Joining of Felons

After the Escape Program team finished listening to Director Johnson's speech, a few of them stood up to object.

"Director, this won't do. Let's not talk about whether it's fair to Peter. Letting these felons out of prison is a very dangerous thing in itself."

"Yes, we still don't know what ridiculous things these felons would do."

Johnson gestured for them to sit down first.

"I understand that you're worried. The police have already attempted to mitigate any serious problems by implanting a GPS chip in the back of all the felon's heads. If any criminal attempts to remove the chip, the mechanism will trigger and alert the police of their tampering and their immediate location."

The program team staff remained silent.

Johnson snapped his fingers and gathered the staff's attention.

"Alright, it's decided. The police station will send out the felons from New York prison. After that, in every state that Peter escapes to, the state that he is in will send out felons from their prisons."

Many questions ran through the teams' heads, but they remained silent.

They were going to involve all the prisoners in the United States?

Johnson looked at them, he answered once again. "We are going to make an Escape show that will shake the entirety of the United States. We can't limit ourselves to just New York City. My friends, we need to work together as a team for this to work. Of course, the prerequisite is that Peter remains uncaught for this to work."

After the interruption to the broadcast last night, the live broadcast resumed at 9 am this morning.

The audience, who had been waiting in anticipation, saw that the live broadcast of the fugitive had resumed. They immediately entered the live broadcast room and were shocked by the announcement made by the program team.

"Oh my god! Using prison felons to act as the pursuers to catch fugitives! Who came up with this idea?"

"Those criminals won't capture all the fugitives, they will only attempt to capture Peter."

"Are you crazy? If we release all the criminals, who will guarantee our safety?"

"Didn't you read the notice? These criminals have GPS chips implanted in the back of their heads, and they can't be removed."

"But they're still afraid. What if they don't capture Peter and continue to commit crimes?"

"Idiot! Don't you have eyes? The notice said that as long as the felons capture Peter, they will be able to obtain their freedom."

"Obtain their freedom! This would be really tempting to the prisoners. They wouldn't be as stupid as to commit crimes instead of focusing on Peter."

"You guys don't get the main point. Actually, the police saw Peter's terrifying ability. This is to make sure that Peter reduces the number of prisoners in the United States."

"Amazing! The person in charge is a genius. His analysis is extremely well thought out."

The live broadcast room once again stirred up a crazed discussion.

Right then, Peter walked out of New York's Central Park. He was stretching his body while remaining alert to his surroundings.

Last night, he slept on a bench in Central Park. He didn't get much sleep the whole night as he was constantly worrying about being caught.

This can't go on!

He had to think of a way to get some money to escape.

'Ding! Congratulations to the host for a full day of successfully escaping. The reward is three random chances to draw.'

When Peter heard the system notification sound in his mind, he was pleasantly surprised.

He almost forgot that the system had said that if he successfully escaped for one day, he would be rewarded with three chances to draw.

Peter immediately chose to start the lottery.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 strength points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 dollars."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a god-level fighting skill reward."

[Host] : Peter

[IQ] : 110 (100 is the average)

[Strength] : 30 (10 is the average)

[Vitality] : 25 (15 is the average)

[Money] : 10,000 US dollars

[Skills] : God-tier disguising skill, god-tier racing skill, god-tier gun skill, god-tier fighting skill.

"I would like to remind you that for every day you successfully escape, you will be rewarded with three chances to draw a random prize."

Peter instantly felt an unknown power enter his body, and his entire body relaxed.

The feeling of strength entering his body made him feel good.

Peter looked at his newly acquired skill, god-tier fighting technique.

Opening the skill, his body automatically learned the god-tier fighting technique, and every fine movement was deeply engraved in his brain.

One movement kills the target!

One movement neutralizes the enemy's attack!

One movement snatches the enemy's weapon with his bare hands!

After learning the skill, he found out the most vulnerable parts of the human body!

All this fighting information was absorbed by Peter's brain.

He instantly mastered the god-level fighting technique, which greatly increased Peter's confidence.

Right then, Peter had a strong desire in his heart to find a fighting expert to test it out.

A grumbling sound came from his stomach, his body was showing signs of hunger.

Peter opened the system and saw that the system interface rewarded him with 10,000 dollars.


How could he get the 10,000 dollars out of the system? He wondered.

Peter tried several methods, but he couldn't get it out.

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly stepped on something and almost fell.


What is this?

Peter saw a black wallet on the ground.

He looked around and saw that no one was around. There was only a stray cat looking at him. He quickly bent down and picked up the wallet.

Then, he opened his wallet and took a look.

What a lucky find!

There was a brand new bundle of US dollars. Each of them was worth 100 USD.

It was exactly 10,000 USD. Could this be the 10,000 USD that the system rewarded him with?

"Oh my god! Peter's luck is insane!"

"He can still pick up money when he's on the run? He even picked up 10,000 USD!"

"Why can't I pick up money?"

"That's because you didn't become a fugitive..."

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw that Peter had picked up 10,000 US dollars, they were all shocked.

Just as the viewers were feeling envious and jealous, a scene was interrupted in the live broadcast room.

Four felons were 'released' from the New York prison to participate in the Escape Program.

These four felons had sentences of more than 30 years, and the longest one of them actually had a sentence of 75 years.

If nothing unexpected happened, this prisoner would basically die of old age in prison.

This prisoner who had been sentenced to 75 years in prison was called Black. He was charged with first-degree murder for torturing and killing several prostitutes.

This person was ruthless and merciless. He was like a hunter hunting his prey and he definitely liked to play with his prey.

He was the best at finding prey hidden in the city.

His appearance caused the audience in the live broadcast room to cry out in surprise.

"Oh my god! Isn't this that prisoner, Bloodhand Black? Why did the prison send him out?"

"It's over, it's over. Black takes pleasure in killing people."

"This time, Peter is going to be in trouble. No one who has encountered Bloodhand Black survived."

"Look, the odds set by the program team are out. Peter's odds are 2.5, and that Bloodhand Black's odds are 1.5."

"2.5 vs 1.5. This is too much. They're definitely betting on Red Black."

"Don't be anxious. Peter vs Bloodhand Black's odds have just come out, and they'll change later. I'm not in a hurry to bet."