Super God Peter

Peter opened the system interface to check his current stats.

[Host]   : Peter

[IQ]     : 110 (100 is the average)

[Strength] : 30 (10 is the average)

[Stamina] : 25 (15 is the average)

This was Peter's current stats. If he activated sacrifice, his strength and stamina would increase by 10 times, and it would be terrifying.

Peter looked around, the 'police' that had come down from the helicopter had already surrounded him, and the encirclement was rapidly shrinking.

Without hesitation, Peter activated his super god-level skill, sacrifice.


Peter instantly felt the bones in his entire body crackling and making clear sounds.

He felt that his body had already left the boundaries of a human, and the feeling of abundant strength made Peter even more confident.

However, he did not realize that his pupils had turned red.

The first person to notice Peter's pupils turning red was one of the viewers in the escape broadcast room.

"Look, the god's pupils have changed again. This time, they have turned red, as red as blood."

The viewers in the live broadcast room also noticed the abnormality.

They were shocked and guessing in their hearts.

Could it be that the god had triggered some taboo?

Could it be that it was not a coincidence that the god had been chosen by the Escape Program team?


Just as the audience was discussing why Peter's pupils had changed, the felons who were constantly shrinking the encirclement fired the first shot to encircle Peter further.

The 69 felons did not encircle Peter according to the tactics. Instead, they scattered in formation and fought on their own.

They gathered together and charged at Peter while shooting with their automatic rifles.

The scene was noisy. All kinds of gunshots gathered together and played a tragic concert.

However, as the main character of the show, Peter's expression was still unusually calm. This was an expression of absolute confidence. No one could stop him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Peter used the butt of his gun to smash the car window. He extended the police automatic rifle out of the window and used it to shoot at the surrounding targets.

In just a dozen seconds, five felons were hit in the head and turned into corpses.

"Spread out, spread out. Keep your distance. Don't get too close."

"The situation isn't right. Didn't you notice that there's something wrong with this fugitive Peter? How is his marksmanship so accurate?"

When the felon saw the five accomplices fall, he was shocked and finally reacted.

They seemed to have been deceived by the New York Police Department. This fugitive Peter was a demon who killed without batting an eye.

They usually did not care about their lives, and every one of them was a felon.

However, to be alive, no one wanted to die.

This fugitive Peter had already far exceeded their knowledge.

Five shots had killed five accomplices, and they were all moving at high speed in different directions.

They knew that they could not do it, and they had never seen someone who could shoot like this.

Some of them started to panic, and they wanted to retreat.

The freedom promised by the New York police department?

When they were all dead, what good would freedom be?

Just then, the voice of a police officer appeared on the police walkie-talkies worn by the 64 remaining felons.

"I don't want any of you to escape. The New York National Guard is on its way to support you. Remember to capture Peter at any cost. Not only will you be free, but each of you will also receive a $10 million bonus and a legal identity overseas."

The 64 felons were shocked after listening to the speech on the walkie-talkie.

They were shocked that the NYPD had applied to join the National Guard.

What support? Bullshit!

This was a warning to them that if anyone tried to escape, they would be found and killed by the National Guard on the outside.

As for the freedom promised by the NYPD and the reward of $10 million.

Hah! Dead people did not need freedom or rewards.


A large criminal whose head was exposed was shot dead by Peter.

The other large criminals that were hiding in the bushes gritted their teeth. Their sullen and unwilling expressions were written on the faces of each large criminal.

"Damn it! Kill him! Brothers, follow me and charge!"

"Charge! Since we are all going to die anyway, let's charge together!"

"Charge! I don't believe that so many people can't kill one person!"

Now that there were gunshots again and more felons were falling, Peter hiding in the pickup truck did not feel good either.

Bullets rained down on the pickup truck.

At this time, the body of the pickup truck was full of bullet holes.

Peter felt that it was enough, so he kicked the door open.

He jumped into the tall grass and hid like a ghost.

It was Peter's time to kill them all.

He dominated the battlefield!

With the cover of the tall grass, Peter's physical strength and mental strength reached a terrifying state.

After he activated his super god skill, sacrifice, he became an archangel who had been left in the human world.

His duty was not to forgive the demons in the human world but to send them to God.

Every time the ghostly figure changed its position, a felon would fall to the ground in fear and never get up again.

Only then did the surviving felons realize that the thing they were most afraid of was Peter hunting them in the pickup truck.

Now, Peter managed to make them even more scared, they could not catch a trace of Peter at all.

If they were even slightly distracted, they would face death immediately.

This was too freaking scary.

Some of them could not take it anymore, and they simply stood up and ran.

Peter, who had been controlled by his red pupils, did not allow anyone to escape. He used his cold bullets to mercilessly kill the escaping felons.

Time passed slowly, after more than ten minutes, silence retook the place.

All 64 felons were incapacitated by Peter, 60 of them were killed. Four more felons were lying in the tall grass, trying to hold their breath.

One of the felons was incontinent, and the smell of feces filled the air.


Peter didn't even bother getting close. He shot the felon who was incontinent from a distance.

It was too f*cking scary!

The remaining three felons were biting the blades of tall grass with their teeth to gag themselves, trying not to make a peep.

They did not dare to look for Peter with their eyes. Their eyes were closed hoping that Peter was not able to see them.

Peter found another felon hiding in the grass. When Peter appeared beside him, the felon went crazy and jumped up to hug Peter.

"Brother that's hiding over there, I've caught him, come quickly..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was shocked to find that he could not speak. He only felt a chill on his chin, as if a cold wind had passed through his chin and directly blew into his lungs.

Peter used the police dagger to pierce through his chin when the 'policeman' was hugging him. The sharp tip of the knife was spinning wildly in his mouth.


The felon, who was hiding nearby, witnessed the process of his accomplice being tortured and killed by Peter.

He was completely broken. He really could not take it anymore. He raised the rifle in his hand and emptied the magazine in Peter's direction. He was screaming and kept pulling the trigger without even properly aiming.


Peter used the bullet to free his soul.

The last felon that fell was also a hardened criminal. His entire body was trembling. His teeth couldn't help but chatter as gurgling sounds came from his mouth.

Suddenly, a demonic voice sounded in his ear.

"Are you very cold? Can I help you?"