The Town Square

" You can't be serious."

" There's a chance of failing a 10,000 dollar draw!"

Dean in utter disbelief at the outrageous. And questioned the voice to ask why it failed.

" Dear user, the fusion failed because of some of the incompatibility of the Angel race and War Spirit Race."

"There is a 20% chance of failure rate for fusion of those two races."

" Please try again for better luck."

Dean for some reason felt that the voice and the words in the blue panel seemed to have a hint of mockery.

After hearing the voice's explanation he put the thought of writing a complaint to the developers away. Deciding that he had already spent 20,000 it was fine to spend a little more.

The character model transformed back into the black whirlpool pulling the Angel and War Spirit.


Hearing the weird sound of success Dean nodded and didn't let the previous failure to bring him down

" At least my luck is still with me. Just like my old Pops used to say, having money makes people luckier."

Taking a look at the new race in front of him he marvels at the strange creature.

It's appearance could only be described as beautiful yet strange. Its most defining feature is ironically its face or its utter lack of one.

It lacked eye, mouth, ears, nose, and other features that made up a face. Its face was a blank slate of metal like substance.

Since it has not been customized yet it has a non gender specific body. There were pieces of clear crystal gems attached to its chest and limbs. With a pair of a pair of angelic wings on it's back.

Dean after looking at its body made a silent note to himself to make sure to add a face to his character.

Spirit Angel:

A race created from the fusion of War Spirits and Angels. This is an angelical species with the special characteristics of the Spirit Race.

Strength: 9

Dexterity: 6

Defense: 5

Magic: 5


Spirit: 6

After seeing the Spirit Angels excellent stats he looked at its abilities.

Holy Aura: This ability coming from the Angel side creates a holy light that when touching allies gives them a small buff of willpower.

War Mode: This ability coming from the War Spirits grants the user a buff when entering combat. Special effect becomes activated when entering War combat.

" Its abilities aren't as good as compared to the Demonic Ooze but it had better stats for sure."

Locking in on the character, Dean was finally able customize the appearance of his character models.

Selecting his first character, he looked at the vast array of options at his disposal. Of course some of the options were grayed out, not being selectable because of the race's special characteristics. For example, gender, height ,and skin were all not selectable because of the Ooze race characteristics of being a blob.

After spending around 10 minutes changing things his character model became more demonic looking.

The model was made up of black ooze with different colored specks moving around inside while a majority being red. Despite being made of slime it displayed a set of well defined muscles.

A set of Horns made of the darker ooze formed the shape of a crown sat on top of its head. Lastly, the hands and limbs had sharp claws also made out of ooze that looked like they could rip apart the world itself.

" Now that's a body worthy of my status. Look at its powerful body that looks like it can crush everything from its sheer weight." Dean said while being deeply satisfied with his design.

Moving to the next character, he spent about 15 minutes creating it since it had more options where available. The reason was because its special characters didn't prevent much changes.

The new and improved Spirit Angel now had a much more feminine figure. Showing how Dean decided to pick the female gender for his second character. It had the stereotypical features of Angels with the classic long crystal blonde hair. The previous lack of face now had one that could only to be described as angelic beauty from God's touch. In the middle of the character's plump chest was a large color changing crystal with similar smaller versions on the hands and feet.

Dean once again nodded in satisfaction at his lovely creation.


Just as he was marveling at both of his characters he received a message saying that it was from William.

Hey we already are at the Spawning point for everyone in the city. Where are you at?

" I guess I did spend a bit too much time modifying my characters."

" But it's not my fault, everyone else only has to spend half of their time customizing compared to me."

Dean sighing from the troubles of his success.

Clicking on the large start button that appeared at some point, Dean felt his mind split into two before feeling a sensation similar to falling.


On a gray platform that was raised above the sky was raining various colored raindrops. When these colorful raindrops splash on the floor of the platform they release different monster's and species.

These figures once they came into being will either perform strange movements or make odd comments none of which was about the current situation.

" Holy Shit, this feels so much more real compared to Fantasy Kingdom that came out 3 years ago."

" I wonder if we are going to see any celebrities? Like Johnny Depp Jr."

" Bro, of course they're going to be playing. The question is whether you're going to be able to recognize any of them when they change their face."

At the center of the platform was a portal that showed a wilderness scenery that had towering trees. Some of the figures were running into the portal without much caution.

By the portal was a group of people that ranged from a wide variety of races most of which were humanoid in appearance which wasn't very surprising.

" Damn why is Dean taking so long. He was the one who invited everyone." speaking with frustration was a green headed elf girl that was in the group.

" You know how Dean can be, he's someone who cares about his appearance the most out of everyone here." A girl who looked to be from the dragon race responded to the elf girl.