
Picking up the loot that they obtained from the battle with the Spiked Panthers, the group continued on their way to the station.

' I'm close to leveling now.'

Trinity, satisfied with the gains of the battle was in a much better mood now that she was close to reaching level 2.

" Fredrick, that fireball spell that you used was cool. Could you teach me."

Thinking about the fireball, the desire to learn the skill rose up in Trinity's heart.

" Sorry, I can't teach you as I'm only a magic apprentice so I can't teach you."

" Sigh, that sucks."

" Ah, that reminds me, did you already pick your class."

" Class? No, why do you ask that."

Fredrick hearing that Trinity hadn't even chosen her class yet she want to learn a skill from the wizard class.

" The reason is that you wouldn't even be able to learn it if you don't have the appropriate class even if I could teach you."

As they continued to travel to the station they heard footsteps coming towards them.

* Thud Thud Thud*

The footsteps didn't sound like they came from a human. Soon following the set of footsteps came a second then a third. The last set was much heavier sounding compared to the others.

Stopping and waiting for the sounds to come closer they went into battle mode while Trinity's beating heart thumbed harder at the expectations of battle.

' From how many people that seemed to be moving towards us they should be enough to level up.'

Finally they were able to see the monster's that made those footsteps.

The first one was a giant centipede-like creature that was standing on two main legs like appendages.

The second came from a more human-like creature but was completely black except for the crimson lines that travel down its body and back towards its single eye.

Lastly, at the back was a huge figure that turned out to be a 2 meter tall four armed skeleton.

Senior Adin and Uncle Gill and Stuart who were inactive most of the time, however when they saw the four arm skeleton they all had a cautious look deep within their eyes.

" Well Well well, look what we have here, a group of puny humans."

" Oh and some creatures born from the sky platform."

The four armed skeleton who appeared to be the leader of the group spoke out in a deep harsh voice.

The flames that it had in its eye sockets looked at Fredrick and his family with disdain.

However the look he gave Trinity, Jessica, William, Ethan, and John was one of surprise, gentleness and desire.

" How about you ditch these people and come with us as we can truly make you stronger."

The Skeleton using his most gentle and kind tone he had to try to persuade them to join their team.

Hearing his comment, Senior Adin showed a grim look on his face as he responded to the skeleton.

" Hmph, stop your lies. They don't need your help to grow stronger."

" If you want some more allies then your demonic faction needs to first learn to keep promises."

Shifting its attention back to Senior Adin as the crimson fire in its eyes expanded showing it emotions.

" You be quiet! You humans need to learn not to be hypocrites!"

The tension grew stronger as both sides prepared for a possible battle.

Senior Adin's arms unleashed a thin line of electricity as both Uncle Stuart and Gill both drew their swords.

While Trinity and the rest of the team knew not of what was going on they knew that a battle was about to break out.

So they chose to stand on the side of Senior Adin as he was the one who helped them out.

" If you really want to fight, old man. You better prepare your funeral."

" You stole those words right out of my mouth. But you should take a better look at your situation first."

The four armed skeleton didn't seem concerned with its disadvantage in numbers, instead it seems concerned with something else.

However even still it believed that its team was strong enough that even with the disadvantage they could still crush them.

The silence that was formed from the two people forced the surroundings to also enter a state of quietness. The tension was so intense that even crickets didn't dare make a sound.

*Thud Thud*

Suddenly both groups that were having a standoff heard deep thuds coming towards their direction.

* Thud Thud*

The footsteps continued to get louder as they kept getting closer. Instead of the atmosphere easing up it became more heavy with every thud.

In the middle of the group deep within Trinity's eyes a sparkle appeared as a thought popped into her head.

*Thud Thud THUD*

A tense second passed as the massive frame of the figure appeared.

The figure was tall and packed with muscle, their body was made up entirely with unknown pitch black slime.

The horns that formed a crown on its head were made of even harder black material than its body.

The figure had large claws that looked like they could rip apart their bodies in half. There was a crimson blood glare that formed their eyes.

* Frighten has automatically activated!*

A change occurred as the black figure grew bigger and became more demonic in their eyes.

The peaceful blue sky became blood red as the crimson speckles in the figure body reminded them of eyeballs.

The figures' mouths opened and closed as if saying something but they couldn't figure it out no matter what.

Suddenly everyone felt the surrounding temperature rapidly increase as a large flaming ball appeared.

Senior Adin's pupils dilated as he saw the fireball. But being a step too late for him to stop it the fireball flew towards that demonic figure at a fast pace.

* BOOM!*

The Black demonic figure quickly caught in fire as it let out a devilish roar.

" Roar! That f**king hurts!"

The figure turned its head towards the person who unleashed the fireball gazing upon Fredrick's pale face.

As its crimson eyes turned a bloodier hue as in anger it transformed it's arms into whips. Creating sonic booms as the whips approach Fredrick.