Lightning Fist

The black sharp whips created by Dean's arms pierce the air and create sonic booms.

Right before they hit the frozen Fredrick an arm covered with golden electricity grabbed the whips.

Senior Adin whose face was entirely icy looked deeply into Dean's bloody eyes.

His old arm flexed as they showed their muscles and doubled in size.

Swinging his arms that carried Dean along with them and sent him flying into several trees before slamming into a large boulder.

Creating a dust cloud that prevents them from seeing his figure.


Utter silence rang throughout the forest. No could react to the sudden change as they were paralyzed with shock.


The soft sigh of Senior Adin broke the silence and brought everyone back to reality

Meanwhile at the top of the sky the massive stone platform numerous strange symbols appeared.

Back at ground level the four armed skeleton felt something and looked at the sky while the fire in its eyes undulated.

" Old man, I guess the phrase that is the most fearful thing of all is to have an unreliable teammate is true after all."

Senior Adin also seemed to have sensed the same thing as the skeleton as he looked at the sky before looking at the dust cloud.

" Don't you dare insult anyone of mine using that mouth of yours."

" You really think you can still talk with that much confidence after you just attacked a creature from a mysterious birth land."

While the Skeleton and Senior Adin were having a stare down. William, Jessica, Trinity Ethan and John finally reacted to the situation.

" Was that Dean just now?"

The group looked at each other trying to confirm with each other if they all saw the same crazy scene.

" But I thought Dean was a slime ball-like creature when did he turn into such a monster."

" Do you think Dean's dead? I also didn't think that Senior Adin was that strong. He has to be level 10 at least right?"

Just as they were talking they heard several hurried footsteps coming from the direction that Dean came from.

Out from the bushes they saw Dean's team, Barbara, Jenny, Jax, and Steven. They were sweating as they had come running after Dean after they separated.

Looking around they couldn't see Dean however they did find a bunch of people along with Trinity's group.

" Jessica oh you're here, we just heard a big boom sound and we're looking for Dean have you seen him."

Seeing the familiar people they relaxed and approached them.

Seeing that they were looking for Dean, Jessica with a stiff smile pointed in the distance to a cloud of dust that was about to completely settle.

As the last dust fell to the floor, they could see his situation. At the crime scene was a black puddle of ooze with bits of tree parts and rocks scattered around.

The black ooze quickly reformed into the frightening figure of Dean however he was only half the size as before.

Still seemingly pissed at the surprise attack Dean grabbed the scattered bits of trees and rocks as he dissolved them into his body.

Instead of turning them into experience like before, they converted into mass that helped regrow his body to its previous size as well as a little bit bigger.

"Dean, what happened to you that made you so pissed off."

After seeing Dean's state Barbara couldn't help but ask Dean for the details.

Ignoring Barbara, Dean continued to stare directly at Fredrick and Senior Adin with cold raging emotions in his eyes as he coldly utter the words,

" You're going to pay dearly for taking advantage of me and launching an attack upon my greatness."

The four armed skeleton laughed in it's deep harsh voice while it talked to Dean.

" You saw the hypocrisy of the human faction."

" I'll use this moment right now to invite you to the demonic faction.

"I think you will fit perfectly right in."

Dean, finally looking away from Fredrick, moves his vision towards the giant skeleton sent him the invitation.

" I'll respond to you after I kill the people."

Not wasting any more words Dean launched an attack towards Senior Adin; to him it seemed that he was more of a threat to stop him from killing Fredrick.

Just like before Senior Adin stopped the attack. However, before he could send Dean flying, the platform in the sky unleashed a bright light as it landed on Senior Adin.

The light quickly left as soon as it arrived leaving behind light shackles that faded away.

The previously muscles on Senior Adin's body shrunk as he felt his body lose strength.

Taking advantage of Senior Adin's weakness, Dean launched another attack at him. Unlike the other times actually pushing him back a few feet back.

Seeing the increasingly unfavorable situation the old man finally showed a seriousness he never showed before.

His body became covered in golden electricity as the lightning rushed towards his fist as he unleashed his skill.

* Check you have taken damage from character Adin using the skill Lightning Fist.*

* Defense check. Check Fail.*

* Critical hit damage Check. Check Fail.*

The golden lightning fist punched through Dean's weak defense and sent him flying again.

Just as everyone was filled with tension and yet at the same time impressed at the senior Adin's prowess they heard an angelic voice of reason speaking.

" Dean, why don't you stop and we put this all behind us."

Seemingly livid at hearing those words Dean responded by reminding everyone of how this got started in the first place.

" You seem to gloss over how I was attacked when unprovoked."

" And am I supposed to also gloss over the situation if that fireball killed me!"

Unfazed by his words, Trinity looked at Dean with the same indifferent eyes as she continued to speak.

" But you didn't die."

" Plus forget about the attack for a second, you had provoked everyone here by using your frighten ability the moment you arrived."

" This is also not beneficial for any of us as what will you get if you kill them isn't much."

" And the most likely situation is that you would be killed instead."

" I'm saying this because of our previous connections. I hope that you don't miss this good opportunity."

Trinity's words seemed to get through to Dean that while he might have been sort of right in this situation at the end of the day it all comes down to benefits.

As benefits can overcome any sort of hard feelings for people aiming for the top.

After staring at each other for a long time, Dean finally relented and walked towards Barbara and them.

" Hey, I accept your offer."