Level Up

* You have taken Buzz Fruit into your body.*

* Due to race characteristics the effects of the Buzz fruit are nullified*

" See I told you that it wouldn't work on me." The smooth voice of Dean broke the silence in the area.

Hearing his voice everyone sighed in disappointment. Going back a few minutes ago Barbara and the gang teamed up on Dean forcing him to try eating the fruit

" This sucks, now we can't even use you as a test subject." Barbara couldn't help but complain at the lack of methods they could use against Dean. As most methods weren't effective against someone as shameless as him.

Though Barbara was the second runner up in their class she still held on to the hope of challenging Dean to take the class president status.

This challenge rule is unique in that only Villarreal university had. The reason for this was to build competition between the students and also to simulate the real world where no matter your position someone better could come and rip it away from you

After a bit more back and forth, Jax became the next sacrificial lamb to experiment on.

* The Buzz Fruit has been Eaten.*

* Spirit Check. Fail Check*

* Due to check failure you are unable to withstand the spice of the Buzz Fruit.*

Jax soon started feeling a fiery sensation in his mouth and quickly spread into his throat. The rocks on Jax's body turned a pinkish hue and brighter as the heat continued to climb.

" Ahhh! It's too hot! Too hot!"

Unable to take the bearing heat any longer Jax started screaming and ran towards the river taking big gulps of water.

* Gulp gulp*

Seeing Jax's state, the desire to try the fruit completely vanished. Causing them to drop the fruit on the ground as they don't have any inventory space.

" May I have those!"

Dean, not waiting for their response, decompressed and transformed into his Demonic Ooze state.

The large muscles made out of black slime and the sharp claws grabbing the fruits and activating the Dissolve ability.

* Dissolving 3 Buzz Fruits and converting them into 15 experience points.*

' Sweet I can basically level up even if I don't kill any monsters as long as I have enough stuff to dissolve.'

" Hey, let's continue to collect items. The ones that we don't want, I'll just Dissolve them."

" That seems fine to me, but how about everyone else?"

Everyone else agreed but the only one person not happy was Jax. He had to endure pain just for Dean to benefit.

* Dissolving 10 Dingo fruits. Converted into 50 experience points.*

* Dissolving small fairy leaves. Converted into 3 experience points.*

* Dissolving small rocks. Converted into .01 experience points.*

As the group continued their journey they picked up a variety of items and some of which were quite useful. Unfortunately for Jax he was the one who had to find out the effects of these things.

* Giant Gourd acquired. The Gourd cannot be eaten but can be used as a small storage unit.*

After finding the Giant Gourd that could be used for storage they stopped letting Dean dissolve anymore items as they could be useful in the future.

At this time they encountered another Dark Hog, this one being a bit smaller than the last one. Seeing the Hog charging at them, Jax steped in front of the Hog to act as the tank.

* Frighten Check. Check Successful.*

* Due to the level difference, Frighten's debuff has been reduced.*

* Thud*

The stunned Hog was then assaulted by the group barrage of attacks. Once the Hog recovered this cycle repeated until Barbara killed the Hog with a punch to the back.

* Ding Level 4 Dark Hog has been killed*

* Gained 65 experience points.*

* Acquired level 4 Hog fur, flesh, bones, and tusks*

" Hey let me have those. I will pay you back later."

After doing some calculation in his head Dean realized that if he dissolved these items and found another level 5 monster then he should be able to level up.

Barbara being her considerate self said that it was fine but he owed everyone in the group a favor. Dean just nodded to show his agreement before dissolving the items.

* Dissolving level 4 Dark Hog fur, flesh, bones and tusks.*

* Converted into 160 experience points.*

Seeing that his experience bar being about 4/5 full he knew that he was going to level up soon.

5 minutes later.

The team found another monster in the form of a large snake. The snake was about 6 foot long and as thick as an adult fist.

Taking the lead Dean activated the familiar Frighten ability once again resulting in reduced affects.

The snake was much faster than the Hog and wrapped around Jenny's small frame and constricted trying to completely suffocate her.

Turning his arms into whips, he started to whip the snake until it came off while at the same time Steven grabbed a sharp rock and used it as a makeshift sword as he slashed the snake.

Finally the snake couldn't take it anymore and let her go before trying to run away.

" This snake is smarter than the Hog, that's for sure."

Not wanting to let go of their prey they chased after it until finally Dean smashed in the snake's head.

* Ding! Level 5 Serpent has been killed.*

* 100 experiences have been distributed to every team member.*

* Additional 10 exp had been given for the final hit.*

* Ding! Due to reaching max experience you have leveled up!*

* Due to repeated modifying of your limbs you have gained the skill limb transformation.*

Limb Transformation:

Created from repeated use of the Modify ability on certain limbs. Transforming arms and legs now does weapon bonus damage depending on the shape of the limb.

Demonic Ooze

Level 2

Status Update:

Strength: 6+1 (7)

Dexterity: 5+1 (6)

Vitality: 9+ 2 (11)

Defense: 3+1 (4)

Magic: 3+1 (4)

Spirit: 8+2 (10)

"Finally I leveled up. I even got a new skill, sweet!'

As Dean was bathing in the pleasure that filled his body. Barbara saw the transforming process that Dean was undergoing.

His body grew bigger, his horns and claws became sharper and longer, and the number of red specks floating in his body grew a size bigger. After the transformation ended, Dean could only be described as even more terrifying as compared to before.