Dark Hog

The dark furred Hog's eyes turned red once it saw the group. The hog backed up and powered up for a strong charge.

" Everyone, our first monster encounter. Get ready to dodge its attack."

Dean jumped out of Barbara's embrace and transformed into his normal appearance. Activating the Frighten ability and could help but to unleash a roar.

" Come here and meet your maker hog!"

* Frighten Check. Check Successful*

* Due to level difference, Frightens debuffs effects have been reduced.*

" Be careful this hog is higher than us."

After Dean finished his sentence the hog charged towards the stone golem Jax, kicking up a dust storm behind it. Jax activated his racial ability Harden to defend against the Hog's charge since he couldn't dodge out of the way fast enough.

* Thud*

The moment Jax and the hog came into contact Jax felt a powerful force ramming him a couple meters back hitting onto a tree that was behind him.

"Damn that hurts! This guy hits like a truck. That one charge took a fifth of my health."

Barbara and Jenny both went behind the hog that seemed to be stunned from the impact. Barbara threw her strongest punch while Jenny used her fairy ability Strengthen onto Barbara's punch causing it to throw the hog into the air.

Seeing that it was a good opening Dean used his Modify ability to transform his arms into whips.

* Modifying Check. Check Successful.*

The transformed limbs whipped the hog into the ground leaving bloody scars where the whips hit.

Steven, having already prepared, ran towards Hog and stabbed it with a thick stick that had been enhanced with the ability Weaponize. The stick went through the thick fur and buried deeply into the flesh of the hog.

The Hog seemingly having recovered, shook Steven off. However with an additional object still attached.

The Hog then charged towards Barbara but being prepared she was able to dodge.

This continued back and forth for a couple of minutes until Dean had at some point climbed on top of the Hog.

In his demonic form he clasped his two hands together and modified them into a deadly mace.

Aiming the mace towards the Hog's head and smashing it. Again and again and again until he heard the notification sounds.

* Level 5 Dark Hog has been killed.*

* 100 experience for each team member with additional 10 exp for the final hit.*

Dean getting off the dead hog's body ran towards the group turning back into small slime ball.

" Did you guys get any items? Because I didn't."

Everyone in the group shook their heads in response. Steven thought about something before going to the corpse and touched it with his hands. The body lit up and then turned into several items that came along with the system notifications.

* Level 5 Dark Hog has been reduced into 4 items.*

* Level 5 Dark Hog fur, flesh, bones, and tusks*

Seeing the items the group quickly decided on how to distribute the items. In the end Dean acquired the Dark Hog fur.

" Okay, I can finally use the Dissolve ability now." Dean, in excitement, couldn't wait any longer and proceeded to activate the ability. The fur in his hands rapidly sank into his body before being dissolved like it was in acidic fluids.

* Dissolved Level 5 Dark Hog fur has been converted into 50 experiences.*

" Nice, this is a pretty good ability. I almost have double the exp the rest of the group has now."

When the items were distributed to their owners it was time to go back to their journey. When Dean tried to go back into Barbara's embrace she gave him a look that was saying that he better not try it.

" Dean, I didn't know you had a different form that you could walk with." Barbara said with her eyes squinting at Dean.

" You know I can't be walking around in my other form, I would be making everyone else feel inferior."

"So I decided to stay in my ball form for the good of humanity." Dean spoke with such righteousness in his voice that he also most believed himself.

" I don't know, it feels to me that you have been getting more and more shameless ever since we began playing today." Barbara said with great suspicion at Dean's claim.

" It's fine if you don't believe me. Misunderstandings are things that all great heroes have to face. Sigh!" Dean sighed with great pain at being treated with suspicion from his own classmates.

" Jenny, how about you! Do you believe me."

Hearing Dean asking her, she also gave him a look of suspicion but shrugged her shoulders before trying to pick Dean's ball form up.

* Strength Check. Check Failed.*

' Damnit!'


Meanwhile at a different side of the forest was William's group.

" Are we going the right way? We haven't seen anything but trees for a while."

While Dean's team was having a very important discussion. William's team that was made of Jessica, Trinity, Ethan, and John were still looking for a settlement of their own.

Just like Dean's team they also went in a random direction. Trinity who was paying attention to Dean's perspective, couldn't help be think.

' What the hell. Why did their group already find a monster. It couldn't be that my other half is luckier than me, right?' While Trinity was questioning the unfairness of the situation she heard someone talking.

" Trinity, how do you think the other groups are doing so far?" Jessica asked Trinity, trying to start a topic with the only other girl in the group.

" I don't know about the other groups but I think that with Dean's luck they probably found something already." Trinity responded though feeling a little weird to address her other half as Dean and herself as Trinity.

" Trinity I hope that you don't take this the wrong way but you're kinda a little bit like Dean."

"But a better version since you're not as shameless, cocky, and more polite."

Though Trinity felt it weird that Jessica just described her other side of herself as shit. However it did feel kinda good to know that she was the better half.