Golden Reward

Back to the present time, Dean along with Barbara and Jenny walked together with the demonic faction.

Once they were sufficiently a good distance away from Trinity's group, Dean heard the familiar ding of the system notification.

* Ding! Due to your actions you have been graded as a gold class.*

* There are 5 levels of player interactions that can be obtained. There is the lowest level bronze, then iron, gold, diamond, and the highest Platinum.*

* Due to the low level of this encounter diamond and Platinum have been locked.*

Dean, hearing that he reached the highest level of player interaction possible, nodded in meeting his expectation.

But he could help wonder what level of encounter did he need to be involved in to unlock diamond and Platinum.

* Ding! Gold level rewards can be collected at any time.*

'Hell yeah, but before I collect it I have to do something real quick.'

Dean tosses a glance at Barbara, before transforming into his simple round ball form. He then rolls towards Barbara's side waiting for something to happen.

Barbara saw him coming over, began twitching as she saw him waiting in expectation.

" Do you want something?"

Nodding his round body, Dean jumped on top of Barbara's head after seeing her notice him.

" Thanks for the support back there, Barbara and you too Jenny."

Barbara and Jenny show shock on their faces as the thought of Dean actually being thankful and appreciative.

This was especially the case for Barbara who had been classmates with Dean since freshman year. And the amount of times that he sincerely thanked someone could be counted on one hand.

" Wow, are you serious?"

" Of course, you and Jenny were the only ones that sticked by my side when you could have left like Stevens and Jax."

" Those people are so ungrateful, leaving the moment they get the chance like they don't like me or something."

Listening to his rant Barbara and Jenny couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Just as Barbara was about to speak and show how much his appreciation means to her, he continued talking.

" Of course, I know why you chose to remain by my side, but don't worry I know that I have enough love for both of you."

Swallowing the kind words back she had for him. Her face grew as tough as stone.

" Do you want to drive us to leave?"

"Alright, I'll stop joking. But really thank you."

This time Dean said seriously.

Though it won't really matter if they left, playing a game by yourself can be lonely if you are just surrounded by strangers. He still appreciated their presence plus he can get a free comfy ride when they're here.

' Maybe it was a mistake to join the demonic faction with him.'

' There was always a possibility to join later in the game.'

'How long can I stay sane?'

Barbara shakes her head in disbelief, almost tossing Dean off. While Jenny was looking at Dean from the side noticed how he was on Barbara's head.

" Barbara, how are you able to carry Dean? I thought you couldn't lift him before."

Noticing this strange phenomenon, Barbara stopped shaking her head and thought about how Dean just got on top of her head without even asking.

' Damn, I was so shocked about him thanking me that I ignored him using me as a free ride.'

" Dean, how am I able to carry you right now?"

"Oh, that's simple."

The reason Barbara had enough strength to carry Dean is that he is no longer as heavy as before.

The fighting with Senior Adin made him lose some of his mass and he hadn't recovered fully yet.

Accepting his explanation, Barbara and Jenny nodded before catching up to Carroll, the four armed skeleton lady and her crew.

Throughout their entire conversation Carroll Skulfor could hear every single word.

' This Dean fellow is going to be fun to hangout with back at home.'

After finishing his appreciation speech, Dean turned his attention back to his golden reward.

' System you can give me my golden reward now.'

Quickly after Dean thought about opening his reward the ding sounded.

*Ding! Randomly giving you a suitable golden rank reward.*

*Ding! Congratulations you have gain the ability Gigantification level 1.*


This ability comes from the Titian Race and their relatives. This ability allows for the user to grow into a giant and gain stat bonus during the transformation. Level 1 allows +1 all around stat bonus. After using this ability the user will enter a weakness state.

*Ding! Due to the special property of your body the ability Gigantification no longer induces the user to enter a weakened state. Instead the user loses some of their initial mass.*

' Hell yeah, this is a strong ability. An all around boost with only a loss of mass!'

' I truly must be handsome and with the system helping me like this.'

" Barbara, you really are my lucky gem."

Confused from Dean's sudden exclamation, Barbara couldn't help but ask why he said that.

" Haha, Just watch!"

Excited Dean leaped off of Barbara's head and turned into his regular form. Seeing the familiar Demonic figure everyone stopped and watched his display.

Dean, feeling that it would be better to flex his muscles a bit, started doing poses that showed his appealing muscular strength.

After about a minute of seeing Dean just getting into different poses they were starting to feel impatient.

"Hey, enough for the side dish and to get the main course!"

Carroll Skulfor yelled out after oggoling at him for a minute straight.

After finishing his stretches Dean activated his ability. Dean felt his body start expanding and a feeling of power and an additional sense of pride started to well up in him.

In the eyes of others they watched as Dean grew into a giant becoming as tall as the 2 meter tall Carroll.

His muscles and body stay at the perfect proportions while additional spikes grew out of his back making him even more terrifying yet beautiful.

The feeling of getting stronger and bigger filled Dean's mind as he looked around him, having to look down to get a clear view of his teammates.

A strange feeling of pride aroused in his heart as if saying to him that this is how it should be, with him looking down on everything. Anyone below his existence is puny and should be called as such.

Another feeling began to surface when he saw Carroll Skulfor who was as tall as him. There was a hint of jealousy and disdain when he saw someone breathing the same air as him

Dean quickly suppressed these odd feelings as he knew if he acted out in them it wouldn't end well for him.

' Strange what was that? It didn't feel like those feelings were from me but some existence putting it into his body.'

' I should be careful and watch out to see if this happens again.'

Though Dean was confused he put it into the back of his mind to think about it later and just decided to be cautious and watch out for it.

' Hmm, Trinity probably already knows what I felt so she can just think about it for me.'

' For now I have to give these ladies a show!'