Rank A Quest obtained and the Spirit Flower Test

'Get it together. I'm not this ghost prince's sister. I'm a noble conqueror who will obtain a serum to live forever, not some lame princess.' Trinity quickly resolved her confusion before trying to convince the ghost elf again.

"Wait, I'm serious; I have nothing to do with elves. I just accidentally stumbled upon this place. I know many dreams of a fateful encounter with a beautiful and handsome person like myself but I was just running away from a bear and entered your resting place. You gotta believe me."

"Of course, I believe you." the ghost elf prince said with a calm expression, but what passed through his mind was, 'Yeah, keep speaking. I'm only getting more convinced that you have to somehow relate to my sister. You even speak like her.'

"Since you stumbled upon here and activated my trap, that means that we are fated to have met each other. For that reason and that reason alone, I'll allow you to inherit my secret job class [ Spirit Warrior]."


You have triggered Grade A Chain Mission [Inheritance of the Elf Prince]!

Mission Introduction: You have stumbled upon the corpse of a dead elf prince, and his ghost is convinced that you have a connection with his sister. For the sake of vengeance and family ties, he is allowing you to inherit his privileged class [Spirit Warrior].

Reminder: This is a chain Mission. You have to complete the first mission before getting the next task.

Requirements: Pass all of the Elf Prince's tests.

Reward: 10000 Experience, 4 Random Rewards, 2 Character Summon Cards, +10 Favorability for Helion, Title [ Elf Prince's Inheritor], Job Class [Spirit Warrior].

Remark: This mission is with high rewards and low risk. What could the Elf Prince's trials be? Are they as simple as what he makes them out to be? It is recommended that you proceed with caution.


'It's here, the secret quest. I knew that there was more to this than some dead prince. Getting a title and a job class this quest is goated.'

"Yes, I'll do anything you want; just give me a chance to prove myself," Trinity said with enthusiasm.

"Hold your horses, young lady. You need to pass three tests before I pass you my inheritance. The first is that you can't already have a job class. The second you that I'm going to test your spirit level by making you lift the spirit flower. And lastly, the third test is that you must make a soul oath to help me solve my regrets."

'Perfect! The first and third tests aren't even tests. The game has just started, no players have chosen any classes yet, and even the third test is just a spirit check. Given how I can get this quest so early, the requirements are probably low.'

Making quick calculations of her chances of passing the Prince's test, Trinity felt pretty good about inheriting the particular class called Spirit Warrior and those sweet, sweet rewards.

"I agree, but how do we do the spirit flower test? I don't see any flowers around here." Trinity asked the Elf Prince about the procurement of the Spirit Flower.

Not being surprised about her questions, the Prince shook his head let out a chuckle before pointing to her heart.

"The Spirit flower isn't an actual flower but an expression of some sort. It's just a simple way to conduct a spirit awakening ceremony, my dear." Before Trinity could ask more questions, he continued.

"Lifting the flower means awakening their sense of self and acquiring a Spirit object that is a necessary requirement to obtain the Spirit Warrior class."

The Prince went on the give more details on the lifting of the spirit flower. In the past, elf warriors have contributed significantly, and royal elves would have a chance to become Spirit Warriors. However, the test wasn't easy because 50 percent of all the qualified elves died or never regained their sense of self and became lunatics.

As for the test itself, the examinees would be put into trance-like states where they were trapped in grand illusions. Each illusion depended on the person, but some elves experienced their entire lives as animals, plants, and rocks.

"The only way for an elf to exit that state and awaken is to regain their sense of self. Once they get their sense of self, they can absorb the wild spirit energy in their soul, turning it into a spirit object."

"Spirit Awakening is extremely dangerous but can give the few people that survive great power, so I'll give you one more chance to back down."

The Prince calmly stared at Trinity, concluding his speech, waiting for her answer. She quickly provided with a resounding response that she would never give up this chance because of some danger.

Her courage and the fearlessness that burned in Trinity's eyes shocked the Prince as they reminded him of himself during his own Spirit Flower test.

Senior Greenlock I, the sixth elf prince, might be a mortal, but I still carry the pride of us elves. I will rather die and never regain my conscience than back down from danger!

Seeing the similar fire in her eyes, he no longer cared for the relationship with his sister. He only saw her as a worthy examinee for the spirit trial test.

"Very well, I will not be courteous then and will start the trails now."

The Prince extended his transparent arms towards Trinity, and before she could react, they exploded in bright, colorful lights that covered her entire sight.

"Hopeful you will be able to break out before then the new moon. As someone who my sister has chosen, you must have some special quality that makes you special." The elf Prince whispered to the Trinity, who had a peaceful expression on her face with her eyes closed.

"Aw crap! I forgot to ask if she had a job class already cause I got lost in the atmosphere just now. Whatever, she wouldn't have been so weak if she had a job class anyways." Realizing his mistake, the Prince simply put it past him and turned into a floating green ball of light.