You have been Marked

"Aurora, you are here!"

" Yes, I was going around with something that occupied me for a bit, apologies for the inconveniences."

Taking a glance at Aurora showed that she had an additional sack that was full to the brim.

" I guess that what occupied you most was something good."

" Yes, definitely good." Aurora nodded with satisfaction written on her face.

Carroll on the other hand paid attention to Aurora's previous message.

" You said that the portal was opening soon."

"Yes, if you follow me, I can guide you to the portal."

" I'll thank you in advance Lady Aurora," Dean responded, trying to show his gentlemanly side.

"Well, Dean, I guess this will be where we part." Prince Saul lifted the glass of wine to toast Dean.

In response, Dean reverted to his original form and toasted him back.

" May we meet again if fate allows for it. Cheers!"

" Cheers!"


Crossing the thin barrier that separated worlds, Dean and the group enter a large building that appeared to look like an evil fairy tale castle.

" So this is the place we registered to join the Demonic Faction."

" Yes, this is the regional headquarters and the place; no one's allowed here unless they are top members. Only when someone new is joining will they be brought. "

Stepping into the Demonic Faction's headquarters Carroll, Demi, and Vark all had stern expressions unleashing their powerful auras.

* Thud Thud Thud*

Quickly, they heard the sounds of rapidly approaching footsteps until they saw the figure.

A male vampire dressed head to toe in classic vampiric clothing.

" Good morning, Pleasure to meet recruits. I'm Reinhardt Mengele."

Before the group could respond, Reinhardt turned around and let out a short message.

" Follow me."

Following the vampire, they were led down several hallways: each with a painting of weird symbols.

The last hallway that they passed had an enormous painting with just a pair of eyes on it. The painting felt so real that if they didn't take another closer look they would have thought it was just a large pair of eyeballs.

Stopping in front of a large door, the vampire looked at the group and asked if they had any questions.

Jenny, taking the lead, asked, " Do we get a license, badge, ID, or paper to fill out to join the faction?"

Shaking his head, the vampire responded in a mysterious tone.

" We have a special way to identify our members; you will find out soon."

Opening the door showed a spacious room that had an altar in the middle of a circle.

Approaching the altar, Dean saw a book with a cover made up of strange materials; the black cover also had the same realistic eyes that seemingly stare at Dean.

" Everyone who is joining the faction put your hand on the book of sins."

Guessing that the book of sins being the black book on the altar Barbara and Dean place their hands on it.

" Now recite the following words: I, your name, am joining the ever generous demonic faction."

" I, Barbara, am joining the ever generous demonic faction."

" I, Dean, am joining the ever generous demonic faction."

* Ding! You have been marked by the Demonic Faction's mark!*

* You have now gained the effects of all Demonic Faction members being able to recognize you as their own.*

" You both have now officially joined the greatest faction."

" Welcome to your new home."

The stone face of the vampire melted into a soft smile.


* Ding! Due to having a separate body and soul, the mark of the Demonic Faction; is not transferred to you*

' Huh, I didn't think that some effects would be able to affect both bodies. I guess I have to be careful with that.'

" Trinity, where do you think we should head next?"

Jessica asked with her sweet voice.

Thinking for a little bit, she came to the resolution that: " I think we should start grinding soon. Let's go to the forest or guild to kill monsters."

Both William and Jessica agreed that if they wanted to enter the top 100 players, they needed to start working on it as soon as possible.

Entering the Adventure guild building in front of them, they directly went to the board of missions in the middle of the guild.

After pushing through a small crowd of people, they were able to arrive at the mission board.

Going through the various missions that rank from miscellaneous grade F's to the Dangerous grade A's.

Taking a grade D mission to kill an overpopulating horned rabbit nest located in the blooming forest.

" We can kill some monsters along the way and during the mission by killing two birds with one stone."

After choosing this mission, the trio brought the mission paper to the front desk with the werewolf receptionist, who quickly accepted them.

" This mission can be accepted by at most four people at a time. Would it just be you 3 taking the mission today?"

Yes, the initial large group formed at the beginning of the game had shrunk down to just Trinity, Jessica, and William. As John, Jax, and Ethan left after arriving in the town.

" Yes, it will be just us taking the mission."

" Fantastic, since you have accepted the mission we have a more detailed map about where the horned rabbit nest is located in the forest to give you."

The map the receptionist gave the trio was very detailed as it listed the area of the nest and what types of plants and animals that they could encounter during their journey.

" Thank you very much."

" No, thank you for your service keeping the world safe."

Not wanting to waste any more time, the trio quickly left for the dense forest that was by the town.

The trees surrounding the group were tall; their leaves left shadows that could be used to ambush them if they weren't paying attention.

The group didn't encounter much during the journey towards the nest, only small cricketers running around the forest floor that was not worth the time to kill them.

" We should be getting closer to the nest, it should be on a small hill from what the map says."

William and Jessica both were taking a look at the map while Trinity was taking the lead to look for some monsters to battle.

" Damn, Where are all the monsters? if I knew it was going to be so hard to find them, I would have stayed longer at the beginning of the spawn."

Trinity rambled from the lack of monsters that she was encountering.

* thud*


* thud*

Looking in the direction of the sounds that appeared, she saw a weird scene and yelled: " Oh William! Jessica! Is that the hill that you are talking about!?"