Scary Live Broadcast

A police helicopter flew ahead of all the choppers and soon spotted Peter fleeing in a pickup truck.

Inside the police helicopter were 10 heavily armed felons, each with excited expressions on their faces.

These were the felons sent by the NYPD to capture Peter, and the police department had not told them about Peter's horror.

It's not surprising that these felons believed the NYPD's lies because the NYPD released 76 felons this time.

The NYPD did a good job of living up to the predictions of Escape Program TV director Johnson.

They were really going to use Peter to kill many of the felons held in New York prisons, and the NYPD was over the Moon when Peter tortured 40 felons on Route 18.

It was such an amazing feat, killing 40 felons by himself.

The NYPD even wanted to hold a press conference to present Peter with the New York City Citizen of the Year Medal.

They were so excited that the public did not understand the pressure the NYPD was under, mainly from the prisons, where the rising crime rate made sure to fill up the jail cells.

Not to mention that just the imprisonment of the felons was enough to give the prison a headache.

It was not enough to lock them up alone. Every felon was a ticking time bomb. Furthermore, if a group of felons was to be locked up in a cell, they would tear the cell apart.

With this as the background, until the Escape Program team chose Peter, then, when the magical Peter was surrounded by the police for the first time, he actually relied on his exceptional marksmanship to send three police officers and two civilians straight to hell.

This made the New York police department angry at the same time, unexpectedly thought of using their scummy criminals instead of the police to capture Peter.

As for being killed by Peter, that was not the police department's business, these heavy criminals want to be free, they have to take risks.

At this time, the lead helicopter found Peter driving the pickup truck, the helicopter pilot locked down their rockets onto the target below.

A felon also saw the pickup truck below and shouted loudly.

"Fire the rockets and blow up the pickup truck!"

The other felons also shouted, they had not seen the way the pilot glared at them.

It was the way he looked at the dead.

This bunch of trash from society, the scum of humanity!

A bunch of walking corpses.

The helicopter pilot followed the original plan and did not descend in altitude to stop Peter's pickup truck.

Instead, he flew directly past the pickup truck below and began to descend in altitude in front of him. The other seven helicopters also flew past the pickup truck, chose a location, and began to descend their altitudes.

When the helicopter descended to the height of about 10 meters above the ground, the co-pilot on the helicopter signaled for the felons to descend to the ground through the radio.

There were a total of eight helicopters carrying 76 felons. These felons were once fugitives, so they would not resist jumping from more than 10 meters above the ground.

At this time, Peter was driving the pickup truck. He did not panic when he saw the 'police' who came down from the helicopters.

Peter's calm expression was seen by the audience in the live broadcast room. One by one, they gasped out various comments.

"I feel that the god has completely become a god."

"The way you look at the god was the same as before. It's the same as when he tortured and killed 40 felons."

"It's really different this time. There are 76 felons this time. Even if Peter keeps killing them, he won't be able to kill them all."

"The person upstairs is so stupid. The god has gotten the automatic rifle used by the police. Killing these felons is not something that can be done in a minute."

On the eight police helicopters, heavily armed felons kept landing on the ground near each other.

The first felons to land their helicopters began running toward the pickup truck, a tactic that had been developed in the prison.

The NYPD did not send officers to organize the felons, and the plan to catch Peter was a simple tactic. They knew the felons well and they were usually undisciplined, each felon had a strong sense of individualism.

This was also what the NYPD wanted. The more trash you were, the better. Although you were strong individually, it was a different matter to gather you together.

It was already good enough that they did not fight in the first place.

Soon, all 76 felons landed on the ground and were in a mess.

A few of the felons with ulterior motives ran into the woods nearby. They were planning to run away.

There were a few unusually tall guys among the felons. When they realized that their accomplices were planning to run away, they raised their guns and used automatic rifles to shoot the few felons who were running away.

For a moment, the scene was a little chaotic.

"What's the situation? Why did that felon shoot his accomplices who were running away? Even if they ran away, it has nothing to do with him."

"Idiot! The prison must have done some preventive work before they came out. They must have told the stronger felons to kill those who ran away."

"What the person above said makes sense. But, if that's the case, will those felons be able to kill everyone who ran away?"

"Look carefully. There are quite a number of runaways among the 76 felons. They all possess the same strength as Bloodhand Black."

"Correction, there are only 69 felons left who are trying to capture Peter. Seven of them were killed when they tried to escape."

Peter realized that he was surrounded by the 'police'. Under his calm face, a bold plan was forming in his mind.

You guys want to play crazy?


Let me show you what torture is.

Peter's gaze changed again, and his ghost-like pupils kept contracting.

The system skills in his mind were completely activated.

God-level disguising skills, god-level racing skills, god-level gun skills, god-level fighting skills, god-level wing suit flying skills, god-level skateboarding skills, god-level parkour skills, and god-level ventriloquism skills.

"Congratulations, host. The system skills have been upgraded, and you have obtained a super god-level combination skill, sacrifice."


Peter clicked on a brand-new super god-level skill that appeared in his mind.


"Reminder to the host, once the sacrifice skill is activated, the host's strength and stamina attributes will increase by 10 times."

"Reminder to the host, the sacrifice skill can only be used once a day. The duration of the skill is 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the host's attributes will return to normal. The side effect of using this skill is fatigue for an entire day."

"Reminder to the host, please use the god-level combination skill sacrifice carefully."

This could work too!

When Peter saw the explanation of the newly obtained god-level combination skill sacrifice, he was a little shocked.

In other words, as long as he activated the skill, his strength and stamina attributes would increase 10 fold.