
Watching the figures fade away into the background there was a silence that emerged.

" Grandpa, I'm so sorry!"

The guilt on Fredrick weighed on him immensely causing him to drop his shoulders and hang his head with shame, biting his lips so hard that he could taste the blood.

' While Fredrick is shy and a coward he at least has the ability to know when he makes a mistake and tries to fix it.'

" Fredrick, it's not all your fault."

Senior Adin sighed deeply while putting his hand on Fredrick's shoulders.

" You have only just become a magic apprentice and haven't seen the strange things in this world yet."

" However, you still made a mistake and sear this lesson in your heart and learned from it to grow."

" This is even more important as you might have made a dangerous enemy today."

"Promise me. Promise me that you will remember what happened today and use this to become stronger."

Fredrick's eyes turned red as his sight turned blurry from the tears' surface. Choking on his words Fredrick made a promise that he wouldn't forget for the rest of his life.

" I-i Promise! I'll remember everything and will become stronger!"

While Fredrick and Senior Adin were in their own solemn world. Trinity couldn't help but think back to what happened just moments before.


Back to the time after Dean had leveled up.

Dean showed the group his new skill by turning his arms into whips and attacking a tree.

* Attacking a Bling Bling tree using the skill transformation.*

* Strength check! Check Successful!*

* Critical check! Check Successful!*

* Due to the skill Limb transformation due additional whip damage.*

The moment the whip hit the tree bark, the whip created a boom noise as pieces of tree flew into the air.

Seeing the raw power of Dean's new skill the group all had looks of expectation at their future skills.

Of course, Dean knew that the skill wasn't as powerful as it appeared as it was a rare critical hit. But he didn't mention it.

Taking a look at their faces Dean nodded with pride as he transformed into his slime ball state and rolled towards Barbara.

Barbara, still seemingly shocked at the display, unconsciously tried picking up Dean.

However, unlike the previous times it was much harder, and she tried to use more strength until she got the system notification.

* Ding! Strength Check! Check Fail!*

* Due to insufficient strength you are unable to lift the Player Dean.*

" Dean, you seem to have gotten heavier. You should try eating less cake."

" So does that mean that I,"

" Yes, you're going to have to walk."

Dean accepted his fate, turned back into his tyrannical form and walked with his head held high.

He was also taking the lead as to let everyone get a better view of his perfect body.

After the group walked for a bit, Dean noticed that the surroundings seemed to feel similar.

But he was pretty sure that he hadn't been here. Before it hit him that his other half must have just left this area.

Figuring that out, Dean walked into the direction that Trinity should have gone feeling that it would be nice to meet them.

And also complete the quest of finding a settlement location at the same time.

As he got closer to the place Trinity and then he noticed that he could hear and see the perspective of Trinity more clearer as he grew closer.

Dean first discovered this phenomenon back when Barbara took him away from Trinity. As the distance between the two of them increased, the voice's or thoughts of the other would get fainter.

Making it so that it's easier two not have their thoughts collide with each other and be able to think independently.

Of course as long as they focused they would be able to see the other's thoughts and their perspective.

Putting the matter at the back of his head, Dean continued walking as the distance between them continued to decrease.

' Dean my other half, are you coming towards us.'

' There is a tense situation over here right now so it's going to be interesting.'

Hearing Trinity sending her thoughts to him as he figured outside he current situation. However when he was able to see the two sides facing off each other, he heard a system notification.

* Ding! Due to you entering an unexpected encounter, the Frighten ability has automatically been activated.*

' Huh, what's going on?'

Before he could figure out the situation, Dean felt the air around him heating up. As a bright flame covered his entire body, scorching him.

" Ahhh, That F**kin Hurts!"

Due to the sudden change of going from normal to being roasted alive, Dean couldn't help but roar even if the pain tolerance level had been turned to the low setting.

Due to the pain and even though he didn't see who exactly attacked him he knew who it was. It was Fredrick, the apprentice that was standing near his other half.

Transforming his Limb into whips to teach Fredrick a small lesson.

However once again before he could react, the situation changed once more with him being sent flying by an old man.

* Ding! Due to your arrival during this unexpected encounter all your actions and words during this time will be analysed before giving you suitable rewards.*

Hearing that he would get a reward for his actions, Dean had a change in attitude going from being angry to acting like he was.

Like the saying went, 'Grudges hold people back while benefits last forever.'

' Damn, that old man is too strong. He took over half of my health right in one move.'

* Ding! Due to your special race characteristics of your mass being connected to health.*

* Due to the counter attack from Senior Adin, you have lost half your mass and therefore your total max health has been reduced until your mass increases.*

' This old man is too strong, I don't think I can win.'

' But how do I get out of here alive and also still be involved enough to get a good reward.'

Of course, benefits are only important if you are alive to use those benefits that you earned.

As Dean was thinking of a plan to get out of this terrible situation, Trinity, his other half, also introduced an idea.

The idea was for her to stand up and interfere, with her acting as the mediator and convincing Dean to give up his revenge.

Dean and Trinity were originally the same being and later separated because of God's Playgrounds.

So while they were thinking about fleshing out the plan, their thoughts became more and more similar before combining back into the original Dean.

Allowing both bodies to have perfect synchrony and also able to handle the situation better.

What happened after could be said to be history.