Extra Status Window

" Peas in a pod?"

"Yes, we're both handsome and a gentleman who has a great sense of humor."

Looking at the wobbling ball and the one-eyed cyclops the group's eyebrow twitched.

" I think that is a subjective observation to make."

" Is it?"

Prince Saul nodded with the statement: " I agree with it being subjective as some plant races have different tastes."

" For example, Venus flytrap race likes their man to have bigger and wider mouths."

" So we can only be considered to have conventional handsomeness."

" Bother, I didn't think you and Barbara had such wisdom and knowledge. My perspective of the world continues to grow every day!"


* Sigh*

" The world is such a big place with every being bringing different things to spice up the world."

William turned towards Trinity who let an outburst of profound words out of nowhere.

" Trinity, why would you say that?"

" It's just a sudden realization that I had, don't mind me."

The group continued to walk to the portal at the center of the campsite ready to set off to the first major town.

As the group was walking, two different panels appeared in William's eyes.

The first was the standard God's Playgrounds status panels with all his information. The other was different with the main difference between the two is that the second didn't have an experience bar and a few extra categories.

Name: William Jefferson

Titles: None

Race: Human

Allegiance: Human Faction

Talent: Noble Theft ( Grade-Unique)

Abilities: Makeshift, Creative Thinking, Copy Theft

Skills: None


This ability comes from the Human race. This ability allows the user to know how to create some basic Tier equipment. This also allows for hand-type skills to be gained more easily.

Creative Thinking: This ability that comes from the Human Race allows the user to be able to create different variations for items. When paired with the Makeshift Ability allows for the user to create new items that the world doesn't have more easily.

Copy Theft: This ability is derived from the Talent Noble Theft and allows for the user to copy a downgraded known talent from a player or character.

' The ability description matches with the God's Playgrounds description but why do I see two panels?'

' Dear User, this is the separate stats window for using the prototype ring. I hope that answers your questions, Goodbye!'

As soon as William finished he heard a female mechanical voice ring inside his head sounding like the automatic response given from phones.

' Huh, What are you and how can I hear you?'

' Dear User Since you have connected to the ring that allows for you to interact with the rings function through your mind.'

' This also allows for you to see the status window of the ring and the panel of God's Playgrounds at the same time.'

Hearing that the explanation to this phenomenon is the strange ring that he used to play the game he frowned.

' I should have taken more caution when I used that ring. But after looking around for a couple of days I still couldn't find who delivered the ring.'

' Even the delivery company that sent the ring seems to be fake.'

' Hey, that explains the status window but can you explain what you are, the voice I'm hearing, exactly?'

The mechanical voice didn't respond like the other times William had a question instead of being completely silent.

'The voice seems to only respond to certain questions or maybe it just doesn't want to answer.'

As he was finishing up his thoughts the group arrived at the portal that was going to take them to complete their next quest.

Different from the portal from the sky platform this one was much smaller and was embedded into a stone wall with symbols on it.

" This is the portal. As long as you have your tickets it will take you to the closest town adventure guild."

" This is also our last stop and will have to bid you farewell."

Senior Adin gave Trinity, William, and Jessica a deep look before stretching out his hand.

Taking his hand William, Jessica, and the rest shook his hand. When it was Trinity's hand she gave him her signature smile.

' Everyone brings something different to the world huh' Seeing this scene William thought about her earlier words.

Taking steps towards the crystal clear Portal displayed the scene at the location. There was a dirt road in front of a large building that had a stickman figure painted on the doors.

' I wonder what I'm going to bring.'

Turning around to take one more glance at others he saw the strong old man, a young upcoming wizard, two uncles that had taken their separate roads.

' There is something special about everyone and everything. It just depends on the perspective of the observer to notice them.'

A sharp glint appeared within William's eyes as he crossed the thin barrier that would change his life forever.


" So tell me again why the prince of a kingdom would challenge a weak slime."

" Hey, I'm not weak or an ordinary slime!"

Ignoring his protests Barbara looked at the one-eyed prince that was calmly sipping on green wine.

" Well I wanted to see how strong my defense using Mountain Guard was since it's not every day that you see someone with such unique abilities and skills."

" Plus I was a bit drunk."

Feeling a bit speechless from how nonchalant this prince was acting Barbara and the rest just looked at the two.

' When Dean said that they were two peas in a pod I think I can understand it a bit.'

" Dean, how could you go from when we left to fighting a prince while a crowd of people takes bets. we only left for 30 minutes."

" While it was 10 percent luck, 20 percent skill, 15 percent concentrated power of will, and 5 percent pleasure, 50 percent...."

" You don't have to explain then."

" What? I was just trying to explain the process of how I got my success."

Not wanting to continue with the pointless conversation with Dean, she turned to Carroll and asked: " It should almost be time for the portal to open right?"

"Yes, it is, if you want I can guide you to the portal location."

Popping out from nowhere Aurora responded to Barbara's question with the same politeness from before with an extra big smile on her face.