Top 100 Players

After a round of introduction everyone got familiar with each other. Trinity continued to hold on top of Dean regardless of the strange looks everyone had, especially Sammy.

" Alright now that everyone has met up I'll tell you why I actually gathered you all here."

Hearing that they were going to finally know the reason for gathering together instead of not completing quests and killing monsters. Everyone perked up.

" I assume that everyone has heard of genetic serums right?"

Everyone nodded their head at his assumption. In actuality it was nearly impossible not to know about genetic serums in this time.

As during WW3 the science community had a break though that allowed for genetic serums to be invented.

However genetic serums only allowed people to change their appearance and other superficial things instead of improving health or curing genetic diseases. Of course the majority of people have used some sort of genetic serum to improve their looks.

" Well I'm here to tell you that our government has placed a lot of importance on God's Playgrounds. As they will be giving genetic serums to the top 100 players before the public release date."

There was silence in the group as they were all stunned at how that could be so impressive to gather everyone here. In reality most people here could easily afford serums on their own without the government's help.

" You can't be serious, that's the important announcement. Just some genetic serums." Sammy asked Dean with some disbelief in her voice.

" Of course not, these aren't just regular serums but ones that can improve our health, intelligence, and most importantly it can extend our lifespan!" Dean couldn't help himself from getting excited at the thought of living for more than a 100 years with easy.

Everyone was shocked at the revelation that serums that could extend people's lives existed.

" But how is this possible and what's so important about God's Playgrounds that they are just giving these magical serums away." This time it was Jessica who asked Dean this important question.

Everyone once again perked up and tried their best not to miss a single word.

" That I don't know. That's all the information that my sources were able to obtain or how much they were allowed to tell me that is." Dean put up a weary smile as he doesn't have the answers to these questions.

After a minute of just digesting all this information everyone had a new goal for trying their best to get to the top. Most people here didn't need to ask why Dean gave them this valuable information. As for the reason it was to build a bigger connection with them and there was nothing to lose with telling them early as they would have found out sooner or later.

"Okay, so what do you think that we should do now?" William asked Dean with a serious expression that was rare for him

" What else, we need to level up to get to the top?" Dean said matter of factly.

"Of course we should form into team to beat stronger monsters and quests."

" But we can only have a 5 member team. How are we going to choose who's in which team?"

"Well there are a total of 20 of us with a split of 10 guys and 10 girls . I propose for team 1, it's me, Jessica, Sammy, Julia, and Trinity" Dean proposed his team with no shame on his face.

All the guys in the group looked at Dean with a dangerous glare in their eyes prepared to make sure this doesn't go through.

" I don't know, everyone should group up with who they are most familiar with." said the class monitor of A-2.

The other guys in the group nodded with these suggestions as if it was the most fair arrangement.

" How about I, Barbara, take the responsibility of being in Dean's team along with Jenny, Steven, and Jax."

The woman that spoke about being in Dean's team is Barbara Chester, the monitor of class A-6. She is the second runner up from Dean's class and is also the second most shameless of the sophomore's. With Dean taking first place.

Barbara continued to assign the rest of the group into teams. With William, Jessica, Trinity, Ethan, and John being part of the same team.

Once everyone was put into teams Barbara went over to Trinity and took Dean out of her hands.

* Strength Check. Check Successful.*

' I should have expected that she chose a race with high strength.'

Taking steps towards the giant portal which will officially start their journey to the top.


In a forest with trees as tall as 100 meter tall, 5 figures appeared. In the group was a tall girl with a body so defined you could see her muscles. The girl was holding up a black blob in between her arms. Together with the group was a small fairy, a rock creature, and a human male.

"Did everyone else also get a quest just now?" Spoke the tall woman.

" Yeah I got it too. Mine says `` return home`` how about you guys" The small female fairy replied to the woman.

The guys in the group nodded and said that they also received the same quest. Taking a look at the description the group started planning the best route.

Quest- Level E

Name: The Return Home Part 1

Description: Each one of you was born from the eternal storm platform. Your goal is to find a settlement that can help show you your location.

Barbara was the first person to propose an idea. " How about we just go in a random direction and just kill the monster we see on the way."

" Yeah, but let's follow the river so that we have at least some bearing of our direction."

Hearing Dean's words everyone started to walk towards the water sounds in the distance.

Not before long they saw their first monster. It was a hog type of animal that was about 1 meter tall with dark fur.