he was in front of God's Domain. And taking a step forward will lead him to reincarnate in a new world and being.

After an unknown amount of time, Dean was able to snap out of his trance. Taking a step forward, his surroundings changed as a wide variety of different species appeared around him. There were humans, demons, skeletons, angels, and much more.

"Hello Dean Sky, thank you for playing God's Playgrounds." A panel appeared in front of Dean which was read out by a mechanical voice.

" Please click the button in front of you to draw out your randomly given talent. Don't worry if you get a bad talent as everyone gets an additional draw chance." A new panel appeared with a large button with the big word Draw.

' So far this seems simple enough.' Dean thought as he clicked on the button. Just as he let go of the button a long list of talents appeared scrolled at a speed so fast that you couldn't read them.

' It could also be because the programmers were too lazy to actually list them all and just wrote gibberish.' Dean smiles as he thinks about the silliness of the situation.


After what seemed like a couple of seconds past a ding sounded. As the sound came the list of talents disappeared and a new blue panel appeared in front of Dean.

" Congratulations Dean Sky, you are the 600th person to draw a calamity grade!"

" You have drawn the Talent called Twin Body and soul!" The neutral mechanical voice said with a tint of excitement in its voice.

With the big reveal, along with the panels countless fireworks and confetti exploded around him. Dean was shocked but tried his best to calm down so as to not mess up his hair.

However he couldn't help but scream the words "F**k yeah! My lucky hands have never let me down!"

" I'm going to dominate and be the king of this game!"

Ignoring Dean's screaming the mechanical voice continued " Some advice for the user. Do not reveal your talent as it will allow for you to lose your talent in certain situations."

After hearing the voice say that he had to hide his talent, Dean forcefully stopped Dean from the middle of his delusions. " Then what's the damn point in having this talent if I can't show off to everyone then!"

" Fine, whatever, I guess that I'll be the king and dominator of the land in silence then." Dean stubbornly insisted even though he hated the idea of not being able to show off strength.

After calming down, Dean looked at the blue panel with the description of his Talent. Twin Body and Soul allows the owner of this talent to have and use two different characters at the same time.

"Wow, does that mean that I'll be the only person to have two accounts? This ability does seem worthy of its rank."

The blue panels disappeared while a black shadow appeared in front of Dean. The figure had the golden words Character Creation above its head.

Noticing the character model, Dean first went around to choose his race. After taking a look at the various different races, none of them drew his attention other than the demon and ooze race.

" I wish that I could combine them to make a new species worthy of my excellence. Sigh!" As if hearing Dean distress a new button appeared next to the character model.

Dean noticing the new button took a look at it. Above the button were big flashing golden titles called Race Fusion. There also seemed to be the faint sounds of angels singing. In very small texts was the number 10,000.

" What the F**k! It costs 10,000 dollars to use race fusion." While Dean was complaining at how corrupt and money loving the game designer was, his hands on the other hand clicked on the button.

After selecting the demon race and ooze race for fusion. The character model shifted and turned into a black whirlpool that sucked the two models of the races. After several odd clanking noises rang the whirlpool spite out a new race.

Demonic Ooze! A fusion of the demon race and the Ooze race created a new frightening monster.

Dean reading the brief description of the race nodded before looking at the stats and abilities.

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 5

Vitality: 9


Magic: 3

Spirit: 8

Dean looked at it with satisfaction. While it stats weren't the best it was it's abilities that truly made this race a monster


Morph: The ability to change shapes and sizes as long as the required mass has been achieved. Special effects are that health is based on mass.

Dissolve: The ability to break down items and equipment for experience or additional mass. Due to the ability Frighten, Dissolve can now break down monsters and players as long as they are under the effect of super suppression.

Frighten: The ability to suppress other players and monsters that are your enemies giving them small status debuffs. Under the condition of the player being 10 levels higher than target it activated super suppression.

Quickly locking in on the Demonic Ooze race he customized the appearance to look as cool and as demonic as he could.

Next it was time to create his second avatar. Dean after some thoughts decided to go with the exact opposite appearance of his previous character.

Clicking on the glowing fusion button he selected the Angel race and after thinking for a while chose a strange race called War Spirits.

After the character model turned into a black whirlpool the expected clank was replaced with a sizzling sound.

" Sorry user but the fusion has failed. Please try again." The cold mechanical voice that had disappeared previously spoke to rain on his parade."