Strange Rabbit and New ability

In a forest, there was a small hole where a little rabbit popped its head out. This rabbit, different from its peers, had a broken horn from being hunted by humans.

Still traumatized from the tragic events that unfolded that dreadful day it hadn't left the nest for a few days.

Substance itself on the rations that it was saving for the winter. With no food left, it could only reluctantly head out to not starve.

Grazing close by, its long ears stayed up tall listening for any noise.

* Shish*

Stopping, the rabbit turned its head towards the sound of the noise, only seeing the forest bushes and trees.

The rabbit eyes let out a glimpse of intelligence as it hopped back into its nest.

On its way back, it saw its brother rabbits leaving together to graze. As they say: there is safety in numbers.

* Shish*

Hearing the noise again, a bad feeling arose in its heart before it could warn its brothers of the danger; 3 black figures rushed towards them.

In a panic, the rabbit entered its nest, only hearing the panic hops of its brothers and thuds.

* Ding! Level 1 horned rabbit has died.*

* Ding! Level 1 horned rabbit has died.*

* Ding! Level 1 horned rabbit has died.*

* Ding! You have gained notoriety in the horned rabbit community.*

* Ding! You have leveled up.*

' Nice, I leveled up again.'

Smiling at the feeling of leveling up, Trinity looked at Jessica and William that were beside her.

" Even though this is a low-rank mission, it's great for leveling up with how many rabbits there are."

" Yeah, it's pretty good. I just reached level 3!"

William and Jessica responded to Trinity by saying that they reached level 3 as well.

" Jessica and Trinity, did you get the message that your notoriety for horned rabbits rose?"

"Yeah, I got those two. Do you think it's because we killed so many rabbits?"

" I don't know, we already killed a bunch of them, but this is the first time I got the message."

Checking her log information, Trinity also noticed that this notification never appeared for the other times they hunted the rabbits.

" Let's check the forms when we go back to the real world to see if this happens to anyone else."

Turning her head towards the entrance of the nest, she saw a single rabbit with a broken horn staring at them.

Smile towards the rabbit on a whim. It stared and looked like it with a fixation on her smile.

' What a weird rabbit. You're lucky I'm in a good mood from leveling up so, I'll let you go."

* Ding! Your reputation in the horned rabbit community has improved.*

' What the hell is wrong with this rabbit!'

* Ding! You have gained the passive ability Charming smile*

A charming Smile is an ability that can only be obtained when the player is deemed beautiful by the standards of multiple races. This passive skill allows the user to improve the opinions of every being just from the sight of you and creates a faint imprint of you in their mind. (Also known as Latching Presences)

In a dark cave, a gigantic monster stopped attacking a group of goblins forcing his teammates to pick up his slack.

* Ding! Due to the Talent, Twin Souls, and body, unique properties. You have gained the ability to Latching Presence from your other half.*

' Huh, Trinity and I can share abilities that we gain. Sweet!'

The giant monster started to smile, showing his sharp teeth to the terrified goblins. Even though this was a dangerous smile to the goblins, it had a feeling of perfection that made them want to keep staring at it.

* Ding! You have gained the admiration of the goblins.*

Unfortunately, he didn't feel the same way joining the battle swiftly killing this group of goblins.

* Ding! Level 3 Spearman Goblin has died.*

* Ding! Level 4 Goblin Warrior has died.*

* Ding! Level 3 Goblin has died.*

" Dean, why did you stop in the middle of the fight? They could have escaped if we didn't react fast enough, ruining our efforts!"

"Sorry, sorry, I just got a new ability, and I had to check it out real quick."

" What?! You got another ability. Why are you so lucky."

'Damn, we are your teammates. At least you should give us some of your luck, right.'

Feeling a bit disappointed, Barbara collected the Goblin drops and went deeper into the cave to try her luck.

Back in the forest near a small hill, a crime scene had just finished occurring. Trinity, Jessica, and William were hiding in a bush, waiting at a new rabbit nest.

While waiting for the rabbits to come out of their nest, Trinity decided to look through the online forms page.

Just putting it out there that I have such a great talent that the system told me not to tell anyone, Hahaha!

I also got that message.

Me too.

Everyone gets that message you aren't anything special bro.

' So everyone gets warned not to share their talent. That makes sense why no one has said anything about talents yet.'

There is a crazy person who keeps challenging players to fights in the Central continent.

What is so special about someone fighting, that happens all the time.

He challenges everyone, plus he never loses. He fought like 5 people that were higher level and still won I think he might have a Calamity Talent

He even calls himself a War God! This man is crazy!

' Calamity Talent? What could his talent be?'

Trinity paid attention to the news of this potential calamity talent user that calls himself a War God.

' To call himself a War God, he seems pretty arrogant. But if he does have a Calamity Talent, then it is reasonable to be full of himself.'

' Central Continent huh, how do I get to the other continents?'


Interrupting Trinity's train of thoughts, she heard a roar followed by the heavy steps of something approaching their direction.

The steps were so strong that the ground trembled with each step. The creature was a bear that appeared to stand at around 2.5 meters tall and covered in brown fur except for the X scars on the chest.

" Roar!"

The bear roared once more, this time looking directly at Trinity and the others.