The Person Who Could Catch Me Has Not Been Born Yet

The staff of the Escape Program gave the odds of Peter vs Bloodhand Black to director Johnson.

"As expected, the odds of Bloodhand Black is more than double of Peter's. This is going to be a good show."

Johnson knew very well that the pistol in Peter's possession has only been fired once. He still had 14 bullets left.

But after Bloodhand Black got out of prison, he managed to get a gun with ease.

The black market in New York was well connected. As long as you had money and connections, you could buy any kind of gun.

The program staff learned from the prison that of the four prisoners released, Bloodhand Black planned to act alone, and the other three felons would act together.

It seemed that Black had a temper. He did not want to work with the other prisoners to capture Peter.

"Where is Peter now?"

"Director, Peter just left Central Park. He is going to a gun store."


Johnson asked in confusion, "He has a gun that he stole. Why is he going to a gun store?" After saying that, Johnson walked to the front of the big screen and stared at the strong figure walking into a gun store.

Peter pushed the door open and walked into the shop. He saw all kinds of guns lined up neatly in the shop.

He looked around casually and ignored the attention of the owner of the gun shop.

"I'm confused! Why did this Peter go to the gun shop?"

"Yeah! He's a fugitive, he can't reveal his identity. He needs to provide his identity to buy a gun."

"Is Peter Stupid? He actually went to the gun shop? is he planning to turn himself in?"

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Peter Walk into the gun shop, and they were full of doubts.

It was not the audience's fault. After all, to buy a gun in a gun shop, one needed to provide identification information. Everyone knew that.

This Peter definitely went to the gun shop to buy a gun. Otherwise, he would only be going in for a visit?

"Boss, how much is this gun?"

The gun shop owner saw Peter pointing at a sniper rifle.

"This sniper rifle is made in Germany. It's one of the top ten sniper rifles in the world. The price is 10,800 US dollars."

"Not bad. Can I try it out?"

The owner was in a good mood. He felt that this was a big deal.

"You can try it out, but you have to produce a certificate from the state government."

Peter didn't think much and nodded in agreement.

The owner of the gun shop was overjoyed. He immediately took the sniper rifle from the shelf.

"Boss, wait a minute. Let me see the sniper rifle behind you."

The owner of the gun shop turned his back to Peter and gestured with his hand which sniper rifle Peter was referring to.

"Not this one. It's the sniper rifle at the top. Yes, the dark green one."

The owner of the gun shop immediately took a ladder and prepared to climb up to get the dark green sniper rifle for Peter.

While the owner of the gun shop was climbing the ladder, Peter quickly took out three exquisite pistols from the counter.

The second time he took out four boxes of bullets from the counter.

The whole process was not discovered by the owner of the gun shop. Peter hid the three stolen pistols and four boxes of bullets on his body.

Then, he said loudly to the owner of the gun shop, "Boss, you can come down first. I'm sorry, I just realized that I forgot to bring my gun license. Why don't you wait while I go home to retrieve it?"

"... Okay!" The owner of the gun shop was giddy at the prospect of a wealthy customer. He climbed down the ladder and watched Peter walk out of the gun shop.

"Oh my God! This, this Peter stole three pistols and four boxes of bullets. Amazing!"

"He's too bold. He actually went to the gun shop to steal guns."

"No, doesn't Peter have a pistol? Why did he steal guns?"

"One gun is not enough. If there is an uncontrollable incident on the way to escape, it wouldn't be wrong to prepare a few more."

"Peter only stole handguns. He also knows that it is not easy to carry a gun that is too big."

"If the gun shop owner finds out, will he cry to death?"

"Peter is a guy who knows about guns. Didn't you notice that the three handguns he stole are of the same caliber and are the same caliber as the police handgun he has? In that case, the bullets can be used in any of the guns."

What a joke. Peter now had the god-level gun skill.

Wherever his eyes were focused on, the gun in his hand would always accurately hit its mark.

This was the god-level gun skill.

He would shoot wherever he pointed!

He would never miss a single shot!

When Peter was captured by the chasing team, he had only fired once. He was prepared to hit the top of the tire, causing the police car to lose its balance instantly. Finally, it crashed into the gas station.

Car crash and immediate death!

After Peter left the gun shop, he found a high-end Chinese restaurant on the street.

This Chinese restaurant's dishes were very famous, and the soup dumplings were exquisite.

But the price was not cheap, the profit margins per day were about 500 dollars.

Peter chose a seat by the window, where he could see the situation outside at any time.

If he noticed that anything was awry, he could escape immediately.

A waitress walked to Peter with an exquisite menu. She opened the menu with both hands and placed it in front of Peter.

"One serving of soup dumpling, one serving of squirrel mandarin fish, one dessert, and one pot of the best black tea you've got."

"Yes, sir. Please wait a moment."

The waitress put away the menu and turned to leave.

"I've been to this Chinese restaurant before. The dishes Peter ordered are all very expensive."

"This is a god! On his way to escape, he even went as far as to eat Chinese food so extravagantly."

"Haha, I just came from Fugitive 4's live broadcast room. Compared to this Peter, Fugitive 4 is so miserable. He didn't have the money to buy food, so he could only steal bread. He was almost caught."

When the live broadcast room saw Peter's very extravagant Chinese food, there was a burst of ridicule.

Just as Peter was enjoying the delicious Chinese food, an ordinary-looking black man stood across the street and observed Peter in the Chinese restaurant.

After the black man carefully identified Peter for a while, he walked to a remote place and took out his cell phone to call a number.

"Bloodhand Black here, I've found Peter. I hope you can fulfill your promise!"

"Are you doubting me? Be careful what you say, dog." Blood Black instantly hung up the phone, the gloominess on his face became more obvious.

After he got out of prison, he found a gangster who had been living in society for a long time through his previous connections.

This gangster knew Bloodhand Black's temper, so he immediately agreed to his request and sent his men to search all over New York for the fugitive Peter.

Today, he was very lucky to be found by him.

At the time, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly found that the odds of Peter vs Bloodhand Black had changed.

Peter vs Bloodhand Black, the odds became 3.5 vs 1.7.