I Am Not Your Sister or I Am?

" What's your wish, little guy?" Trinity smiled at the tiny rabbit in her hand.

The rabbit seemed to think about it before jumping on top of her head and snuggling inside my hair.

" Okay, you can come with me once we get out of this cave." Trinity nodded, almost throwing the poor rabbit off.

Deciding that it would be better not to leave through the entrance in case the bear was still out there. They went deeper into the cave hoping to find another way out.

The cave got darker as they went deeper, lucky there was glowing moss on the cave walls giving enough light to see.


Lifting her foot to check what she stepped on she could make the faint outline of a bone.

" Bones in a cave?" Trinity said softly, afraid that whatever made these bones were still around.

Continuing deeper inside the narrow cavern suddenly widened into a large room shape approximately 20 feet across.

Inside the room was a tall humanoid skeleton wearing an old green robe that made it difficult to know how long this person had been dead. The skull of the skeleton was glowing with a light green glow that illuminated the entire room.

" A secret room, my luck is finally coming around. The secret quest here I come!" Trinity's eyes shimmered as the thought of a hidden quest and secret treasure made her mouth water.

Entering the room, she approached the skeleton; while looking around for any traps that the game developers put into the game.

Unfortunately, even though she was on the lookout she stepped on a piece of ground that sank the moment she set her foot on top of it

" Uh oh," Trinity said as she tried to avoid the falling debris.

The cave started to rumble as the entrance that Trinity came out of collapsed. The room pieces of the ceiling fell, just narrowly missing Trinity and the skeleton.

As this was happening, the skull of the skeleton grew brighter until it let out a blinding flash of green.

" Lil rabbit watch out!" Grabbing the strange rabbit from her head to protect it.

As the green light faded away, the rumbling cave calmed down leaving behind the old robe.

" Where did the skeleton go?" Confused Trinity looked around the dark cave to find the missing skeleton.

A fresh gust of wind blew into the cave, bringing with it the freshness of a forest. The green light returned but the source of the light came from above.

Looking up, Trinity saw a beautiful translucent male elf floating in the air. He had long platinum hair, crystal emerald eyes, and sharp eyebrows that made it seem that this elf had authority when he was alive.

'Wow, he is almost as good-looking as my male counterpart as expected for the graceful elf race.' Trinity thought while looking at the ghost-like elf.

The floating elf looked around his surroundings as a flash of pain appeared in his eyes.

" It seems I didn't make it after all." The male elf whispered just loud enough that Trinity was able to hear what he said.

The elf descended to the old robe on the floors. As he got to the ground, Trinity hid behind a large rock trying to hide her present.

The elf stretched his elegant hand as a green gust of wind picked up his old robe gently putting it in his hands. The handsome elf that didn't look above his 20's let out a profound sigh that had the man's complex emotions.

" Who would have thought that the Prince of the elf kingdom would rot in a random cave to only leave behind a ghost of himself."

" If not because of that...thing then, I would never have known of my own uncle's betrayal to the elven kingdom. Damn you! Ahhh!" The suspected elf prince clutched his head as he screamed in agony. His already translucent body became fainter as his body began to show signs of aging.

Startled by the screaming elf prince, Mr.Rabbit jumped from Trinity's hands into her chest, accidentally hitting a loose stone that hit the ground.

The elf prince stopped screaming as he turned around to see Trinity behind a rock. The elf prince had a confused look on his face before saying, " Sister Gratia is that you?"

Trinity stayed motionless as her brain moved in hyperdrive to figure out the situation.

As long as I don't move then, he can't see me. Wait, that's only for animals, not a dead elf prince. Also, does he think that I'm his sister? If so, maybe I can use that to convince him to let me go or better yet give me his stuff.

The elf prince moved towards Trinity and before she could react he was always in front of her. The confusion on his face began to clear up as he showed a face of shock followed by anger.

" You are not Gratia! How dare a mystic like you copy my sister's appearance to trick me! Did you think that you could fool me!" The elf prince in anger swung his arm as a green gust grabbed Trinity lifting her from the ground.

*Ding! Due to the vast difference in levels you are incapable of escaping the Elf Prince spirit's skill [Wind Binding].*

" Who do you work for? How did you find this place? What is your motive?" The elf prince rapidly spitting out question after question in a stern tone.

" I don't work for anyone, I just stumbled upon this place after running away from a Devil Bear. I'm telling you the truth." Trinity said, trying to explain her innocence.

Trinity's innocents showed through as the ghost-like elf prince calmed down as he stared at her face.

" Sigh, perhaps I was mistaken. Pardon me, stranger, after my death, I was in a state of confusion." The ghost elf said after minutes of silence.

Before Trinity could let out a sigh of relief she heard the elf ghost whisper, " How could I be mistaken, you must be her hidden reincarnation or blessing carrier as she would have never given up on someone as beautiful as you. You even surpassed even her beauty, maybe even matching the elven goddess herself."

Trinity didn't know what to feel as she felt that her attempt to convince this ghost was all for naught however she also felt that what he said about her beauty was true.

' Maybe I am this elf princess's reincarnation but I don't know about it.'