Buzz Fruits

The human group hearing William's request responded by shaking their heads.

The old man said with some understanding "There is no town or city around here that you could walk to."

" However there are some stations where you can be teleported to the nearest Adventure guild building."

" Stations?" Trinity asked as she didn't know what these stations were about.

This time it was the young man named Fedrick who answered quite eagerly.

" Stations are kinda like campsites that are owned by the kingdoms, guilds, or other powers."

" They usually are stocked with resources that we adventurers need when we travel so they are quite convenient."

" These stations are open to just about everyone as long as they pay a price. Of course they also have portals that can take you to the towns."

Trinity and the rest of the group nodded to show that they kinda understood what stations were at this point.

" Soooo, what is the price for entering the station?"

As Trinity and the team talked more with Fedrick and his teammates. Trinity became more talkative and friendly, acting as if they had known each other for a long time.

Trinity started to scoot closer to Fedrick as if she wanted to hear him better. Just as Fedrick was about to continue, he blushed and moved away from Trinity in embarrassment.

Seeing Fedrick moving away from Trinity everyone laughed, especially the old man and Uncle Stuart. Who were laughing so hard that they were slapping their knees.

Trinity couldn't help but smile as she thought about her beauty.

' Ahhh the hard life of a beauty.'

' I know that I'm so beautiful that even the girls of your dreams would blush.'

' It does feel quite good seeing people get embarrassed like this. I should try it with someone else when I get the chance.'

Trinity started to develop some devilish plans in the back of her mind. It should be noted that while Trinity and Dean were split personalities of each other.

Unquestionably they both had the same magnitude of narcissism running through them. Whereas Dean likes showing his nature to the world, Trinity on other hand keeps it hidden though it will come out from time to time.

Jessica being her kind self tries to help Fedrick out as she coughed and also asks about what's the payment for the stations.

" Cough, yeah so the payment can be just about anything but the most common method is iron coins."

" I see. So where is the nearest station?"

" The nearest station should be about Northwest from here. About 20 minutes away."

After Fedrick finished speaking, the old man who Fedrick calls Grandpa said to Trinity's team.

"However, as long as you have a badge you will be exempt from needing to pay."

" Gramps, is it fine if I call you gramps, how do we get these so called badges?"

The old man's face twitched slightly when he heard the first part of Trinity's sentence but decided to ignore it and answer her question.

" It's no problem getting them. We have one that we could give you."

' Huh, why is grandpa being so nice to these people?' While Fedrick was puzzled with his grandpa's strange behavior he decided not to say anything.

" I don't think you need to do that. You already have done enough by giving us this information."

' Good job Jessica! First we lightly reject their offer then when they insist we will be forced to take it.'

Trinity praised Jessica for her quick wit in her head but before she could join in to improve the effects she heard William taking their offer.

" Really gramps you would do that for us. We would really appreciate it."

' Wow, I didn't think William could be so shameless to just take their precious badge.'

Trinity cursed William for his shamelessness while she conveniently skipped past the fact that she was planning on doing the same thing.


After a deep, meaningful conversation with Barbara and the rest of Dean's team we get the current situation.

If there was someone else that was walking down the river side then they would see a strange site.

On the head of a well built lady was a black ball with colorful sparkles inside. Next to them was a small fairy, a rock golem, and a human. All the men in the group all glared at the black ball with the same thoughts going through their heads.

' Damn, how can someone be this shameless without dying or getting killed.'

The black ball on the other hand seemed to show no sign of concern for their glares instead it was looking at a different scene all together.

' Man I didn't think William could be that shameless. Why can't he be more like me who is upright and upholds justice.'

Shaking his round body, he asked Barbara who he was on top of, if she could try to move her head up and down less.

" If you feel that it's so uncomfortable you can just walk by yourself." Of course Barbara knowing that Dean's shameless self took a hard stance to stop him from complaining.

" You know Dean, I think that we are pretty good friends. I'm pretty sure my strength stats are high enough as well so I could just carry you."

Jax said in his slow and deep voice as he tried to make himself sound like he actually cares about Dean.

Dean on the other hand completely ignored Jax as he knew that it was a trap. If he responded and it led to a conversation then he would be kicked off his comfortable spot.

" Hey, do you think we should try to collect the plants?" Dean said, trying to divert the topic away from himself.

The group stopped walking as they realized that they had not stopped to check if they could collect items from the environment.

" Dean, while you might be a crappy person, at least you have some good ideas from time to time." Barbara said as she gave Dean a back handed compliment.

Dean decided that just staying silent was the best possible move while mentally marking to get back at her and Jax for the mental damages they have caused him.

The group moved towards the nearest tree and reached out their hands to grab the red colored fruits on the tree.

* Ding! Red Buzz fruit has been collected*

Jenny, who had been quite most of the time, asked a very important question.

" Who's going to eat it first?"

To that question, the heads of the group members all faced in the direction in particular black blob.