Making a Decision

"Haha, good choice!"

The four armed skeleton who was laughing with all his might folded his lower two arms while raising the other set in a pose that showed his strength.

" How about you, young ones also make a good investment into your future and join the superior demonic faction."

Though the skeleton's words sound like college recruiters trying to rope in highschool students it did make Barbara and them think.

Though they might not have known all the details of what happened before their arrival they got the general gist.

" Though we made the first mistake, if the demonic faction is extending a hand invite then the human faction can't fall behind."

* Ding! Mission quest activated!"

Name: Pick a Side

Grade: D

Description: Due to the unexpected encounter with the Demonic Faction and the Human faction they both are sending invites to join their faction. One side represents all humans and the other all demonic creatures. Choosing one will make you an enemy of the other. Your future fate could be decided with just a word!

Requirements: Make a decision.

Reward: +1 favorability with the Demonic/ Human faction. 1 Random skill.

It could be said that they were in a rock and a hard place. They could either take this opportunity to easily join a faction and possibly make their path to the top 100 easier or they could reject and not restrict themselves but miss this chance.

As they were Dean's team mates at this time and the other side was throwing the first attack too, morally they should be sticking with Dean with this.

However, benefits don't always have anything to do with morals..

" I'm willing to join the human faction." the calm collected voice rang as they slowly and evenly walked towards Senior Adin's side.

" Steven, I see that you made your choice."

The person walking towards was Steven, the only person of the human race as well.

" Sorry Dean, it has been fun traveling together for a short period but the human faction has more benefits for a human like me."

Dean, not minding Steven any longer, looks at his last remaining team mates for their decision.

Steven, seeing Dean not replying, just shrugged his shoulders while calmly continuing walking towards his future allies.

Barbara who always was the first to attack Dean showed the most amount of hesitation on her face.

' Should I leave or should I stay.'

" As the monitor of the same class as Dean we shouldn't really be enemies."

' Plus the actual benefits that could be earned from both sides is unknown and could be the same for all we know.'

' The safest smartest bet is to choose the Demonic Faction. And being on the evil side could be a nice change for once.'

While Barbara was rationalizing whether to join the Demonic Faction, another member made the choice.

" I have made my choice."

It was Jax. Jax with his stone like body continued to show no emotion other than a scheming glint that appeared in his eyes.

" I chose neither!"

Shock appeared in everyone's face as they forgot that there was another option from joining one of the factions.

However, it was natural for the thought of not picking a side not to appear. As the quest only gave them the choice to pick either the Demonic Faction or the Human Faction.

The betrayal of Steven joining the human faction had also clouded their judgement.

' Ahh, I see now that's also a choice.'

' But did he get the rewards from the quest?'

Barbara looking at his smiling and triumphant face could guess what the answer was.

' Sigh, Damn it Dean, why couldn't you just stay out of trouble.'

Barbara, remembering the scene from a while back after Dean leveled up, of him turning into a ball as she tried to pick him up that ended in failure, shook her head.

Making her decision she spoke with conviction.

" I'll join the Demonic Faction."

* Ding! Mission- Pick a Side. Has been completed.*

* Rewards are +1 favorability from the Demonic Faction and 1 random skill.*

After hearing her decision everyone turned their heads to the quiet and small sized fairy that was next to Barbara.

Jenny, who everyone thought was about to make her decision, asked a question that nobody thought about asking.

" If I decide to be neutral does that mean I can hang out with everyone."

Though this came out of nowhere, the other creatures and beings from the demonic faction spoke their minds.

" Of course! Our faction has always been known for having the most tolerance."

" Though you might not be part of the demonic faction and get its benefits we will still treat you nicely."

While the demonic faction was oddly very friendly despite their appearance. Jenny could only nod her head with a smile and look towards Senior Adin and the human faction.

Fredrick, having finally recovered from the events from before, showed his appeal to Jenny.

" Yes, We will also treat you with the best treatment an outsider can get."

" As well as we have plenty of places and people that even teach people that are not in a faction in the city."

Hearing both of their positions, Jenny took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

" I chose to be part of neither faction."

" But I will still stick with Dean and Barbara for now."

After everyone had chosen their side, the giant skeleton began to speak once more.

" I see that everyone has picked a side. I just want to say `Welcome aboard`!"

" And we will take you to the station that's controlled by the Demonic Faction before heading home."

" Oh by the way, you can call me Carroll Skulfor."

" Wait, you're female!"

Barbara shouted as she heard the Four Armed giant's name.

"Of course, I was also known for being called a beauty back at home. Hahaha!"

The giant skeleton, no it should be Carroll Skulfor, responded to Barbara before introducing her teammates.

The muscular cyclops was called Vark and the centipede-like creature was called Demi.

After the brief introduction Carroll together with Vark and Demi led Dean, Barbara, and Jenny to their station.