A Bit Too Charming

The feeling of leveling up couldn't be described in words as it would be doing it an injustice. The feeling of getting stronger, faster, and better overall was a feeling that many could get addicted to.

" Just from this God's Playgrounds leveling sensation would lift it to the top of the charts."

" I wonder what else it has in store for me."

I have only been playing God's Playgrounds for less than 2 hours and I already don't want to stop playing it.

The characters, environment, and world itself give me a feeling that this is the real world.

If this was the anime Sword Art Online the third remastered version then I don't think I would mind all that much.

As I was coming down from the high of leveling up. I noticed that everyone was staring at me with looks of awe and envy. Those looks gave me another surge of good feelings as I'm the first one in the group to reach the next level.

" Dean how was it." 

Hearing Barbara asking for some details I of course couldn't hold back. I explained to them that it was pretty good and the stats increase was kinda modest. The real improvement was that I'm the first person that has a skill.

" How good is the skill that you got," Barbara grumbled while crossing her arms.

" It's pretty good. But you should be able to level up after we find so some more enemies."


Back at the campsite Trinity, William, and Jessica, we're having a chat with Fedrick and his family.

" Fedrick where are you from?" 

After the awkward accident with Trinity and Fredrick, the two groups grew even closer. Jessica asking why they were in the forest.

The old man that they found out whose name is Alpin Windsor responded by telling them their mission for coming to this land.

" We came from the Kingdom of Lifa. And we are its proud citizens."

"We are here to help people that were born on the platform that's in the sky."

" When we encounter them we will kindly show them the way to the stations."

Jessica was both surprised and at the same thought, it was normal that they were here to help the players. She was surprised because their arrival is part of the story of this world and how the players act to the NPC's could change the story progression.

" Anyways we probably should be going now the sky is starting to turn dark so we need to hurry to the station."

After their good talk, Trinity couldn't wait any longer to start moving as she saw that her other half had just leveled up. Though they still technically part of the same person she didn't want to fall behind.

 The group next to the campfire all looked up at the sky that was still had the sun at its highest point. Bewildered from her comments Jessica and the team thought she probably wanted to hunt monsters down.

Jessica  with a smile and sweet voice said " Yeah, I think that we had overstayed our welcome and start our journey to the station."

Frederick, Uncle Stuart, and Gill, as well as Senior Alpin, shook their heads saying that it was lovely to meet them and that if they met again that they should get lunch.

When the Trinity turned around to leave she heard a ding.

* Ding! Due to the meaningful interaction with Fedrick, Stuart, Gill, and Alpin. Their impression of you increased by 1.*

*Due to meaningful interaction with Fedrick his impression of you increased by 2.*

' I didn't know that we could improve NPC's favorability by talking to them in this game.'

' But why do I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen.'

Just then Trinity hears Fredrick's voice shouting at her.

" Wait for a minute!"

Then the bad feeling in Trinity's stomach great stronger. When she turned around she saw Fredrick's face completely blushing.

" How about we travel together? You know you might get lost on the way."

Fredrick having used all his confidence in his body to say those words slumped before trying to put his most dashing appearance on the display.

Everyone was in shock at the world that just spurred out of his mouth. While his words were reasonable it was clear to see that it wasn't the main reason for making that suggestion.

' Bro, Come on you could have tried to hide it at least.'

' I guess my charms are too strong. I'm probably going to need to shelf those plans that I made before.'

After briefly flying past the awkwardness the previous group of 4 now had 5 additional people coming for the ride.

Trinity prepping herself up for the comeback of the century. She might be a bit less lucky compared to Dean but that was just a side effect of being this good-looking.

After a while, it seemed that her luck had improved as they saw a gang of giant cats that had spikes running down their backs.

"Giant Spike Panthers. This group is about medium-sized with 4-6 members."

Fredrick spoke quickly as he gave a brief description of their targets.

Smiling with delight, she got into combat mode activating both her Holy Aura and War mode Abilities. The holy light that radiated from her body and the bright red crystals gave her the appearance of a War Angel that came down to rid the world of its sins.

* Holy Aura Check. All allies have received a small buff in Strength, and Spirit stats.*

*Due to facing a gang of stronger enemies you receive a +3 all-around stat boost.*

Taking a deep breath as they waited for the giant cats to make their first move. 

The first Spiked Panther sprinted towards their group before pouncing in the air. Trinity stepped forward as she wanted to go head to head with this beast.

Sending a punch that created whooshing sounds showing the amount of power in her fists.  Her improved spirit allowed her to see the panther moving at a slower speed allowing her to hit straight on its skull while avoiding its teeth and claws.


Though the panther didn't get sent flying however its current condition wasn't so good.

Not giving it a chance to fight back Trinity unleashed a barrage of fists and completely suppressed it.

Seeing their buddy being crushed, the rest of the Spiked Panthers joined in on the fight. Before they could get close a fireball hit one of the panthers lighting it on fire.

Fredrick who launched the previous fireball lifted his wand and started chanting another spell. Not wanting to be outdone, Ethan ran straight at one of the panthers and used his giant strength to restrain one of the last remaining two.

Jessica acting as support using her ability Green Aura to heal the wounds Ethan sustained from the back spikes.

* Ding! Level 2 Giant Spikes Panther has been killed.*

* 40 experience has been distributed to each team member. Additional 10 experience for the final hit.*

Before William, John, and the rest of the group could join in. They saw a holy figure rush to the last Panther and brutally beat it up. 

Seeing this sight they all experienced a shiver run down their spine as they made a mental note not to mess with her.