Bloodhand Black

Bloodhand Black was enjoying a delicious meal in a high-end restaurant with its famed steak.

It was the first steak he had eaten since he was imprisoned in New York.

He had specially ordered the steak to be very rare. When he took the first bite, the blood oozed out and the familiar taste spread in his mouth.

It was wonderful.

Just now a thug called and told him that he had found the fugitive from the Escape program, Peter.

Bloodhand Black was not in a hurry to catch Peter. Before he tortured and killed his prey, he always liked to observe the survivability of his prey.

For example, he had targeted a prostitute as a target for torture. Then, he began to follow the prostitute, watching the prostitute receive customers, watching the prostitute get rid of a difficult customer, and watching the prostitute kill a perverted customer when he crossed the line.

These were all ways to understand his prey. For Black, the stronger the prey was, the greater the sense of accomplishment after completing the hunt.

It was the same with Peter, his current target.

After finishing the steak, Bloodhand Black casually wiped his greasy mouth with the back of his hand.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"I am Bloodhand Black. I have good news for the three of you. I have found Peter, do you want to know his location?

"Hahaha! Of course, I can tell you Peter's location.

"But, I have one condition. I know you had a very beautiful girlfriend before you went to prison. Tell me her address!

"No, no, don't be agitated. She is no longer your girlfriend. When you were in prison, she was in bed with another man.

"Listen well, I will only give you five minutes. Call me back when you have decided.

"Remember! Do not provoke me! Ever!"

The Escape Program team processed the scene where Bloodhand Black contacted the other three felons and deleted the conversation where Bloodhand Black threatened the three felons.

Director Johnson's had an expression of anger.

"This Bloodhand Black really deserves to die!"

A staff member turned to look at Johnson.

"Director, after Bloodhand Black came out, he didn't immediately race to capture Peter but was plotting to torture and kill women. This is a perverted murderer. Shouldn't we be stopping him!? Why won't the police stop him?"

Johnson lit the cigar in his hand and said, "We are not part of the law enforcement departments. We have no right to interfere with Bloodhand Black. The policemen will apprehend him when he goes too far. Don't worry."

Then, Johnson played with the cigar in his hand and said in a low voice, "I hope Peter can kill this pervert."

Four minutes later, there was still about half a minute left in the five minutes agreed upon by Bloodhand Black.

He stood up, pressed the three $100 bills under the plate, and walked to the exit of the restaurant.


The ear-piercing ringtone rang.

Bloodhand Black picked up the phone, the corners of his mouth curling up.

"Your girlfriend's address... very good! I've noted it down. Peter is currently eating in a Chinese restaurant called Cheung Kee on 14th Street. Hurry up, I can't guarantee when he'll leave."

After hanging up the phone, Black reached out to hail a taxi and told the driver to head to 14th Street.

The camera cut to the three felons, who were getting ready.

The three prisoners were wearing real police uniforms for the show, the only difference being that the badge numbers they wore were on record, the numbers were posted to the entire New York police force to note.

This way, when other officers saw them, they could identify them by their badge numbers without causing a misunderstanding.

The three felons took a police car and sped toward 14th Street. Their target was Peter, who was eating at a Chinese restaurant.

The information provided by the Escape Program did not give details of Peter's personal life. It only told them that Peter had once been a doctor, a fugitive who had successfully escaped for one day and five hours.

Director Johnson deliberately hid the information that Peter had a police gun from them he conveniently left out the part where Peter had stolen three guns from the gun store as well.

For the sake of fairness, Johnson and the police department knew that they still wanted Peter to kill three felons and a Bloodhand Black.

These three felons were not as famous as Bloodhand, but they were still ruthless killers.

The police car drove the three felons into 14th Street and soon they found the restaurant.

As they drove to the restaurant, they didn't turn on their sirens in an attempt to not alert Peter. Then, they parked the police car in an alley. Then the three felons split into two groups. The leading felon went to the front door of the restaurant, and the other two felons went to the back door of the restaurant to prevent Peter from escaping.

The leading felon went to the edge of one of the windows and looked through it to see what was inside.

Peter had just gotten up and was about to pay the bill.

The timing was just right. The leader of the felons was delighted. If he was a minute later, Peter would have escaped.

He bent down and hid under the window of the front door of the restaurant and hid on the right side of the door.

As Peter walked out of the restaurant, the felon rushed towards Peter and aimed his pistol onto Peter's head.

"Don't move! I am-"

However, before the leader of the felons could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt faint and blur.

The last thing he saw was the blue sky slowly darkening in his field of vision.


Peter took a glance at the 'policeman' who had been knocked unconscious by him. He walked forward and ejected the magazine of the police pistol the felon was holding. Then, he put it into his backpack behind him. He searched the policeman's body for a while and found two spare magazines.

It took him less than 20 seconds to get three magazines after knocking the policemen unconscious.

"Oh my god! Peter is just too fast!"

"What did he use to knock out the felon? His bare hands!?"

"Program team, we want to watch the slow-motion replay!"

The live broadcast room was shocked into silence by Peter's actions!

Peter observed the situation around him.

There should still be some police officers nearby. The police officer who came to arrest him could not have been alone.

Peter did not stop, he turned around and walked across the street.

At this time, the pedestrians on the road finally recovered from their shock. They saw the policeman who had been knocked unconscious and began to run in all directions. Some of them ran while calling 911.

Peter crossed the street and mixed in with the crowd as he walked along 14th Street to the nearby block.

He had not noticed that a man with long hair was staring at him with a sharp gaze from a few dozen meters behind him.

Bloodhand Black was indeed shocked by what he had just seen.

He didn't expect that Peter, the fugitive, was so good at fighting. He knocked out a felon with just one move.


Bloodhand Black stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. His eyes gradually widened with excitement.

This was a very strong prey!

And an interesting prey!